* Incidentally or not...*
You may note that the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living is mostly presented to you in bold lettering.
The difference that this makes for many tens of millions of people with visual challenges is worth investing a minute into.
Whereas ALL-CAPS are often understood to mean that whoever typed the message is expressing a bit of personal rage,
the bold lettering of the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health is about aiding the visually challenged.
So, if you feel that the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living are screaming by boldity, heh heh,
reconsider the thought, because that many millions of people need empowerment as much as you do, hm?

When you fail to intentionally get more from your today, how does tomorrow give better results?
Results are no more and no less than a running SUBtotal of all our yesterdays, added to today.
That means whatever fruit you yield today is going to alter the running subtotal of your life.
If you are intelligent enough to understand the irreplaceable nature and gift of today,
you instantly expand your intelligence when you determine to rise up one percent.
That's it - just one percent - and one hundred days will see you at least doubling.

All your yesterdays PLUS today is what will equal your tomorrow.
Add just one percent more into whatever it is you repeat today,
and you are assured of a tomorrow more profitable than today.

Anyone who engages the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living,
anyone and everyone using the secrets and shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions
anyone and everyone who is hungry enough to invest some additional effort gets paid most.
The very quickly find the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living to be reciprocal.
From quantum reflex analysis, a one-second test you get to use for the rest of your life for food, etc.
to the simple and undeniably powerful shortcuts and secrets of success, the choice to learn more is yours.
In return for your agreement to help more of the world's helpless, you will learn here the great secrets of life.
Start now with more air (deeper breathing at least once per hour), clean water (a few ounces every waking hour),
if only because your kidneys, which pump more than a liter of blood every minute of your life, are so heavily taxed;
never less than a teaspoon or two of real salt per day, which is AIR-DRIED sea salt, the third most critical nutrient of life,
knowing that a fantastic eighty-plus percent of all humans seen to live beyond 100 eat/drink unheated olive oil most days.
and plenty of green vegetables, all of which is helped by maintaining good intestinal bacteria, by not eating so much garbage.
You will find more often than not that the greatest secrets of Longevity, as of those relating to wealth, are indisputably simple.
The best secrets of masters, the best secrets of millionaires, are also Your best secrets for succeeding in self-empowerment.
The Shortcuts Way of Living recognizes that those who show the best know the best.
That is how you win at the game of life ... the most serious and exciting game of all.
Provided you help the helpless, you are welcome at the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health