Bob Marshall - Healthline - Throughout The Internet
1. 1030 AM Weekdays 630AMRadio - KJS-also Sat AM - Bob Marshall -
2. 11 AM MON WED - Bob Marshall - 1040 WLVJ -
4. 12 NOON - KKGM - Robert Marshall- 11am Texas Time - Bob Marshall -
5. 230 PM - Tuesday - 1040 WLVJ - Bob Marshall -
6. 230-TO3PM - Weekdays-WAVA- - Bob Marshall -
8. 430 AM - WELW 1330AM - Bob Marshall -
9. 430pm - WHKW 1220AMRADIO - Clevel - Robert Marshall - Bob Marshall -
10. 530 pm - MondWed - WVNJ - 1160AM THEN 530PM - Bob Marshall -
11. 530 PM NYTime - WWJC-Dr Robert Marshall - Minnes -
12. 530 PM Weekdays- WRDT 560 WRDT AMRadio - Bob Marshall -
13. 530PM-weekdays - WELW 1330 AM Radio! - Bob Marshall -
14. 6 PM WEEKDAYS -KKGM AM - Bob Marshall -
16. 1130am MON - EST - KCBC-770 AM-Calif-Marshall - Bob Marshall -
3. 11AM or NOON SAT - 1006 Colorado Time - Colorado Network - Bob Marshall -
17. NOON SAT- NYTime Dr Robert Marshall 630 KJSL -
18. NOON Weekdays - 9 California Time KLAA - amradio 830 - Bob Marshall -
28. SAT - 10AM - WYLLAM 9am Chicago - Bob Marshall -
21. SAT 11 AM WKAT - SouthFlor - Bob Marshall -
22. SAT 1105 AM NYTime - Bob Marshall -
23. SAT 1130 - 1040 WLVJ - Bob Marshall -
24. SAT 11am -- KKGM AM - Bob Marshall -
19. SAT - 12 NOON - boston - Bob Marshall -
20. SAT -NOON - KFIA71-AMR adio - California - Bob Marshall -
26. SAT 4pm-5pm Saturday- KGNW AM 820 1pm PST - Bob Marshall -
25. SAT 430 PM - KPDQ – 130PM Calif time - Bob Marshall -
27. SAT Noon - NY Time - KKLA-3pm Califtime - Bob Marshall -
29. SAT-NOON NY Time - 9am PST - Bob Marshall -
30. SAT - NOON - 1370AM - Connecticut - Sat - Self-Empowerment - Bob Marshall -
31. SAT-NOON-AM 1000 KCEO - Bob Marshall -
32. SAT1 0AM Detroit -AM560 - WRDT - The Word - Bob Marshall -
33. SAT 10AM WWDJ 970am - NY - Bob Marshall -
1. Moving World Clock! -
2. pi10k - Converting the first 10,000 digits of pi into a musical sequence - NOT Bob Marshall -
3. SEO - Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Submission - Again, NOT Bob Marshall -
4. SEO ranking Utility for the Webmaster - Certainly NOT Bob Marshall -
Dr. David Cohen Sites - Greatest Doctor In America - and he's a naturopath!
1. Bodyscan - Thousands In Healthier Alternative to Medicine With Dr David Cohen Brooklyn NY - a student of Bob Marshall
2. Bodyscans Healthiest WebSite - Bob Marshall Helped Train Dr. David Cohen ND PhD MH CNC -
3. NY Naturopathic Doctors - Dr David Cohen May Be The Greatest Doctor in Americawww.david-cohen.Better-Health.US
Free clicks? - FOOD --- FOOD AND Save The World - Less Talking, More Doing - How Amazing To Donate With Free Clicks!
1. Clickable Homeless Charities - Nothing to do with Bob Marshall -
2. - Save, preserve and protect American Wilderness and wildlife for free! -
3. GiveAMinuteorg -
4. Pajacyk -
5. por los chicos - donaciones gratuitas -
6. Structured Water Pseudoscience and Quackery -
7. The oaks are offered by companies. -
8. Two Wings - Click Donation -
HealthRadio and... -- Beyond and Below The Level of Bob Marshall
1. 2PM Good Health Talk 1510 KCTE -
2. 4PM Weekdays - HEALTH Dr someone WSTP 1490am - Not Robert Marshall -
3. 9AM - Weekdays - Duke And The Doctor - WELW 1330 AM Radio - A Fraction of Bob Marshall -
4. Dr. Pressman's Best Case Medicine -
5. Dr. W. Dennis Clark-Treat Herpes Naturally with Larrea-Scientific Research
www.Alternative-Medicine-Doctor.Biz - Our "biz" is natural healing, with, of course, alternative medicines and remedies Regain or maintain your best health with the Longevity Zen of Health . Bob Marshall, this, and Bob Marshall that, - Learn more to decide intelligently: Pharmaceuticals versus Alternative Medicines and Alternative Remedies - - for those who are committed to alternative medicines and healing - Unlike pharmaceuticals, alternative medicines and doctors do not kill anyone - Dr. David Cohen, an alternative medicine practitioner, uses a vast array of the best alternative medicines
www.OndaMed-Biofeedback.US - in the field of natural medicines and approaches, OndaMed is truly stunning - What a mouthful - Exquisitely advanced science of the Longevity Zen of Health - Is Heartily Applauded By The Longevity Zen of Health - Saving lives with free clickthroughs
www.Thrilled.US - MisterShortcut is thrilled to bring you the Longevity Zen of Health , the most thrilling website on the internet, for YOUR life
Bob Marshall MAY Have The Answer You Seek
Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Longevity Zen of Health is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Longevity Zen of Health is free for your life.
That's also why the Longevity Zen of Health is free for your life and self-empowerment.
Bob Marshall may well prove over time to be the best health radio host of all time,
which is why the Longevity Zen of Health showcases Bob Marshall so prominently.
There is no connection between the Longevity Zen of Health and Bob Marshall.
The Longevity Zen of Health believes we should ALL learn from Bob Marshall.
Do not allow ANYONE to tell you that the Longevity Zen of Health does not work.
Do not waste your time listening to those who denigrate the Longevity Zen of Health .
Because these approaches are the most natural and proven approaches in human history,
such naysayers are only telling you what does not work for THEM, which speaks to them, not you.
Engage your Longevity Zen of Health and Longevity Zen of Health .
Each day, in every way, you ARE getting better, better, and better.
Bob Marshall - Longevity Zen of Health
is Bob Marshall proving to be all that?
Let's remember: Those who do best know it best,
for doing it better is how to pass the human smell test.
Even with the hucksterism apparently "vital" to promulgating naturopathy,
Bob Marshall has proven to be unusually informative, empowering folks.
More, Bob Marshall appears to empower folks to empower themselves.
When rubber hits the road, by demonstration, naysayers get squashed.
Thus, the Longevity Zen of Health expresses appreciation to this fellow.
Of all the real and "imitation" doctors on the radio and broadcasting online,
you may well see the benefit of listening with grains of salt, as they are selling.
Dr. Alan Pressman is up there, up alongside the rara avis we know as Bob Marshall.
All have drawbacks, for they're all marketing on the radio, at the same time they teach.
Of the many teachers Dr. David Cohen has studied under, Bob Marshall ranks as highest.
Anything you ingest that was not once alive is proving to do long-term damage to your D.N.A.
Erase your interference fields, and tiny amounts of nutrition stretch twenty or more times further.
Without erasing those fields, Bob Marshall says a whole wheelbarrow of nutrition will do little.
Oil, water, sea salt, bulk, and good bacteria such as found in kefir, add up to greater health, Longevity .
The Longevity Zen of Health sees that the QRA work of Bob Marshall is expanding geometrically.
Learn more so you can live more. The more you learn, the better your decisions tend to prove out.
Whether or not you embrace the detailed research of Bob Marshall, reach for the better you.
Alternative Medicines Capital - Alternative Medicines And Remedies Help Us To Heal Self - Dr. David Cohen, an alternative medicine practitioner, uses a vast array of the best alternative medicines - OndaMed, utterly non-invasive, non-painful, has no drugs or side effects - and is accurate as well - What a mouthful - Exquisitely advanced science of the Longevity Zen of Health - EyeCandy Treats Leading To Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGems - TheHungerSite Is Heaven To The Shortcuts Way of Living - Billions of dollars' worth of PowerGems for free clickthroughs. Fair enough? - Is Heartily Applauded By The Shortcuts Way of Living - Saving lives with free clickthroughs
www.Thrilled.US - MisterShortcut is thrilled to bring you the Shortcuts Way of Living, the most thrilling website on the internet, for YOUR life
Longevity Zen of Health Homage II - Dr. Bob (Robert) Marshall and Dr. Linda Forbes
Dr. Bob (Robert) Marshall, and his scientifically brilliant wife, Dr. Linda Forbes, are easily described as "modern-day Pierre and Marie Curie" contributors to humanity.
One huge difference is that Madame Curie and her husband, good and dedicated humans, worked with deadly, radioactive materials, where Dr. Marshall and Dr. Forbes do not.
Dr. Marshall and Dr. Linda Forbes are both engaged in what may well be polymathic-level research and development in so many different areas of health, nutrition, QRA, and vastu.
To list the accomplishments of Dr. Marshall and Dr. Forbes in one place would be a ridiculous undertaking, now that their accomplishments actually number in the thousands!
As of 2010 A.D., no two humans on the planet, never mind a married couple, can even hope to compete with the raw utility and helpfulessness engendered by their work.
Albert Einstein described genius as the infinite ability to take an infinite number of pains and infinite number of times. If true, then genius is theirs to share with you.
Dr. Marshall and Dr. Forbes achieve more in each week than most humans ever get to accomplish in five and six and seven or more decades of striving lives.
Thus and so are Dr. Bob (Robert) Marshall and Dr. Linda Forbes running right down the path to Nobel Peace prize nominations.
If you have any experience with Dr. Marshall's work, or Dr. Forbes' output, then join their growing list of adherents around the world.
Thank you, Dr. Marshall, and thank YOU, Dr. Forbes, for Healthline radio, and for the enormity of your contributions.