The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life of Masters and Champions
PowerGems High-powered shortcuts to success
One Quart of Arrogance and Pride To Go
A proof of our pandemic ability to display rigid and one-horse opinions is the comical regularity of fifty-fifty polls. In asking direct questions accepting only one of two answers, the pollster is more likely to find people equally split on an issue than any other viable answer.
Deducting Pareto Principle's twenty percent in all human situations, the remainder will be split down the middle, true or not? Half say yes, half say no. It's generally pretty darn close.
About half say "Republican" and about half say "Democrat." About half say "Let him fry!" while the other half will say, "Mitigating circumstance!" Half will say, "Coke" and half will say "Pepsi."
The overall total success of polls in the past 35 years has been measurably lower than our continued reliance upon them justifies. It's not even close. From national elections to the best produce of a convention of august weather forecasters, predicting what's going to happen is no minor use of a resource that's tied directly to empirical results.
Considerable investment is made daily upon predictors. For those who might insist that polling cannot be compared to weather forecasters, you might want a first-aid kit nearby when you learn that pollsters have a lower overall accuracy rate than the most competent of weather reporters; and that's not such a braggadociable score, either.
Just as women always have and always will respond to men of power, and women of power, being led by polls is not the mark of a leader. It doesn't mean the leader ignores all polls, it means the leader does not allow a poll to play too large an influence on the decision-making process.
Leadership begins within the individual, not from the outside in. Medicine from the outside in has never ever worked as well, or as non-lethally as medicine from the inside out. Leadership is identical, congenitally identical. Acting like a leader is the single fastest way to become a leader. If you're a small-minded oaf, you will limit yourself to the first or second levels of authority. You probably think it's okay for people to earn good livings delivering misery eight hours per day, such as we find with meter maids, and the like, where you're penalized for NOT using your car. Should you be reasonably intelligent, you'll find that mutually beneficial use of your authority is the defining act of leadership. This always leads to greater acceptance by others of your leadership. There are no known exceptions and you can be the lowest of janitors and still use this huge PowerGem to instantly begin the most accelerating process of your life.
Rather than relying on efforts to predict the future, re-channelling so many resources used, each more valuable than the next; from money and effort to affection and time itself, re-directing those resources, re-focusing those resources into creating the future is still the champion of all predictors. Just as some preach the grail of "You make your own luck in life," George Bernard Shaw was still waiting in his eighties for his first Broadway premiere. He ended up with quite a few, didn't he? He railed at those who blamed their situations on circumstances. "The people," he declared, "who don't like their circumstances go out and find the circumstances that they want; and when they can't find the circumstances that they want... them make them."
However trivial or major your task, you are going to be investing a certain amount of time and effort into these tasks today, from tying a shoelace or empowering a child with one of those life-changing moments of excellence exchanged; from shaving or teeth-brushing to guiding a large organization. In every case, the quality and to a lesser degree the quantity of effort you invest will mathematically show us what result can and is expected.
Ten points to the human who first articulated "can't see the forest for the trees." On a daily basis, in your own division of minutes assigned to you personally, you have repeatedly confused your priorities, never being told directly that the years of your life are shaped by your use of these minutes. As stated elsewhere, we have one thousand minutes per day to do whatever we like with.
Not to worry, you also receive in your bedroll, your automatic and built-in CARE package issued to you as a newborn recruit to the human race, another four hundred and forty miutes per day in which to sleep, bathe, eat, socialize, etc.
That's the sum total; twenty-four hours times sixty minutes per hour equals 1,440 minutes per day. Whew!
Take ANY one minute of your life that you have greatly enjoyed. You've had at least a few of these such moments? In each moment of excellence or persistence or pleasure, without exception, you had something to do with it. Your actions -- which include your attitudes -- had something to do with it.
Did you realize that of all the measurements of health, wealth, success, social standing, and more, there is no more accurate measure, no faster measure, than a measure of preCISELY how you employ your daily receipt of one thousand separate opportunities.
You know and I know that it only takes a minute or so to do something with higher quality and quantity of effort. Not even focusing on the result of whatever it is you're doing; focusing only on the effort itself; higher quality of effort, and a bit more effort, all within the space of whatever you're doing in any given piece of time called a minute.
Look, 440 minutes is seven hours and twenty minutes. Even running a house of sixteen people or the house at 1600 Pennsylvania or a corporation of 1600 employees, there is no doubt that you can fulfill all of your personal needs in four hundred and forty minutes per day. No question or doubt that you can find a way to invest one thousand minutes per day into something excellent.
If you're stuck in the world's worst job, let's quickly move past the subject of blame, since there is, after childhood, no such thing as a total victim. Ok, one exception in many thousands, similar to overweight people, where something like one person in seventeen thousand has a glandular problem: all the rest simply eat too much.
it is by whopping orders of magnitude the most defining measure of your personal health, wealth, and standing.
Never mind watching your dollars. Watch your minutes. They're the single most valuable tool in your world.
In fact, you cannot survive even 61 seconds without being issued this single most critical resource of all: YOUR minute.
Your minutes. More precious and rare than the very oxygen you breathe, because the oxygen has been here, is here now, and will most likely be here for the foreseeable future. YOUR personal and invidivually unique minutes are not so certain. Life has a way of reminding us of that with inexplicable tragedies that stun the mind and heart like winter stuns the lover of warm climates -- to be followed by reclamation and rejuvenation, whether through personal actions or the mere arrival of the following spring.
This cycle and axiom of life is too powerfully consistent to be ignored as a tool in YOUR life, both every day and everyday. Today, our goal is to get you to stop confusing "every day" with "everyday." This day, those few of you smart enough to just hush up and heed those who have achieved their dreams repeatedly and fulfillingly, will reap fatter, sweeter rewards with a quickness.
The most controllable variable of the equation between desire and reality is the quality and number of your efforts; efforts that multiply in the hour that you do. Let that be THIS hour of your life.
What you know means nothing;
what you DO with what you know is the difference between mediocrity and excellence.
Let's face a bit reality: either you yourself are excellent, or you're not, which would place you with the mediocre. This page contains a powerful tool for you to get benefit from in the next few hours of your life; significant, measurable benefit. Benefit: use it, or lose it.
Get busy writing today, I promise you a wealth of fast benefit and profit. Your opinion is of no value until based on experience. Writing more today brings more today AND tomorrow; ninety-seven days out of every one hundred.