WHY?   Why would one man invest fifty thousand hours on me, refusing to solicit or accept offers of financial wealth?

I hate waste - including the waste of your best performances!  
Considering all of the tens of thousands of minutes you've already wasted, just as we all have,
now it's suggested that you consider using a mere dozen minutes per day, in the pursuit of excellence.

Since you HAVE learned to walk, talk, and tie your shoelaces, three tasks that require thousands of smaller individual tasks brought together, we know that you're capable of virtually anything.

The Shortcuts Way of Living is my own "century-experiment" in hope of creating hundreds of thousands of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.

As always, the goal of the teacher is to surpass the teacher's expectations... which include surpassing the teacher.

The Masters and Millionaires websites, all one million pages and beyond and more, by a single pair of hands,
have caused tens of millions of cups of food to be generated to help feed starving people.

Now, let's develop YOUR best potential and wealth. Instead of repaying me directly, you're expected to feed at least some of those who are hungrier than you.

The greatest shortcuts to success - leaders and achievers - our best role models
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Learn how to succeed faster with the best shortcuts of our winners and role models
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The Shortcuts Way of Living packed with the most effective success shortcuts known to man. Learning how to succeed in business, or learning how to succeed in school, are similar to learning how to succeed in music, which, not coincidentally, is very much like learning how to succeed in, well, literally in everything and anything that humans do.

Learning how to succeed is more a question of attitude than anything else.
In a nutshell, it means constant attention to one thing, and just one:
R E S O L U T I O N!

Learning how to succeed faster is little more than that.
By keeping one's focus on resolution of challenges,
dissolving or chipping away at various obstacles,
the results in all areas of your life get boosted.
This is by no means only long-term strategy,
it's a way of life that produces fast results.
If your results are now excellent, fine.
Change nothing, results stay static.
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Get wealthy, get healthy.
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This is the single most powerful day of your life, and it's to your distinct advantage to realize this.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, which we know because we call it... "the present."
That's just what it is; a present; a gift... a 24-hour gift you may invest or fritter, as you see fit.
Tap into your best shortcuts today, because there is no better day to excel,
no better day to use effective shortcuts to your personal and professional benefit.

Go for your gold!
Again, you're reminded that I believe in you SO MUCH that I invested more than 51,000 hours into you
Fifty-oneTHOUSAND pro bono hours because you are the hope of the future,
YOU are the force and influence to counteract the greed of just five hundred and seventy-some men and women who own or control some
seventy percent of all the cash on earth, who are clearly determined to keep it for themselves.

You? You're something different, and the majority of people who are tuned into this type of self-enrichment and self-empowerment
tend to be just a bit more interested in mutuality versus selfish pursuits only.

That doesn't mean you can't be selfish.... it just means that people who pursue "better ways," and even, "better shortcuts,"
have shown quite nobly over the years of my life that sharing is good, and a part of your life.

Because of it, you and people like you have engendered my belief that, given a chance, so-called 'average Joes and Janes'
will also excel in the world's of business and money, relationships and mentoring, enjoying the fruits of hard work...
... and sharing them.     Please feed people who are hungrier than you; you'll be amply repaid.
That's a promise.

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We already know that you're capable of so much more. You've proven it,
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Instead of doing it just occasionally, make it a habit, a daily habit.
This is a magnificent ticket to success.
You've proven it many times when your back was against the proverbial wall. YOU CAME THROUGH.

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every time you pull that special effort out of your inner reserves.
Instead of doing it just occasionally, make it a habit, a daily habit.
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The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health filled with YOUR healthiest shortcuts to Longevity

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Pack your pockets with shortcuts at the Longevity Zen of Health ,
built with love by MrShortcut, for You

You've reached the center of your universe - where YOUR excellence counts.
The world's largest resource for shortcuts, best source of health tips.
You've entered the Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires
Reach for the best in you, developing more of your untapped inner potential.
Embrace the Shortcuts Way of Living and you will find it reciprocates.

The Shortcuts Way of Living exists in order to be YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you agree that you've only achieved the smallest fraction of why you live and breathe?

The Shortcuts Way of Living is a living, breathing organism within you that believes in you,
without known limits, because cybernetics makes it crystal-clear: only YOU can set limits.

With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building the Shortcuts Way of Living
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?   Any reason to wait?

Using any one or more PowerGems within the Shortcuts Way of Living, repeatedly,
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   GUARANTEED...
and at no charge since you knew all of this, and well, as a child,
and simply stopped using it. No more excuses, let's get busy..

The Shortcuts Way of Living is part of the mother of all sites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life because you're worth it all and more.
Look for your EyeCandy treats, many of them hidden,
in hundreds of thousands of pages created for YOU.
pursuing your finest and accelerated success,
created by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,
Mr Shortcuts

Return to the top of this Shortcuts Way of Living page

At the bottom of the page, this is your life. The sooner you get excited about Life,
the sooner Life gets more interested and excited about you in particular.
The Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to squeeze a bit more,
because you already know, deep down inside of you,
precisely how to succeed at anything you wish.