The Bionetics Phazx BodyScan 2010 | Safer, Healthier Approaches to Healing... Naturally!The Bionetics Phazx BodyScan 2010 (the BodyScan) uses biofeedback to monitor the flow of energy through the body. Take good and objective look at how powerful, how effective good biofeedback machines are, through use of this knowledge of energy flow along the acupuncture meridians, in a similar way to traditional Chinese medicine. What multiplies its value is the program's electronic duplication of many thousands of precisely unique signatures of the substances we're regularly exposed to. Determining what you personally are sensitive to is a major boon to health care. The Phazx BodyScan 2010 is gentle, with soft velcro bands for comfort at the head, wrists and ankles. Measing the body's response to the micro-frequencies of thousands of substances, the Bodyscan's precision is accurate and helpful. When you see a reduction of energy passing through particular tissue or organs, no human eye can detect this alone. When it's clear that an identified area of your body is displaying significant sensitivity to a particular substance, you get to eliminate all the wrong guesses regarding allergies and sensitivities. Maybe you're not allergic to milk, as you might have been told; if it's something similar, but different, the Bodyscan practitioner will see it in the precise number expressed in two to five digits for each of the many thousands of substances it's electronically duplicating. |
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