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Nothing's Impossible!   Secrets of Success

Remember when we were kids, and our parents, a relative, or perhaps a favorite elderly neighbor told us, "Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it?"

Well, it's taken me a long, long time to think of something substantial that is impossible: It's impossible to learn less about anything. No matter how hard we might try, we cannot learn less about how to raise our children; do our jobs, expand our vocabularies; or any other area of human endeavor. So why are most of us so unwilling to reach for an instruction manual, or a magazine that addresses a particular area, or to ask for help\advice from someone who is already better at it than we are? Let's be honest: Are all of us that happy with our performance levels? Vince Lombardi used to say, "The quality of our lives is in direct proportion to our commitment to excellence -- regardless of our field of endeavor."

Pat Riley has been repeatedly described as the most winning coach in NBA history. After barely losing the 1986 World Championship to the Boston Celtics, the Lakers hired Pat to be the team's coach. The players felt that they'd gieir best, & had squeezed out every last ounce of effort... yet had lost anyway. Pat's response? "Gentlemen, there are, as you know, five major areas of basketball play. Can each of you, superstars that you are, at superstar salaries, commit to increasing your performance just ONE percent in each of these five areas?" They agreed this was a reasonable goal for 12 of the world's greatest basketball players.

Pat noted that each player improving just 1% in each of the 5 areas would result in 12 men becoming 60% more effective as a team... and since 1% is such a tiny increase, you'd be correct in guessing that the actual improvement of each player was more than 1%: Every man on the team increased 5 to 50% in each area!! After the 1987 season was over, the new World Champions claimed it was their easiest year in memory. What's really powerful is the fact that, nearly 10 years later, Pat Riley is creating a similar environment with the Miami Heat basketball team: and they're winning!

Are you satisfied with your performance in all major areas of your life? Is your happiness, and that of your loved ones, worth 15 minutes out of a lifetime? Why not take a couple of blank sheets of paper, and creating columns on the paper, for these areas:

Physical Health
Financial Health
Social Life

Under each of these headings, produce just 10 suggestions for improving your performance and satisfaction in each area. Along with your ideas, ask someone who IS doing better than you in that particular area. Obviously, they're doing something right, and in most cases, they will be pleased that you think enough of them to ask; and will be happy to help... BUT DO IT TODAY !!!!

An astonishing total of 84 banks turned down Walter's idea of creating an animated feature before the main feature in movie theaters across the country. How impressive that he didn't stop after 4 banks turned him down, or even 40 banks, or 70 banks... or 84. Bank #85 lent him \$1500, he changed his puppet's name from Steamboat Willie to Mickey Mouse... and moved right into history. Walt Disney simply refused to quit.

There are tapes, books, movies, magazines, and more.... designed to help you to help yourself and those you care for. Friends, you can't possibly learn less about how to promote/increase your performance or your personal satisfaction in literally ANY area of your life. And since you and I will only have one go-round on the road of Life, aren't we... aren't YOU... worth at least a touch of excellence?

Henry Ford:
"I'm looking for people who are ignorant of what can't be done."

I assure you: excellence cannot occur accidentally;
it's all about a bit of aptitude, & a whole bunch of attitude.

After all, it is Attitude, NOT Aptitude...
that determines your Altitude.
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