Did Someone Say "Leave Billions To Charity Via The Shortcuts Way of Living?"

How to leave billions to charity?
YES, how to leave billions to charity.
There is a Shortcuts Way of Living in you.
It yearns and burns to succeed at world class.
What has been done before can be done by you.
The Shortcuts Way of Living requires understanding.
Not complicated understanding, simple understanding.
When you double your money 10x, you have 1000x more.

When you double your money ten times, without spending profit,
you end up with more than a thousand times what you began with.

Even if that does not make sense, it is pure truth.
The Shortcuts Way of Living invites you to use time.
Regaining wasted thousands of seconds gets you rich.
Use the time that you are here and the time beyond you.
Read this Shapetalk PowerGems repeatedly, going deeper,
this Shapetalk PowerGem carries more than you see just yet.
The wonders of compounded interest add up hugely over time.
Look beyond first meanings to rapidly develop lifelong wisdom.
Each birthday, set aside 100, not disbursable for twenty decades.
The growth reaches up into the billions, sweet charitable billions.
The opportunity to give on such vast scales should not escape you,
nor can you escape the inevitable proofs of Newton's Third Law.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so plant your seeds well.
The actions you repeat most often comprise YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living.
You can leave billions, and more billions to charity, with simple shortcuts.
Any great action we take many, many times over, repays us in wealth.

When you embrace the Shortcuts Way of Living,
the Shortcuts Way of Living nicely reciprocates.
When money is tight, forget what neighbors think.
The no spending zone is achieved with imagination.
Imagining you being on the street should be enough.
Stop spending your money, investing it in you instead.