Powerful Shortcuts Ode
Aimed At YOUR Very Core
Powerful shortcuts are continue to thrive,
because powerful shortcuts deliver no jive.
Each of these links and all their pages, were built by MisterShortcut in consecutive stages.
Each link proffers EyeCandy, Shapelinks, and more, all to bring shortcuts to your front door.
powerful shortcuts tend to solicit your best, in pursuit of your winning your greatest success.

Reach for the best inside of your soul, and let the Shortcuts Way of Living help make you whole.
The more than you learn, the more you will earn. The more you shall know, the more you dare grow.
Powerful shortcuts are just EyeCandy treats, MisterShortcut sure hopes you accept them as sweet.
True powerful shortcuts, by the score and more, t'was a hamburger hotlink at this page's core.

The Shortcuts Way of Living wants you to heed,
the people who repeatedly fulfilled their needs.
Go for yours, because you only get one life, friend.
You have wasted far more than enough of it, to date,
and there is no rhyme powerful enough to reinforce this.
So many tens of thousands of minutes stolen from yourself.
From this day forth let us see more
of what now rests upon your shelf.

Shhhhhh. Less talk and More action, capitalization intended.

Make the Shortcuts Way of Living fit YOUR goals and dreams.
Since you knew well the Shortcuts Way of Living as a child,
knowing how to ask persistently, let the child grow wild.

If you ask more people more times each, you win hugely.
From the world's first mega-polymath to you, it is a certitude.
This one master secret of the universe supercedes most others.
If your brain grasps these omnipotent master secrets, another:
We can only move toward our most dominant current thought.
Employing this PowerGem can easily double your results in a day.
You are promised FAR more control of your results in learning this.
Comprehending this is a vast power, moving far past typical success.
Comprehending this yields only a tiny piece of the power in using this.
If you know something in advance, you can use it repeatedly on purpose.
When your mind persistently references "powerful shortcuts," focus is established.
You can only move toward your most dominant current thought, so, go ahead and control it!
Life equivalency is found in knowing that we usually get what we expect, long-term.
So, by looking for powerful shortcuts whenever and wherever you can, you find them.
This works in every known field of human endeavor, including what you are doing.
"PowerGem" means it is a universal shortcut for any imaginable success efforts.
While we don't always get what we want, we DO tend to get what we expect.
Knowing in advance identifiably increases your power with every repeat.
It is UTTERLY dependent upon your repetition, a most magical secret.
Allight, let hand be set to another powerful shortcuts poem, and yes,
it is probably packed with "powerful shortcuts" references.

Powerful Shortcuts Poem #3:

Powerful shortcuts are really quite nice, because powerful shortcuts are even more useful than ice.
Unlike ice, powerful shortcuts cause no sword cuts, because powerful shortcuts are strictly great shortcuts.
Powerful shortcuts seven times for one hundred, powerful shortcuts for those filled with hunger.
To win and then to win, again and again, like world-renowned champion Jimmy Connors,
who know that great shortcuts in the pursuit of success demands using ethics and honor.
So click on EyeCandy food buttons, our powerful shortcuts, use them like good humans,
for the good guys who share, and do it quite cleanly,
are surely much less likely to be exhumed.

Welcome to the powerful shortcuts capital of the internet,
where shortcuts prove to empower success universally.
Laugh at yourself so as to accelerate your success.
What stands out the most can be illuminating.
Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk, for you.
Success is a vision kissed by a deadline.
Deadlines double your probabilities.