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All for your pleasure, in hope your eyes will be so physically pleased with what you see that the learning doubles in speed AND quality.
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Share the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health with YOUR world,
for the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life is sure to repay our kindness.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to reverse the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.
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Time is rushing by at the fantastic rate of 1,440 precious, opportunity-filled minutes - each and every day
This is the day to follow those who do it best: masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead
The greatest shortcuts of masters and millionaires champions and billionaires.
Magnificent shortcut: Reducing text size makes sites more attractive, more easily viewed, and It's EASY!
Without even taking your eyes off your keyboard, just tap your ALT button and then tap v, x, and m. That's it.
ALT, v, x, m. It changes your font size to medium, which for many viewers makes a BIG difference. Enjoy.
Just another cute trick -- yep, a shortcut -- from YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living.
Enjoy, and educate yourself. It's a great antitote to poverty