Book A Day Shortcuts, Book A Day Shortcuts
Diving deeper into the Shortcuts Way of Living
Book a day shortcuts, that's who I am
Book a day shortcuts, happy as I can.
Believe it when you're told that you shall join the holy fold,
when you use your book a day shortcuts, to find that knowledge yet unfurled.
Book a day shortcuts shine a new light, one you've not seen before,
Such as asking more people more times for what you want,
Thanks to book a day shortcuts, which teach that much more.
Book a day shortcuts, right in your hand,
Book a day shortcuts, aren't they grand?
Don't bother with the little words,
your brain is much better than that,
and with one hundred seven million lenses per eye,
you'll find you don't miss them, for your mind is that phat.
As long as you re-write, within the hour, in words you would teach a child,
you will find you remember three times as much, adding to each of your piles and smiles.
Book a day shortcuts, book a day shortcuts, all that is mercy and mild,
book a day shortcuts, for adventure-seeking knights,
will take you to places you couldn't have devised.
Book a day shortcuts will strengthen your floors,
shine light on the darkest of unexplored moors.
Book a day shortcuts, not for snoring old boors,
book a day shortcuts will open more doors.
Book a day shortcuts for knowledge to pour,
Book a day shortcuts always bring much more.
The Shortcuts Way of Living - taking joy in helping feed starving people - no charge to you.
Wonderful sponsors buy 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clicks to (no relation to us).
When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the Shortcuts Way of Living. Join in, for what goes around does come back.
Learn more, live more, give more, with the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Reach for a bit more of life, with The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires, and without a doubt YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding. Enjoy, the Shortcuts Way of Living is free for your life.
Regrettably, only IE and compatible browsers can see most of the EyeCandy. Have no fear. A) There are hundreds of thousands of EyeCandy bits. B) PowerGems are what you need to find here. When we see the immense resources available to us all, it is egregiously offensive to see such profound waste.
Your life is rich with opportunities, in so many areas. The Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to awaken. The sight of you is no less than repulsive, disgusting.
Take control of what you have the power to take control of. Thousands of excuses for failure, and there is only one reason. That reason does not change from circumstance to circumstance.
Excellence is always the result of the desire to be excellent, true enough? If we do not see excellence in your life, it is because of just one basic reality: Your lack of excellence is directly related to lack of excellence in your efforts.
If you are not hungry, on fire, even, to help you to help yourself develop mastery, what in heaven makes you think that any other human should care about you, either?
You have millions of unique pages from the Shortcuts Way of Living, and related sites.
Millions of Longevity Zen of Health self-health web pages to help you help yourself. The time, in this day, hour, and moment, is nigh for you to accept responsibility. Until now, you have only pretended at willingness to accept responsibility.
You are the captain of the ship, the produce of the movie, ad infinitum. It all means that you are the one in control of destinations on the way. It is true that you have but little control in re your final destination. Not so the many subsidiary destinations along your life course. You decide the destinations, or whether to have destinations.
In that case, Life, and those who have their goals in writing, these will determine most of the course of your lifetime... and, of course, definitively control your destination.
When you stop pretending that you know better, your brain opens up to those one-percent-ers, improvements of just one percent each. The Shortcuts Way of Living, now,
pursuing YOUR destinations.
Millions of opportunities to find your PowerGems. Remember that the Shortcuts Way of Living is in you. A hammer on the shelf cannot bang any nails into any wall. Fruits of the Shortcuts Way of Living comes from sustained use.
Continue asking more people, more times each, to get what you need.
"Book a day shortcuts" is, as you may have surmised, about reading a book per day.
You'll find that reading a book a day is easier than you might think; shouldn't take more than 70 to 100 minutes.
You'll also find when you are reading something of specific interest to you, you look forward to this daily time.
You get to discover, quickly, that you only use the tiniest portion of your brain. How do you find this out?
That's easy - your brain produces solutions to answers at such a faster speed and higher quality,
that you find yourself repeatedly annoyed that no one taught you these things in childhood.
Summarily stated, "Book a day, book a day, you get wise quickly, what more can we say?"
Sagacity Of The Shortcuts Way of Living Is it true? What goes up must come down?
Oh, yes you CAN change the world with daily free clickthroughs. How do you think you'll feel after 100 days of clicking once per day?
If you were to click all these buttons, what would accrue in 1,000 days? If you think you grasp the basic powers of the universe, think of Newton.
When you save a hundred lives and a thousand, you cannot avoid the profit.

MisterShortcut invested more than 180,000,000 of life's most precious possessions into you.
These potent secrets and shortcuts - PowerGems - are extended so you can help the helpless. Do not take lightly the fantastic powers of the universe that open up to you when you save lives.
Whether you save pets or chimps, rainforest acreage or starving children, every click counts. Ask everyone you know to clickthrough once a day, we will save the planet with free clicks.
That is the effective price for the Shortcuts Way of Living - free clickthroughs each day. Wealth, such as in dreams, assured by the most record-shattering human of all time.
Click through every day. Exhort others to click daily. Wealth is an assured result.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is free for who helps the helpless, the hopeless.
Each time someone else saves a life with a free click that you solicited,
you both get one full credit for saving a life, tree, etc. Count that.
If you think you understand wealth, and how to attract money,
try this potent Shortcuts Way of Living secret of success.
What you do is so loud we cannot hear your words.
Saving many lives assures the money coming.
Shapetalk - Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Semi-Index - Just a taste of Shapetalk\
Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row, the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY, that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way. You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.