Shortcuts Way of Living - Master Secrets Of The Universe
Billions and Billions More With Shortcuts Of Benjamin Franklin and His Shortcuts Way of Living The enclosed sum is tended to this bank under the following immutable conditions:
1) Neither the principle nor interest will be released for two hundred years. |
Over the course of the coming two hundred years, economic history tells us there's a measurable likelihood that the fund that began with just one hundred dollars will double at least twenty-seven times, and you will still have four or more years of phenomenal growth. Go ahead; alter history with a mere hundred-dollar bill. That's the fee you and the Shortcuts Way of Living can agree is right for the millions of minutes crafting this for you, The Shortcuts Way of Living , the biggest self-empowerment website that will likely ever be created. More than three million minutes - - one at a time, crafting the uncountable corners of the Shortcuts Way of Living, just for you --- to bring you the shortcuts and PowerGems of masters, millionaires, leaders and repeat winners. More than five thousand masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, and their shortcuts, for you. How about saving a life with clicks? Corporate food donations made for two clicks. 1.1 cups of food donated via TheHungerSite. Tap your F5 button to refresh the colors |
EyeCandy BrainCandy web pages are for you, by Mr-Shortcut at the most empowering web site on the internet
Aiming to build you the healthiest website, learn more to live more, with 1,000,000 web pages
© EasyStreet, USA by MisterShortcut via the Shortcuts Way of Living
All rights
reserved for people who feed other starving humans.
For now, you can feed people with a free click
Turning one hundred dollars Into One Billion Dollars - MrShortcut Urges YOU To Feed Starving People. Sweetest charity. Shortcuts Way of Living on how to turn hundreds into charity billions. EyeCandy is the one-word version of the phrase "eye candy," give billions to charity, with your own portion of or state of mind you might refer to as Shortcuts Way of Living strategies and shortcuts, which are the best of success shortcuts, the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires and champions.
As you see, it was no joke. Simple instructions on how to give billions of dollars to charity with a one-hundred-dollar bill. Benjamin Franklin, bless his memory, first created a smaller version of this. Instead of generating merely millions of dollars for charity, you can actually generate and give billions of dollars to feed starving people or whatever charitable interest you think is most appropriate.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is not merely for wealth generation. That's entirely too small-minded. Nor is it ultimately free, in that you are absolutely expected to give significantly higher percentages of your new and unprecedented incomes to whatever charitable interests appeal to you.
One of the numerous perfections of The Shortcuts Way of Living is that it keeps such sweet and perfect company with Newton's Third Law of Physics, and all other known laws of life; our great axioms. Because The Shortcuts Way of Living is going to boost your income both measurably and dramatically, your charitable requirements go up. It's just that simple.
No other program ever developed can exceed the speed or guaranteed positive impact of the Shortcuts Way of Living. Lest anyone operate under the mistaken thought that Mr Shortcuts created these PowerGems, your life gets benefit in the next ten seconds by understanding that all of the great PowerGems of life are not the result of any one human. PowerGems and all of the wisdom we find at the Shortcuts Way of Living and related sites are merely decocted, or condensed presentations of the best wisdom of the greatest and most productive minds in human history.
Reading a book or two per day for thousands and thousands and thousands of days has a way of transmitting information in waves. Patterns that get repeated many hundreds of times are identified by some of us as patterns. Despite the reality that most all of us have the ability to discern patterns, most of us are too focused on petty issues to get involved with the best potential inside each of us. Only so many minutes per day, right? Others among us love those patterns. That explains why people will go through serious challenges to pursue careers that relate, from music to mathematics, and a thousand others that demand qualified identification and use of patterns.
You now know how to turn one hundred dollars, simply and without huge requirements of time or effort, all for charity, all in your name if you wish. Do you realize how fascinated we will all become with you, if only for a minute or a day, when we learn that you have underwritten a billion-dollar fund for charity? Can you imagine how you personally will feel, and how much more you're going to start accomplishing in other areas when you stand up and say, "Well, I've sponsored several different billion-dollar funds for charity?" Do you really not understand that it's like growing several inches in the space of a day or two? With all good people around you applauding your world-changing actions? Please.
When you fund a billion dollar charity fund, your immune system gets boosted, get this, every single time you think about it. All those drugs and supplements and vitamins intended to boost your immune system. It's hysterical, because laughter and orgasms and hugging someone you adore... or the act of giving with no hope of getting anything back in the material sense.
It would seem fair to asseverate that no rationally-thinking person is going to refute this, so it's worth restating a statement so deliciously certain. When you fund a billion-dollar charity by turning one hundred dollars into one billion dollars or more, your immune system gets boosted every time you feed it into your mental video. It's a great feeling, so MisterShortcut, on behalf of all the great minds and givers in history, people who have given at the level of Paul Newman, or Bill Gates, and so many others, on behalf of The Shortcuts Way of Living and all of the great masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead who have given greatly, please, give yourself the greatest birthday present imaginable and take one hundred dollars, turn it into a billion dollars for charity, and reap the results quickly, and repeatedly.
PS - Lest we forget, there's another interesting benefit, again, it's absolutely guaranteed. When you fund this billion-dollar charitable effort, you're going to observe your financial state going up. Doesn't have to make sense to if Newton's third law really doesn't get through to you. Every person who turns a hundred dollars into a billion by this or any other similar method if there is one, is unconditionally assured of obtaining better financial results in their life. Scientists can debate until the cows come home. The feedback from students around the world speak louder than a stadium full of naysayers. When we pay attention to the words and deeds of masters and millionaires, we inevitably duplicate their results
Welcome to the Shortcuts Way of Living.
All for you because you're worth it.
Think how you'll be remembered, leaving billions of dollars to charity, particularly to feed the hungry, starving people of the world. Think of the individual human beings who will save from the horrors of starvation!!
Go ahead, give billions to charity, eliminating and erasing hunger and starvation. In return, Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites will provide you with EyeCandy and excellent PowerGems, all the Shortcuts Way of Living developed by our role models. Compliments of Masters and Millionaires, free for life.
Give billions to charity using the greatest shortcuts ever developed, the shortcuts of Leader And Winners, the shortcuts of masters and champions.
How to leave billions to charity?
YES, how to leave billions to charity.
There is a Shortcuts Way of Living in you.
That internal Shortcuts Way of Living has always been there within you.
What has been done before can be done by you.
The Shortcuts Way of Living requires understanding.
Not sophisticated understanding, simple understanding.
When you double your money 10x, you have 1000x more.
When you double your money ten times, without spending profit,
you end up with more than a thousand times what you began with.
Even if that does not make sense, it is pure truth.
The Shortcuts Way of Living invites you to use time.
Regaining wasted thousands of seconds gets you rich.
Use the time that you are here and the time beyond you.
Read this Shapetalk PowerGems repeatedly, going deeper,
this Shapetalk PowerGem carries more than you see just yet.
The wonders of compounded interest add up hugely over time.
Look beyond first meanings to rapidly develop lifelong wisdom.
Each birthday, set aside 100, not disbursable for twenty decades.
The growth reaches up into the billions, sweet charitable billions.
The opportunity to give on such vast scales should not escape you,
nor can you escape the inevitable proofs of Newton's Third Law.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so plant your seeds well.
The actions you repeat most often comprise YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living.
You can leave billions, and more billions to charity, with simple shortcuts.
Any great action we take many, many times over, repays us in wealth.
When you embrace the Shortcuts Way of Living,
the Shortcuts Way of Living nicely reciprocates.
When money is tight, forget what neighbors think.
The no spending zone is achieved with imagination.
Imagining you being on the street should be enough.
Stop spending your money, investing it in you instead.
Whether you join so many who live the Shortcuts Way of Living, those leaving billions to charity with hundreds,
live your own Shortcuts Way of Living, with all Billions and billions and still more billions of thoughts,
each interconnecting with uncountable billions more...
just in YOUR head alone.
If you have just enough intelligence, and training to use it,
you can come to comprehend that this constitutes advance information.
When you know in advance which team is going to win, you can earn on that data.
When you possess useful information in advance, acting on it tends to repay very richly.
Observing people who do it best, you will find that they act most often on what they know.
Yes, they do it thousands of times to get better at it, "it" being whatever they know best of all.
Knowing in advance that the level of control you exert on your thoughts impacts your outcomes,
you have solid information far, FAR in advance of the advent of your later days when you look back.
Mediocre effort, mediocre results. Great effort, great results. Only the most stupid of us do not grasp this.
There are at least ten things you always need to repeatedly do in life, right? Write ten of them down, now.
Ten things you are most likely to have to repeat ANYWAY for at least the foreseeable future in living your life.
For those who stopped reading to write them down, you have already achieved more than half of your first goal.
You just proved that you are in the top three percentile, those who most always come back from losses even richer.
For the rest, well, you performed stupidly, something you can correct now, or, close the page and move on to other things.
Within that list of ten things you do over and over again you will find no less than eight that will take you right up to mastery.
Even if tying your shoes is on that list, getting one percent better at the act is one of many acts that add up to exponentiation.
You see, true mastery is not merely connected to, for example, how accurately an archer can hit a target with his or her bow and arrow.
There are a dozen skills that must be mastered before you can rely on that target being hit a vast majority of the time, at least a dozen.
Breathing normally has approximately zero value to anyone trying to hit a target with a projectile, especially one being fired by hand!
Deep, calm, breathing, knowing to let about half the lung capacity be where you stop exhaling, holding the lungs about as still as can be.
As well, holding the arm oh-so-steadily, discrete from the careful holding of the arrow, firmly, get close to the edge for smooth, quick release.
Standing still while holding up a heavy piece of equipment and still maintaining focus on a precise point on the target, engages multiple tasks.
All to say that, when the guy or girl hits the target, there is no luck, other than Laboring Under Correct Knowledge, acronymically, if you please.
The Shortcuts Way of Living relies a great deal on luck, provided you understand luck as the Shortcuts Way of Living does, with every new effort.
Billions unto ever-growing billions and even more additional billions of thoughts running through the minds of all these billions of human beings.
How many are focused with clarity on what it is they love best, and are therefore more likely to study best and to know best of all they know?
The more you do of what you love, the better you tend to get at it. Knowing this in advance is a wake-up call to what you most love to do.
At least five or ten hours per week, even if it is done between school, work, parenting, babysitting, WHATEVER, this is your life NOW.
Whatever you spend your minutes on is whatever you are spending your life on. If happy, do not change. If unhappy, better hurry.
Your life is whizzing past, 1440 opportunities flashing you past you every day of your life, although you may call them "minutes."
The Shortcuts Way of Living sees 1,440 opportunities every day, to get even one percent better, and to intentionally smile more.
The smile is not for rah-rah attitude, it is chemical: When you smile repeatedly, your brain will ALWAYS produce better solutions.
Do not even think to form an opinion of this, doesn't matter if you are a double-degreed biochemically-trained Nobel Prize Winner.
You've not yet broken or shattered hundreds of useful, transferable world records, as has the Godfather of the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Reading a book or three per day for 16,000 days and beyond, combined with an IQ of 128 in high school, 189 forty years later, money talks.
The Shortcuts Way of Living promises you both fantastic AND accelerated results when you smile more to get your brain into its sharpest states.
With all of the billions of thoughts in your head, an estimated 10,000,000,000,000,000 (ten quadrillion) pieces of information stored by age 30,
The Shortcuts Way of Living begs you to look for the best thoughts within you, the happiest thoughts of what you love.
you are so much more knowledgeable than you, or those around you may realize, recognize, and make use of. You are the Shortcuts Way of Living.
From your very infancy, there was a Shortcuts Way of Living bursting forth from you, and then, you allowed life, or tough parents, to slow you down.
That comes to a stop with the Shortcuts Way of Living, because so many of the master secrets of the universe are things you knew well as a child.
Here's a great example: As a child, you knew the single most powerful secret of wealth, particularly high-speed weakth, and you proved it.
When you wanted that ice cream badly enough, you asked enough times, or enough people, to get ice cream.
The identical rules apply to billionaires: Whoever asks more people more times each inevitably ends up with more than everyone else.
You, or your neighbor, can proffer up as many excuses for why you don't ask or who you don't ask, while winners just ask even more.
From billions and billions and soon, Heavens, even further billions of people, each with billions of thoughts, attached to choice.
You can choose to think as billions do, that sugar and white flour are fine, or that cell phones don't make you seriously retarded,
and you can choose to think as your heroes and heroines, your champions and role models choose to think:
Whatever you love most, do it the most, and soon enough you can find someone to pay you for it, even if just on a part-time basis.
Billions of people with evermore billions of unique or similar thoughts, with billions and billions of possible outcomes, from choice.
When you know in advance what an outcome is going to be, when you know that your outcomes are directly tied not to circumstance,
rather, to which of your billions and still more billions of your thoughts you will grant full-bore highlighting and focus, you get GREAT.
You are the Shortcuts Way of Living, because the Shortcuts Way of Living has always been alive in you. Use more of your best shortcuts.