naturopathic doctor in America. Designed by Mr-Shortcut

Shortcuts Way of Living of Leaders and Masters | by Mister Shortcut | EyeCandy and PowerGems free for your life

Empowering Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires w Mr-Shortcut - Free for YOUR Life

Welcome to the most empowering personal website on this particular planet. Shortcuts Way of Living of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead, from the empowering Mister Shortcut Eyecandy braincandy

You're visiting the single largest free website anywhere on the internet.
Think of it this way: all ten of the world's ten largest car companies,
all added up together, have websites that are only a fraction of the size of
The Shortcuts Way of Living.

The Shortcuts Way of Living is pretty well self-descriptive, isn't it?
In fact, you can accurately call this the Shortcuts Way of Living of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead.

You are one conditionally promised to develop accelerated results in your goals involving wealth and health.
Let there be no doubt in your mind that such accelerated results are not only possible, they are being achieved DAILY
by many hundreds of thousands.... and more hundreds of thousands of human beings who are focused on... you guess it...
accelerated results.   Whatever it is that you focus on the most,
you can be unconditionally certain that you will move towards the object of your focus.
That unconditionality is matched by the one-condition nature of these PowerGems:

These one million pages comprise and constitute the largest free website we're likely to find,
along with being the largest shortcuts website and websites in the world,
the Largest Personal Website On The Internet, and most assuredly the largest empowerment website, largest empowerment and success shortcuts website, that will ever, in all likelihood,
ever be created.

The most interesting bit of information, or braggadocio, if you will, is saved for last,
as a special reminder that you can do anything you set your mind to.

All one-million-plus of these unique web pages have been designed, created, edited, united, uploaded, and promoted,
by a single pair of hands.   Absolutely committed to resolving global hunger because an empty stomach is a horrible, unnecessarily evil thing to experience,
and little children just don't understand what they did wrong that they're being punished with no food, for days and weeks on end,
to the tune of 24,000 people, that's twenty-four thousand individual breathing people,
who die every single day from malnutrition or starvation.

That's disgusting.

Worse, it's criminal, when you consider that no less than seventy percent of all the cash on earth is owned or controlled by less than 500 human beings.

Make a difference today, please.       Feed someone who's hungrier than you.

Maybe you'll even become an actual saint to future generations, by going so far as to put one hundred dollars into the bank or a savings bond,
with instructions that neither interest nor principle be touched for 200 years, and then used to feed hungry people.
That hundred will become billions, and all because of you. Please don't be foolish enough to think that you'll go unrewarded.

It is impossible for the Universe to ignore action. See Newton's Third Law of Physics if you're unsure.

Sorry to say, there will always be greedy people. Make a difference today. I built you a one million pages of excellence,
a thousand separate websites in order to make sure that you would get here today, to this sentence at this moment in time.

I did it because I believe you're better than others, and have the seeds of greatness in you.
I have bet my fortune and my very life and freedom that you will be smart enough to see that the attitudes, the words, and the actions of
our role models, whom we refer to as masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead,
are their best shortcuts, their most powerfully effective shortcuts to success.

There is every reason to see that they will also work for you, in as little as the next few minutes or days,
provided you have the intelligence to just use them with all of your heart and soul.

Faster, higher, better results achieved approximately one hundred percent of the time.

As always, there is one condition.

These greatest shortcuts to success, these PowerGems of our masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead,
only work when they are used, repeatedly.

Invisible Airplanes The Shortcuts Way of Living Of Highly Accomplished Humans
Ben Rich understood the Shortcuts Way of Living. How and why you succeed faster with shortcuts of masters, millionaires. Secrets of achieving succeeding, health wealth. Remember 911day

More Free Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires PowerGems

You're visiting the single largest free website we're likely to see today.
Think of it this way: all ten of the world's ten largest car companies,
all added up together, have websites that are only a fraction of the size of The Shortcuts Way of Living.

It's all about you, and how YOU can and will succeed faster with shortcuts.
Not just any shortcuts, rather, the great shortcuts, the greatest and most effective shortcuts,
right up to the best shortcuts to success of all time.

They are comprised of the wisdom and words, the attitudes and actions of those who do it best of all:
world-class champions.

The Shortcuts Way of Living, rich with wealth shortcuts and more,
and the Shortcuts Way of Living, focusing on living stronger for longer,
are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity

and produced for you in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Shortcuts Way of Living is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are innovations and creations of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach

More eye candy and brain candy from Masters and Millionaires. Free for YOUR life.

Shortcuts of 5200 Masters and Millionaires interviewed one at a time - PowerGems- Mr Shortcuts
The best shortcuts of 5200 masters and millionaires interviewed one at a time. PowerGems - high-powered shortcuts with MisterShortcut.

Contents page LVI for Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts to Success
Too large for a score of index pages - each SiteMap is divided in pieces - each a huge chunk of the Shortcuts Way of Living.
When you consider how many shortcuts you have already used, how many shortcuts you now use,
these success shortcuts will prove to be easy for you. Reach for more and life will grant you more. Ask for more.
Role models know what they're doing in matters of success. Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts to Success. The Shortcuts Way of Living.

More Eye Candy and Brain Candy from Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts
More eye candy and braincandy from Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts. Free for YOUR life.

Achieve More with PowerGems - Shortcuts from Masters Millionaires and Mr Shortcuts - Self-improvement empowerment shortcuts

Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts Largest Personal website On The Internet With 989 websites By the busy MisterShortcut
How to succeed faster with shortcuts of winners | The Shortcuts Way of Living

Shortcuts Way of Living Of Highly Accomplished Humans Champions Billionaires Mr Shortcuts Success Tips
The Shortcuts Way of Living of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires. Secrets of success - how to succceed faster. Effective shortcuts, golden losers

The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life Is The Largest Personal Website On The Internet With 989 websites By MrShortcut of Masters and Millionaires
The Shortcuts Way of Living is the largest personal website on the internet. All created by Mr-Shortcut... 989 websites all from one pair of hands for you. High-powered shortcuts. PowerGems of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires

One free copy of the most powerful book in America Shortcuts to Success - how to achieve more
One free copy of the most powerful book in America. Shortcuts Way of Living of masters and millionaires. Fast high-powered shortcuts.>

More Shortcuts Way of Living From masters and champions - role models
More of the exciting Shortcuts Way of Living of masters millionaires, champions and billionaires. Become a master faster with shortcuts.

The Wonderful Shortcuts Way of Living Of Highly Accomplished Humans Champions and Billionaires from MrShortcut
The amazingly accelerated world of shortcuts. This is the Shortcuts Way of Living of our greatest role models, our champions billionaires, masters and millionaires.

Join the Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires - with MisterShortcut, the Godfather of EyeCandy and Shapelinks
989 websites. One pair of hands. The Shortcuts Way of Living, largest self-empowerment site online, compliments of Mr Shortcuts and your Shortcuts Way of Living.

Shortcuts Way of Living from Winners and Leaders and Honest Role Models with Mr Shortcuts Largest Personal website
Welcome to the largest free website on the internet. The Shortcuts Way of Living from Masters Millionaires,Champions Billionaires.

The Best Box of Chocolate Candy In The World - EyeCandy and PowerGems by MisterShortcut
EyeCandy Capital of This Galaxy Welcomes You to the Shortcuts Way of Living

Effective Shortcuts of masters and millionaires champions and billionaires | Mr Shortcuts Self-improvement empowerment How to Succeed
MisterShortcut brings you the most powerful, effective shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions billionaires. Free for your life. Accelerated results.

More Shortcuts Way of Living of Champions Billionaires Masters Millionaires with MisterShortcut, the Godfather of EyeCandy
More Fast Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires. Become a master faster. Accelerated results with PowerGems

Hundreds of Thousands of Masters and Millionaires know how to achieve more Using Shortcuts Way of Living - Self-empowerment
Hundreds of thousands of masters and millionaires cannot be wrong. Succeed faster with success shortcuts. Self-improvement, faster achievement, PowerGems, MrShortcut sharing the most effective success shortcuts to succeed faster


More wonderful eye candy and brain candy from Masters and Millionaires. Free for YOUR life.

Eye Candy Capital of the World from Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires
Eye candy capital of the world, compliments of Mr-Shortcut and the Shortcuts Way of Living.

Tour Entry Page for the Shortcuts Way of Living Of Highly Accomplished Humans Champions Billionaires

You're visiting the single largest free website we're likely to see today.
Think of it this way: all ten of the world's ten largest car companies,
all added up together, have websites that are only a fraction of the size of
The Shortcuts Way of Living.

The Shortcuts Way of Living is pretty well self-descriptive, isn't it?
In fact, you can accurately call this the Shortcuts Way of Living of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead.

You are one conditionally promised to develop accelerated results in your goals involving wealth and health.
Let there be no doubt in your mind that such accelerated results are not only possible, they are being achieved DAILY
by many hundreds of thousands.... and more hundreds of thousands of human beings who are focused on... you guess it...
accelerated results.   Whatever it is that you focus on the most,
you can be unconditionally certain that you will move towards the object of your focus.
That unconditionality is matched by the one-condition nature of these PowerGems:

These one million pages comprise and constitute the largest free website we're likely to see today, as well as the largest shortcuts website and websites in the world,
the Largest Personal Website On The Internet, and most assuredly the largest empowerment website, largest empowerment and success shortcuts website, that will ever, in all likelihood,
ever be created.

The most interesting bit of information, or braggadocio, if you will, is saved for last,
as a special reminder that you can do anything you set your mind to.

All one-million-plus of these unique web pages have been designed, created, edited, collectivized, uploaded, and promoted,
by a single pair of hands.   Absolutely committed to resolving global hunger because an empty stomach is a horrible, horrible thing to experience,
and little children just don't understand what they did wrong that they're being punished with no food, for days and weeks on end,
to the tune of 24,000 people, that's twenty-four thousand individual breathing people,
who die every single day from malnutrition or starvation.

That's disgusting.

Worse, it's criminal, when you consider that no less than seventy percent of all the cash on earth is owned or controlled by less than 500 human beings.

Make a difference today, please.       Feed someone who's hungrier than you.

Maybe you'll even become an actual saint to future generations, by going so far as to put one hundred dollars into the bank or a savings bond,
with instructions that neither interest nor principle be touched for 200 years, and then used to feed hungry people.
That hundred will become billions, and all because of you. Please don't be foolish enough to think that you'll go unrewarded.

It is impossible for the Universe to ignore action. See Newton's Third Law of Physics if you're unsure.

Sorry to say, there will always be greedy people. Make a difference today. I built you a one million pages of excellence,
a thousand separate websites in order to make sure that you would get here today, to this sentence at this moment in time.

I did it because I believe you're better than others, and have the seeds of greatness in you.
I have bet my fortune and my very life and freedom that you will be smart enough to see that the attitudes, the words, and the actions of
our role models, whom we refer to as masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead,
are their best shortcuts, their most powerfully effective shortcuts to success.

There is every reason to see that they will also work for you, in as little as the next few minutes or days,
provided you have the intelligence to just use them with all of your heart and soul.

Faster, higher, better results achieved approximately one hundred percent of the time.

As always, there is one condition.

These greatest shortcuts to success, these PowerGems of our masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead,
only work when they are used, repeatedly.

Touring Pages From Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires | by Mister Shortcut
Prettiest website on earth. Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts award-winning web pages. Eyecandy and braincandy. Free for YOUR life.

Penny Bodyscan Testimonial - Longevity Zen of Health - Penny - Self-Healing

You're visiting the single largest free website we're likely to see today.
Think of it this way: all ten of the world's ten largest car companies,
all added up together, have websites that are only a fraction of the size of
The Shortcuts Way of Living.

As you may have noticed at most of the major search engines, the following sentence is made up words that are hyperdominant towards only one website of more than 90,000,000 websites currently up and running:
The Shortcuts Way of Living of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead is the largest success website either of us is likely to see today,
with the best shortcuts, the greatest shortcuts of masters and champions - role models and all winners, on how to succeed faster with shortcuts, and remembering 911day with tributes: 911day photographs and movies, with Mr-Shortcut MisterShortcut.

Referring again to that sentence, take any two or three words in that sentence, type those two words or three into any major search engine, and you will find that the Shortcuts Way of Living and all of the Masters and Millionaires websites, are not merely IN the top 100, which is an uncommon enough feat for 99% of all web pages, rather, they are almost ALL of the top 100 (and even top 1000) listings and rankings in all of the world's major search engines.

It's never been done before, and it's unlikely that it will ever be allowed again. Thankfully, they're all here for your life,
and focused on you, so there's a fair chance that the search engines may allow this to continue for some time as a service to the world.

It's all about you, and how YOU can and will succeed faster with shortcuts.
Not just any shortcuts, rather, the great shortcuts, the greatest and most effective shortcuts,
right up to the best shortcuts to success of all time.

They are comprised of the wisdom and words, the attitudes and actions of those who do it best of all:
world-class champions.

This newspaper article about the Bodyscan reads like a testimonial. Bodyscans providing fast, accurate biofeedback information. Sixteen thousand substances and toxins identified in minutes.

NUTRI-SPEC and Bodyscan May Be YOUR Healthiest and Best Nutrition Plan | Nutri-Spec
Nutrispec is the immune boosting, energy expanding healthier alternative to best nutrition. Welcome to the healthiest website on earth.

Nutrition and Exercise

Healthiest Website?
YOU decide if the Shortcuts Way of Living is indeed "the world's healthiest website"
This site is so huge that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another Mr-Shortcut website of empowerment, joy, and, of course, EyeCandy

One of the great features of the Shortcuts Way of Living is MrShortcut's reading many hundreds of books on the subject of healing allopathically versus naturopathically, and seeing that any healing discipline that works from the outside in, such as pharmaceutical medicines is, by definition and nature, alternative medicince.

Primary medicine is, of course, natural medicine; that which we were either born with, or occurs in nature without man's alterations.
As many of Man's alterations have been beneficial,
the deadly effects of most of them are not denied by scholars or pragmatic thinkers.

Simply stated, if it's from the ground, you can find a way to bring human benefit with it.
What you do with in the process is where the two tines of the fork go in different directions from their common base.

Because more than four thousand Americans are effectively murdered each WEEK in the U.S. because of medical error,
The Shortcuts Way of Living was born. Encompassing many hundreds of thousands of pagesby Mr-Shortcut,
they are also free for your life, as are all of the "Psychology of _________" websites built for you by Mr-Shortcut.

Whether or not the Shortcuts Way of Living fulfills the claims of being "the world's healthiest website,"
as well as healthiest website on the internet, and so forth, is ultimately up to you to decide.
What's far more important is for you personally to help reduce, by at least ONE,
the thousands of deaths every single week in and week out that are directly due to medical error and doctor negligence.

There is no acceptable defense for these obscene numbers, with every month seeing the equivalent of several 911days, month after month after month.

It is even more criminal than the heinous attacks with airplanes, because the deaths are absolutely NOT necessary deaths;
they are NOT acceptable in any degree, and can be avoided. Over 200,000 deaths in the US each year from medical error and negligence.
Wake UP! How many of those four thousand who were killed this week would have told you they believed they woul be one of such victims?
How many of LAST WEEK'S four thousand victims would have told you they believed it could happen to them?
HEY! What about next week's four thousand victims?

Learn how to heal naturally.

You are the final arbiter of the success of this mission. You can help prove Dr. Cohen correct by living stronger,
and living stronger for longer,
with or without the help of the Shortcuts Way of Living.

Go ahead, heal naturally!
Learn more in order to live more!

For those who have already benefited, the votes for "healthiest website" are obviously appreciated,
and will be even more appreciated when you pass the best techniques or ideas, supplements or dietary tips,
on to the next generation of new people.   Whatever works best for you, SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE.   MAKE the effort to tell someone.

Whether it's from the Shortcuts Way of Living, or just from your own practical experience,
nothing can change the fact that your experience does have value. It is critical that you pass on the best of what you've learned,
pass on to those who will follow. Save them the time and grief you've experienced learning your best lessons.
Wise fellow was heard to say,
  "The only time we should look down on someone    
    is when we're reaching down to offer a hand up."

That's valid enough to be included here as a gentle, and still firm reminder that the best that's inside of you
just seems to come out more when you're helping other people; and I do mean best inside of YOU personally.

We do hope that, physically and otherwise, you'll end up living stronger and living longer,
living healthier and happier, as a result of what some believe is the world's healthiest website,
The Shortcuts Way of Living, part of MrShortcut's wonderful world of Masters and Millionaires,
The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health

The Most Well-Read Human In History Presents The Most Effective Shortcuts Way of Living
From the most well-read human in history - 17000 books and counting - shortcuts to success of masters and millionaires - Here is the final ruby, secret of living longer, better.

ABCs of Natural Oregano - Pain killers Antioxidants Antiparasitic Antifungal and Natural Germicidal
Natural pain killers. No drugs, no surgery, and far less pain using naturopathic remedies such as oil of oregano for enormous pain relief.

Bodyscan Testimonial - Patty - Bodyscan2010 - accurate biofeedback device

Learn more about healing naturally, so that you may educate yourself
in order to gain greater Longevity . Living stronger, living longer, are as much about your decisions
as they are a function of external circumstances. We can and do tend to live longer when we heal naturally,
so it simply makes sense to learn more.... in order to live more.
We've done it all for you.

Open Letter To The Elected Politicians of America
Open letter to all US elected Representatives, Congressmen and Senators in re 911day. Open letter to Congress and Senate in hope of finding better candidates. 911day honest servants.

Without ever telling a lie, pretend you're wealthy
No Description

The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life of Masters and Millionaires - PowerGems and Mr-Shortcut - MrShortcut890
shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires. MrShortcut890

Power of Focus via Shortcuts Way of Living from Masters and Millionaires Self-Empowerment
Effective power of focus with the Shortcuts Way of Living. Free copy of the most powerful book in America. MrShortcut302

How To Use Food As Medicine and Protection | Largest Naturopathic website on Earth | MrShortcut Again
Naturopathically Healing with the Shortcuts Way of Living, one of the top doctor of naturopathic approaches in the US. Living longer healthier with the Shortcuts Way of Living. Champions Billionaires Masters Millionaires shortcuts. Mrshortcut.

How to Quit Smoking - Quit Smoking Permanently
No Description

BioSyntony Healing Techniques from MrShortcut - Excellent Longevity Zen of Health - No Drugs No Surgery
The Therapeutic Benefits of Biosyntony - Shortcuts Way of Living - MrShortcut. Heal naturally with the Shortcuts Way of Living

Kaelan Testimonial Regarding of Bodyscan and Bodyscan2010 Naturopathic Healing Naturally

Healthiest Website?
YOU decide if the Shortcuts Way of Living is indeed "the world's healthiest website"
This site is so huge that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another MrShortcut website of empowerment, joy, and, of course, EyeCandy

One of the great features of the Shortcuts Way of Living is MrShortcut's reading many hundreds of books on the subject of healing allopathically versus naturopathically, and seeing that any healing discipline that works from the outside in, such as pharmaceutical medicines is, by definition and nature, alternative medicince.

Primary medicine is, of course, natural medicine; that which we were either born with, or occurs in nature without man's alterations.
As many of Man's alterations have been beneficial,
the deadly effects of most of them are not denied by scholars or pragmatic thinkers.

Simply stated, if it's from the ground, you can find a way to bring human benefit with it.
What you do with in the process is where the two tines of the fork go in different directions from their common base.

Because more than four thousand Americans are effectively murdered each WEEK in the U.S. because of medical error,
The Shortcuts Way of Living was born. Encompassing many hundreds of thousands of pagesby Mr-Shortcut,
they are also free for your life, as are all of the "Psychology of _________" websites built for you by Mr-Shortcut.

Whether or not the Shortcuts Way of Living fulfills the claims of being "the world's healthiest website,"
as well as healthiest website on the internet, and so forth, is ultimately up to you to decide.
What's far more important is for you personally to help reduce, by at least ONE,
the thousands of deaths every single week in and week out that are directly due to medical error and doctor negligence.

There is no acceptable defense for these obscene numbers, with every month seeing the equivalent of several 911days, month after month after month.

It is even more criminal than the heinous attacks with airplanes, because the deaths are absolutely NOT necessary deaths;
they are NOT acceptable in any degree, and can be avoided. Over 200,000 deaths in the US each year from medical error and negligence.
Wake UP! How many of those four thousand who were killed this week would have told you they believed they woul be one of such victims?
How many of LAST WEEK'S four thousand victims would have told you they believed it could happen to them?
HEY! What about next week's four thousand victims?

Learn how to heal naturally.

You are the final arbiter of the success of this mission. You can help prove Dr. Cohen correct by living stronger,
and living stronger for longer,
with or without the help of the Shortcuts Way of Living.

Go ahead, heal naturally!
Learn more in order to live more!

For those who have already benefited, the votes for "healthiest website" are obviously appreciated,
and will be even more appreciated when you pass the best techniques or ideas, supplements or dietary tips,
on to the next generation of new people.   Whatever works best for you, SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE.   MAKE the effort to tell someone.

Whether it's from the Shortcuts Way of Living, or just from your own practical experience,
nothing can change the fact that your experience does have value. It is critical that you pass on the best of what you've learned,
pass on to those who will follow. Save them the time and grief you've experienced learning your best lessons.
Wise fellow was heard to say,
  "The only time we should look down on someone    
    is when we're reaching down to offer a hand up."

That's valid enough to be included here as a gentle, and still firm reminder that the best that's inside of you
just seems to come out more when you're helping other people; and I do mean best inside of YOU personally.

We do hope that, physically and otherwise, you'll end up living stronger and living longer,
living healthier and happier, as a result of what some believe is the world's healthiest website,
The Shortcuts Way of Living, part of MrShortcut's wonderful world of Masters and Millionaires,
The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health

These greatest shortcuts to success, these PowerGems of our masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead,
only work when they are used, repeatedly.

the best shortcuts of role models and champions, the best shortcuts of winners, to accelerate your results.
Accelerated results are easily achieved for those who heed the PowerGems of winners.

Another Master links Page For The Largest Personal Website On The Internet
No Description

Biggest Fraud in U.S. History | Reed Elsevier Crushes Competition with Millions in Bribes | Hidden US Government Scandals
Reed Elsevier again corrupted US government officials to crush the largest executive club in history which dwarfed Reed Elsevier. The trial you never heard about

US Doctors Are The Third Largest Cause of Death in America | FDA- and NIH-certified facts
US govt documents thousands of Americans killed every week by doctor and or pharmaceutical error alone. Protect your health with the Shortcuts Way of Living, with MisterShortcut.