exist because knowing more leads to better decisions and better results.
Every generation shows us to have a quirky group of people who produce at high levels,
while determined to channel the fruits of such production less to themselves and more to others.
One does not need to be a Mother Theresa or Paul Newman to master the most powerful strategies for success,
This is an absolute fact of life, and has not changed throughout all of human history.
For reasons best explored elsewhere, the majority of people act selfishly first,
and then consider helping others. That's a start, one worth building on.
The more you include the impact of your actions on others,
the more you will realize that everything is reciprocal.
Whatever you choose to do or not do today,
is GUARANTEED to have consequences.
Mutual consequences.

More than ever before,
in order to benefit you and yours,
the time has come to recognize that your interest is mine,
that my interests feed and nourish the results in your own life.
As the world operates evermore interactively, shrinking vast distances,
those who produce at high levels with mutual interest at heart end up with the most success,
enjoying personal comforts and pleasures while provisioning the future of their children and grandchildren,
leaving so much to be invested into helping those who are having trouble helping themselves and their children.

This method of superceding greed for bags of money with desire to serve and empower assures the greatest success.
The Shortcuts Way of Living exists because the more you learn, the more and better you can live... and give.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is free for your life because the vastness of its power is already in you.
Your very life and the hundreds of tasks you have already masterered,
your wins and losses and the times that you give up or persevere,
these are all avatars of The Shortcuts Way of Living,
How little or great your results become,
are now and forever tied to you,
to your thoughts and actions,
based on what you do
in the next minute.
The Shortcuts Way of Living
Are we having fun yet?     Designing and creating all these Shapelinks and the EyeCandy has wonderful,
if only because of the possibility of associating the pleasures of the Shortcuts Way of Living with education.

At the end of it all, the value of the Shortcuts Way of Living is determined less by how much food we raise,
and even less by how much you like the Shapelinks and EyeCandy, than how much you "get" the PowerGems.
The first order of business is understanding that what you do today affects tomorrow hugely.
Empowering effect or disempowering, there are no neutrals, it is now and always on you.
What you do speaks so loudly we cannot hear a word you say.  Knowledge is NOT power;
it is nothing more, and nothing less, than potential power, until it is employed.
It is the USE of knowledge that is defined in our dictionary as power.

Do more with what you know. You are assured of benefiting enormously,
and yes, money is one of many fringe benefits of repeat daily actions.
When we add the acceleration factor of any and all PowerGems,
every single human is assured of measurably better results,
with LESS effort, less time, and fewer expenses.
The Shortcuts Way of Living works purely,
and cannot distinguish between races,
nor religions or sexes or nations.
The Shortcuts Way of Living.
Created for you, friend,
because you're worth it.

Are we having fun yet? Creating Shapelinks and so much EyeCandy has been enjoyable.
Ultimately, the value of the Shortcuts Way of Living is determined less by how many cups of food we raise,
and even less by how much you like the Shapelinks and EyeCandy than how much you "get" the idea of PowerGems.
The highest order of business is understanding that what you do today has an identifiable effect tomorrow.
Good effect or bad, it's all on you, always will be.
What you do speaks so loudly we cannot hear a word you say.

Do more with what you know, because you're assured of collecting hugely.
This attitude leads not once, instead, repeatedly, to results:
the biggest and best payoffs of your life.
exist because knowing more leads to better decisions and better results.
Every generation shows us to have a quirky group of people who produce at high levels,
while determined to channel the fruits of such production less to themselves and more to others.
One does not need to be a Mother Theresa or Paul Newman to master the most powerful strategies for success,
This is an absolute fact of life, and has not changed throughout all of human history.
For reasons best explored elsewhere, the majority of people act selfishly first,
and then consider helping others. That's a start, one worth building on.
The more you include the impact of your actions on others,
the more you will realize that everything is reciprocal.
Whatever you choose to do or not do today,
is GUARANTEED to have consequences.
Mutual consequences.

More than ever before,
in order to benefit you and yours,
the time has come to recognize that your interest is mine,
that my interests feed and nourish the results in your own life.
As the world operates evermore interactively, shrinking vast distances,
those who produce at high levels with mutual interest at heart end up with the most success,
enjoying personal comforts and pleasures while provisioning the future of their children and grandchildren,
leaving so much to be invested into helping those who are having trouble helping themselves and their children.
This method of supplanting greed for bags of money with desire to serve and empower assures the greatest success.
The Shortcuts Way of Living exists because the more you learn, the more and better you can live... and give.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is free for your life because the vastness of its power is already in you.
Your very life and the hundreds of tasks you have already masterered,
your wins and losses and the times that you give up or persevere,
these are all avatars of The Shortcuts Way of Living,
How little or great your results become,
are now and forever tied to you,
to your thoughts and actions,
based on what you do
in the next minute.