Systemic Corruption Examples At Its Worst
Crushing The Largest Excecutive Club In History

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(516) 292-6963

23 Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography, transcript
produced by computer-assisted transcription.


1 (Case called.)

2 THE COURT: All right. Bring in the jury.

3 (Jury enters.)

4 THE COURT: Good morning, members of the jury.

5 Please be seated.

6 It is indeed gratifying that in one of the

7 largest jury selection districts in the United States, the

8 Eastern District of New York which as I told you several

9 times stretches from the New Jersey border of Staten

10 Island to Montauk Point, everybody is here earlier than on

11 time. Congratulations to yo u.

12 You may proceed.

13 MS. SCOTT: The government calls Wendi Springer.

14 W E N D I S P R I N G E R , having been first duly

15 sworn by the Clerk of the Court, was examined and

16 testified as follows:

17 THE WITNESS: Wendi Springer, S-P-R-I-N-G-E-R



20 Q Could you tell us where you live, Ms. Springer?

21 A I live in Bohemia.

22 Q And how old are you?

23 A 30.
24 Q What do you do for a living now?
25 A I work for a large media company.


1 Q How long have you been doing that?

2 A A year and four months.

3 Q Was there a time when you worked at a company called

4 Who's Who Worldwide Registry, Incorporated?

5 A Yes.

6 Q When did you begin working there?

7 A I believe it was the f irst week in January of '91.

8 Q And how long did you work there?

9 A Up until the day that the company was closed down.

10 Q When was that?

11 A Which was March 30th or 31st of '95.

12 Q So you worked there approximately four years?

13 A A little over four.

14 Q Now, what was your position when you started there in

15 1991?

16 A Receptionist and data entry.

17 Q And where was your office located at that time?

18 Where was the Who's Who Worldwide office located?

19 A 99 Seaview Boulevard.

20 Q Which town?

21 A In Port Washington.

22 Q Did your position change over the four years you were

23 there?
24 A Yes.
25 Q When did it change first?


1 A Uhm, I would say a little after maybe seven months or

2 so.

3 Q And how did your job change at that time?

4 A When the company expanded my title of

5 receptionist/data entry was to be editorial assistant.

6 Q Where was the office located at the time when your

7 job changed?

8 A I believe we were in the process of moving and like I

9 said seven or eight months later it was at the Lake

10 Success office.

11 Q What were your responsibilities as an editorial

12 assistant?

13 A I was proofing the applicants, their information they

14 had sent in by mail or fax.

15 Q When you refer to "applicant," who do you mean?

16 A Potential customers.

17 Q Do you mean people who had applied for membership?

18 A Yes.

19 Q When memberships were sold to these companies.

20 MR. GEDULDIG: Objection to the form of the

21 question, Judge.

22 THE COURT: I didn't hear the question yet.

24 Q When memberships were sold to customers, how was the
25 contact initially made?


1 MR. GEDULDIG: Now I object, Judge.

2 THE COURT: Are you objecting to the form? Why?

3 MR. GEDULDIG: It contains a fact not in

4 evidence. She said something was sold. No evidence has

5 there been that was sold, so she is testifying for the

6 witness.

7 MR. SCHOER: I join in the objection, Your Honor.

8 THE COURT: Did people become members of Who's

9 Who?


11 THE COURT: How did they become members?

12 THE WITNESS: Through a sale.

13 THE COURT: Did they have to pay for it?


15 THE COURT: Overruled. You may proceed.


17 Q How did these people who applied for membership first

18 contact through the company?

1 9 A Through phone -- through a mailing house they would,

20 I would assume, get a list.

21 MR. GEDULDIG: Objection to what she assumes.

22 THE COURT: When you assume --

23 THE WITNESS: Let me rephrase that. When a
24 mailing list was from a place called, I believe Antun's,
25 that is a company that provided a mailing list.


1 THE COURT: Antun's?

2 THE WITNESS: Antun's.

3 THE COURT: How do you spell that? A-N-T-O-N or

4 U-N?

5 THE WITNESS: U-N, I believe. I'm not --


7 Q So in other words, letters were sent to these

8 companies?

9 A Letters were sent to the customers.

10 MR. JENKS: Objection.

11 THE COURT: Please rise, Mr. Jenks.

12 MR. JENKS: I'm sorry, objection.

13 THE COURT: Sustained as to form. Please strike

14 out the answer.


16 Q How did the company contact the people they were

17 attempting to sell these memberships to?

18 A By phone. From a lead card that was submitted

19 through the mail or by fax.

20 Q Now, what is a lead card?

21 A It's a card approximately (indicating) -- I don't

22 know the dimensions. It would have the potential

23 customer's name, occupation, company name, city, state,
24 address, industry, organization, expertise.
25 Q Who had filled out the information on the lead card?


1 A The potential customer.

2 Q I'm showing you Government's Exhibit 9-D for

3 Identification.

4 What is that document?

5 A This is a lead card.

6 Q And how was it that the potential customers obtained

7 those lead cards and filled them out?

8 A It was through a mailing house.

9 Q How did each customer obtain each particular lead

10 card?

11 THE COURT: You have to go a little slower. I'm

12 having trouble keeping up.

13 Now, what number is this for Identification?

14 MS. SCOTT: 9-D for Identification.

15 THE COURT: Okay.


17 Q How did each customer obtain each of those lead

18 cards?

19 A It was sent with a letter, a nomination letter and

20 this card was included in the information that was sent to

21 -- or I could say solicitation mail that was sent to

22 them.

23 Q Did you see these solicitation letters sent out to
24 potential customers?
25 A Yes.


1 Q Under what circumstances did you see these letters?

2 A When they came back as, y ou know, deceased, you know,

3 certain things like that. People would say the person has

4 been dead for 20 years, please do not, you know, send any

5 more correspondence, take us off your mailing list,

6 etcetera, etcetera.

7 Q What would you do with these letters that you would

8 see?

9 A They would be tossed outside the facility.

10 Q What were you --

11 THE COURT: Apparently it is getting

12 contentious. It's reaching epidemic proportions. I

13 cannot keep up with you. You will have to slow down, Ms.

14 Scott. BY MS. SCOTT:

15 Q Under what circumstances would you see these letters

16 that came into the company?

17 A If I was asked to sort the mail, if an overabundance

18 of it came in, I was asked at certain times to separate

19 the cards, separate, you know, separate what they called

20 NG, which were the nixies.


22 THE WITNESS: I believe so. That's what

23 terminology was used. They were called nixies.
25 Q Now, I'm showing you Government's Exhibit 60-H for

Springer-voir dire/Jenks

1 Identification.

2 Can you tell us what that document is?

3 A This is the solicitation letter that was sent.

4 Q How do you recognize that?

5 A I saw it three, four times a week.

6 MS. SCOTT: I offer Government's Exhibit 60-H.

7 THE COURT: Any objection?

8 MR. JENKS: I would like a voir dire, Your Honor.

9 THE COURT: Go ahead.



12 Q Ms. Springer, I would ask you to take a look at

13 60-H.

14 Did you specifically see this letter?

15 A This one? Kathy Nielsen.

16 Q Yes.

17 A I saw -- I saw --

18 Q N o, I'm asking you --

19 A Did I particularly see the one addressed to?

20 Q Did you see the one addressed to who?

21 A Reid Rotatori.

Didn't Abbott and Costello have a routine that sounded like this?

To continue this farcical journey into the perversions of justice in this, one of the Systemic Corruption Examples At Its Worst,

here is a full version of Feb 3rd transcript

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The Who's Who Worldwide Registry websites are focused on Crushing The Largest Excecutive Club In History, and the double scandal of government and judicial corruption in one of the Systemic Corruption Examples At Its Worst and the concomitant news media blackout regarding this incredible story.

Sixteen weeks of oft-explosive testimony, yet not a word in any of 1200 news archives. This alone supports the claim that this was a genuinely dirty trial; in fact, one of the dirtiest federal trials of the 20th century.

Show your support for justice, for exoneration of the innocent, and perhaps most importantly, government accountability, by urgently contacting your Senator, the White House, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Systemic Corruption Examples At Its Worst   - Crushing The Largest Excecutive Club In History

This site is concerned with Crushing The Largest Excecutive Club In History, and the double scandal of government and judical corruption in one of the Systemic Corruption Examples At Its Worst and the concomitant news media blackout regarding this incredible story.

Sixteen weeks of oft-explosive testimony, yet not a word in any of 1200 news archives. This alone supports the claim that this was a genuinely dirty trial; in fact, one of the dirtiest trials of the most recent century.

Show your support for justice, for exoneration of the innocent, and perhaps most importantly, government accountability, by urgently contacting your Senator, the White House, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Crushing The Largest Excecutive Club In History
How Thomas FX Dunn demonstrated himself to be the Dumbest Lawyer In The Nation
Dirtiest Trials Of The Most Recent Century

Dirtiest Trials of the Most Recent Century - Perversions of Justice

How rare it is to find a case that can offer not merely two or three, instead, more than a dozen major reasons for overturning that conviction.
Here is a case studied by a respected federal judge for many months, who found that no crime had been committed, and dismissed the case.

Reed Elsevier, Ltd, as the single richest and most powerful publisher in more than one hundred countries around the world,
easily. empirically and truthfully described as one of the most corrupt corporations in all of human history,
perverted the foundations of American justice in the Who's Who Worldwide case with cash, power, and perqs.

Imagine a trial where not ten percent of the proceedings have ANY connection with most of the defendants.
That alone should require a separation of trial. In this case, NOT EVEN ONE PERCENT of the proceedings,
accusations, presented evidence, or accepted facts, had anything to do with the "sales" defendants.

The Who's Who Worldwide case was all about Bruce Gordon, his machinations and his accountant,
and the many companies operated in secrecy by Gordon and Liz Sauter, his true "henchman."

For days and days and weeks and weeks, all the discussion was about Gordon and his actions.
Prosecution witness after prosecution witness exculpated the sales defendants, yet,
this same judge who had previously dismissed the case after months of study,
was under one of the worst pressures any judge can be subjected to:
pressure from the federal court of appeals above him, who, in
New York's bailiwick, remains under the control of....
Reed Elsevier, the most powerful force today
in the American arena of jurisprudence.

This can be fixed by Presidential Pardon.
Call 202-456-1414 to lift your voice.

Dirtiest Trials Of The Most Recent Century
Dumbest Lawyers In The Nation Thomas FX Dunn

Most Disgraceful Trials In Federal Court - Perversions of Justice

How rare it is to find a case that offers literally dozens of serious justifications for reversal of conviction.
The Who's Who case was studied by a respected federal judge for many months,
who found that no crime had been committed, and dismissed the case.

Reed Elsevier, Ltd, as the richest and most powerful publisher in over a hundred countries around the world,
accurately described as one of the most corrupt corporations operating operating on the planet today,
undermined the foundations of American justice in the Who's Who Worldwide case with cash and more.

Examine a trial where less than twenty percent of the proceedings had ANY connection to defendants
That alone has required a separation of trials. In this case, NT EVEN ONE PERCENT of the proceedings,
accusations, presented evidence, or accepted facts, had anything to do with the "sales" defendants.

The Who's Who Worldwide case was all about Bruce Gordon, his machinations and his accountant,
and the many companies operated in secrecy by Gordon and Liz Sauter, his true "henchman."

For hundreds of the most boring hours, all discussion was about Gordon and his actions.
Prosecution witness after prosecution witness exculpated the sales defendants, but,
this same judge who had previously dismissed the case after months of study,
who may have been constitutionally unable to resist pressure from above,
was in fact pressured, and demonstrated a caving in to that pressure.
This pressure came from federal court of appeals above him,
Remember that Reed Elsevier is the most powerful force
in the American arena of jurisprudence today.

This miscarriage of justice can be fixed by granting a new trial
or a Presidential Pardon. Please call 202-456-1414 to lift your voice.