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The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land,
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Shortcuts Way of Living EyeCandy Dove - Genius Artist Not Known - Delicious MisterShortcut is pleased to bring you the largest source of shortcuts anywhere in the world via the Shortcuts Way of Living
All 1,089 Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites are by the hand of MisterShortcut... for your life

The Longevity Zen of Health does not diagnose or cure diseases.

This body of information and opinions are based on natural successes,
based on those approaches and supplements
that have proven most successful in helping us regain our natural balance.

These many millions of pages are free for your life,
with the admonition not to do anything significant in your life,
NOW or EVER, without consulting with those doing it best among us.
with reminders that consultation does NOT mean letting someone else
make life-and-death decisions without your knowledge and consent.
There is no shame in asking two, even three or a dozen professionals for opinions.
Looking at how a human lives, luxuriously or simply, is often enough to give a good hint.

There are great professionals out there. Your job is tell the difference!

Stop leaving critical decisions in the hands of others without multiple opinions.
It really is that simple, and with so many excellent internet resources,
you have no excuse for not learning more about what ails YOU.

The Longevity Zen of Health is offered to inform readers who have a specific interest in alternative treatments
Humans have proven that for every known human disorder, there are effective natural remedies.

Learn more in order to live more. PARTICIPATE in the decision-making process.
What you used to think was highly technical becomes very real when it hits home.
What you used to think was too technical becomes very accessible when it affects one personally.

Raise YOURSELF With Your Own Longevity Zen of Health

Raise your life instantly with the shortcuts of long-lived people.
Let us all show skill in grasping the value of the food chain's roof.

It is nothing less than critical and fabulous to become aware,
because no drug, no healer, no magic potions cure anybody.

No doctor, no particular bit of substance can cure or heal,
or even, when you get down to scientific certainty, even treat us.
Each and every one of them, both good and bad, serious and risible,
can only, at best, help us to help ourselves to heal ourselves, naturally.
If you eat nucleotides, most basic building blocks of every cell you have,
you take most all the weight from your immune system, letting it do its job.
You may THINK that the nucleotides reduced healing time by two-thirds.
Thinking it does not make it so; it only advances its latent potential.
Every health challenge but death itself has top-level natural fixes.
Understanding this may be the healthiest decision of your life.
The views expressed herein are mostly those of the author,
who proves to be the most well-read human of all time,
averaging a book or more per day from 1968 onwards.
Record-breaking recitation of thousands of Pi digits,
or crafting a dream into high-speed achievement,
let yourself benefit from the collected wisdom.
Those who do the best tend to know the best.
Why continue at your present level of life,
if you desire one with a tad more quality,
perhaps an increase in your quantities?
Develop your wealth with the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Make it healthier by embracing your Longevity Zen of Health.
Foolish is the one who thinks of each or any day as just another day.
Wisdom is where YOU head when you recognize 86,400 opportunities per day.
When you take back a thousand seconds, you get 1,000 unique opportunities to excel.
You are absolutely promised in increase in your I.Q. when you use this secret just 100 times.
Until you have broken more hundreds of world records than MisterShortcut continually does, shh.
MisterShortcut, repeatedly crippled and medically dead, looking like a child of his schoolmates.
Luck is Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. That has been the great luck of MisterShortcut.
Those who pioneer show why your opinion will repeatedly prove to be the best of many.
invest the majority of all the seconds that you do something into one more percent.


Yes, yes, the word is used twice in the same sentence on the opposite sides of a comma.
The ease of replacing it was superceded by the opportunity to nail your tail to the wall.
The sentence was crafted thusly less for ShapeTalk than to provide proof of unfocus.
Stop looking at what is wrong, what is missing, and focus your mind on resolution.
Focus less on what's wrong, so you can empower yourself to focus on what works.
How many great C.E.O.'s have all of us, together, seen blowing their stack...
with the words,
"Stop telling me what's wrong. I know what's wrong.
Tell me what you are doing now to fix it."

Ladies and bumblebees,
NOW is not synonymous with tomorrow.

MisterShortcut believes one single, single, let's say it again,
single most provable reason for breaking many records while you don't:
Unlike you, MisterShortcut believes that "now" is not synonymous with "tomorrow."
This, too, is a delicious master secret of the universe accessible by none other than YOU.
The Shortcuts Way of Living cannot fail us. We can only fail to use the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Ignore those who tell why you cannot, so you can find some of the MANY ways you CAN.
There is at least one thing you claim to be great at. When do you get better at it?
Please accept assurances that your words have no value to us, including you,
until we obtain the inspiring privilege of seeing you do it one percent better.