Do not be surprised to learn that you're at the PowerGems Capital of the Internet

What are PowerGems?
PowerGems are self-descriptive.
A powerful gem of instant wisdom.
The kind that works about every time.
PowerGems are the reason for being here.
PowerGems create the Shortcuts Way of Living
Are you ready for the most singular experience of a lifetime?
Only one human gets to be the best on earth for any given period of time.
This promises to be a unique experience for you, since it’s not been done before.
Put away your credit cards; your money’s no good here, occasional hosting if you like.
The basic purpose of the Shortcuts Way of Living is to teach you the shortcuts to wealth.
If you want to call them the secrets of wealth, go ahead, although they’re not all that secret.
more than one million unique pages here prove that your PowerGems are not close to secret.
"Secret" means hidden from view.  Although you may pick up a few new techniques, approaches,
be clear up front that the Shortcuts Way of Living does not make you wealthy quickly: YOU do,
employing the greatest success shortcuts of all time, the success shortcuts of masters and millionaires.
The central foundation of it all is your desire, the gasoline to fuel these magnificently successful shortcuts
Over and over again, more than five thousand and two hundred individual sets of perfect proof for us:
masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead. Those who do it the best know it the best.
Never before in human history has one person absorbed more than ten thousand books.
Never before in history has one person created more than a million unique documents.
This is your chance to shut up your mouth and prove you can be all that.
You have the tools; the Shortcuts Way of Living harpens them.
Thousands of us have used these shortcuts many times each.
Your use of the Shortcuts Way of Living is the test.
Your life provides the answer and the proof.
Those who do better know better.
Everything else is chatter.
Shortcuts accelerated.

The Longevity Zen of Health and the Shortcuts Way of Living,
packed with self-empowering gems of wisdom we call "PowerGems,"
is free for your life, for a reason: you're worth it.

Mr Shortcut I     Mr Shortcut II     Mr Shortcuts III     Mr-Shortcuts IV     Mr Shortcut V     Mr Shortcuts VI    

Mr-Shortcut XVIII     Mr Shortcuts XIX     Mr-Shortcut XX    

Mr-Shortcuts XXI     Mr-Shortcut XXII    

PowerGems here and PowerGems over there,
PowerGems are made for those who care.
You see PowerGems work best, they really do, for those
who hold interest
in other's truths,

PowerGems, like magic geniis, serve without redoubt,
PowerGems, like young James Dean, can tell what it's all about.

For reasons not known nor explained to you,
PowerGems work best for souls in sky blue.
There's something afoot, when PowerGems are good,
for they light up each path quick and surely.
they open the gates, faster than fates,
PowerGems redound and reciprocate,
most to those who live and sleep purely.
Yes, there's that catch, to PowerGems' strength,
it's not for those who look away,
the mark of compassion is matched with gains,
by the roll of each PowerGems sway.

Use your Shortcuts Way of Living to help others... NO CHARGE
YOU Are Saving - Feeding The Starving
Big-hearted sponsors of (no relation to us) perform many miracles every single day.
At last count, these great givers have been buying growing thousands of cups of food each day.
That's not for each year! Thanks to YOU, far more than any other audience on the planet,
many thousands of cups of food per hour are generated one click at a time, by you.
The Shortcuts Way of Living has always supported this magnificent task,
generating new and well-earned business while helping human beings.
Please click through every single day to save a life every day.
You are making this the most successful of all such tries,
out-performing every other food drive in history.
You have earned the most "thank you's".
You have become saviors of earth,
of all starving children.
Thank you so much!

What are PowerGems?
PowerGems are self-empowering.
PowerGems as engaged by those who do.
PowerGems are the reason we choose to be here.
PowerGems ARE the Shortcuts Way of Living
Without a doubt, PowerGems cannot be from one person.
In defining "universal shortcuts", two points are abundantly clear.
"Universal" means that PowerGems work for all people in all situations.
"Shortcuts " means that PowerGems help you get there faster than without them.
The proof of PowerGems is in the results, as it is with every imaginable human effort.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is about working PowerGems of masters,
not from your point of view forwards, which isn't working now.

The Shortcuts Way of Living tarts at the finish line,
You begin on the finish line next to the masters,
working backw to where yo're standing now.
It's that easy to accelerate your results.
PowerGems are universally helpful.
PowerGems work for all humans.
PowerGems will work for you.
That's guaranteed to you,
by the best on earth.
PowerGems work.
Use them.

Your use of the Shortcuts Way of Living is the test.
Your life provides the answer and the proof.
Those who do better know better.
Everything else is chatter.
Shortcuts accelerated.


What are PowerGems?
PowerGems are self-engagaing.
PowerGems exploited by those who do.
PowerGems are the reason we find you here.
PowerGems underly the Shortcuts Way of Living
As you can see, PowerGems are not a singular perspective.
Seeking a definition for "universal shortcuts", we make two points.
"Universal" means that PowerGems work for all people in all situations.
"Shortcuts " means that PowerGems help you get there faster than without them.
The proof of PowerGems is in the results, as it is with every imaginable human effort.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is about working PowerGems of masters,
not from your point of view forwards, which isn't working now.

The Shortcuts Way of Living tarts at the finish line,
You begin on the finish line next to the masters,
working backw to where yo're standing now.
It's that easy to accelerate your results.
PowerGems are universally helpful.
PowerGems work for all humans.
PowerGems will work for you.
That's guaranteed to you,
by the best on earth.
PowerGems work,
so work them.

PowerGems of Newton, PowerGems of Euclid, too,
the PowerGems of Einstein run just as straight and true.
Each and all of our greatest minds,
have PowerGems they use in kind,
PowerGems of genius are the PowerGems that lead us,
to the open places in your mind,
wherein that dream may still reside,
All to catch an open ear, to assuage the disemboweling fear. PowerGems will guide you there, since PowerGems by their definition share,
the fastest ways inside the opened door. PowerGems glide the way when you dare,
PowerGems of Henry Ford, changed a nation's world,
PowerGems of Thomas Alva, whom history hurled,
with force of a PowerGem, so will you,
with the purity displayed by Sun Tzu, too.