> Building Castles With Mr Shortcuts - Gorgeous Godfather of EyeCandy | Shortcuts Way of Living

                Welcome to the gorgeous and empowering world
                  of the gorgeous and empowering Mr_Shortcut

Building castles in the air is fine and dandy, building castles in the air can even be sensible,
provided we build the foundations beneath them that provide critical support.
Let no one around you convince you of what you cannot do,
because they are merely identifying what THEY dare not.
This is your lifetime, you're the one riding this train.
Let no one around prevent you from seeking information.
Let no one tell you what you are not capable of, ever,
because they are sharing nothing but their own limits.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and, best,
today is a gift, which is why we call it "the present."
Today is a one-time gift, assigned a unique date,
because it will never occur a second time.
That makes it evermore precious, dear,,
so you're forcefully reminded
to speak less and do more,
effective this minute.
Talk less, do more.

Who loves ya like the Shortcuts Way of Living ?
Rush forwards. You need not put anything at risk...
except the doldrums of mediocrity you personify today.
If there is anything at all you still haven't done yet,
your actions toward it - or lack of action toward it -
just in these past twenty-four hours,
tells us clearly whether you are moving forward or not.
If you're tired of moving sideways, look inside of you.
There certainly are castles inside you; let's build 'em.
Building castles in the air is infinitely rewarding.
"Enrichment" certainly will prevail within you.
Please. Stop with the excuses for why not.
It begins with a single foundation:
"WHAT do I want, and by WHEN?"