We are not limited because of what we think we can do,
only by what we are stupid enough to think we cannot do.

Learning from the Shortcuts Way of Living is different from anything else you have ever studied. Here's why:

1) You lay out no cash, the Shortcuts Way of Living is one of many Psychology of Shortcuts online versions for YOU.

2) The fact that thousands of chapters could be uniquified to the tune of a thousand and more versions of each, says enough.

3) Until you break and shatter world records, how can your observations or opinions be of any material value to you or to others?

4) Where Jefferson read some 4,193 books in 80 years, MisterShortcut exceeded that by hundreds of books each decade or so, often less.

5) Neither soliciting nor accepting your money, Shortcuts Way of Living credibility automatically lifts to whatever degree YOU find appropriate.

6) There is no possibility of your finding more than individual tidbits or PowerGems of such information elsewhere, you find here the best information.

7) One of many fruits of the first human to shatter hundreds of world records, each of them based on powers indisputably proven to be transferrable to you.

8) Every opinion from EVERY human near you who has not commanded leadership in that field is not to be given any more trust than their experience should merit.

If you are not hearing it and learning directly from the horse's mouth,
then you may be spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse.
Every Other Opinion Slays You
Only those who command repeat leadership in a human effort can be expert in that effort.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is sourced from masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Who does the best knows the best, so the Shortcuts Way of Living imitates them to imitate results.
Everyone else's opinion is entirely toxic to your goals,
making you stupid when you tolerate such toxicity.
TV heads are not experts, Silly, they pretend well.

The Shortcuts Way of Living is already alive inside of you.
You have already excelled enough times to prove this point.
Tying your shoes required huge numbers of unsuccessful efforts.
How low or high you set the bar is what defines your excellence.
You knew the Shortcuts Way of Living as a child, and then forgot.
You used Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGems... then just forgot.
"Nothing new under the sun," right? Well, that might not be right.
The Shortcuts Way of Living shares unprecedented information,
the Shortcuts Way of Living guarantees to stun smart people.
Inventing the first effective 'battery' for the human body,
(and other things), MisterShortcut crafted this for YOU.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is about master secrets,
the master secrets of the universe, disseminated.
It does not matter what Y O U think of these.
It only matters that you repeat them 100x.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is sharing,
so, it makes sense to share the best.
Do not ask "if," ask which, always.
Choices of yes or yes, never no.
Shortcuts Way of Living Truth.

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We are rarely limited by the things we think we can do.
We are repeatedly limited what we think we cannot do.
If you are happy thinking stupidly, go ahead. Otherwise

Buying domains is not only a function of the Shortcuts Way of Living, it is a reciprocation of the Shortcuts Way of Living.
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In fairness to Mr. Jefferson, he also worked with a brilliant Frenchman to design Washington, D.C.,
served separate terms as Ambassador to three nations, wrote the Declaration of Independence,
helped to create a new nation, served in his spare time as Secretary of State, then President,
profoundly refined agriculture, made thousands of written observations about astronomy,
and even had time for the more libidinal manifestations of an unethical slave-owner,
so there is no attempt to draw any comparison but in the arena of reading books.

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We are not limited because of what we think we can do,
only by what we are stupid enough to think we cannot do.

Learning from the Shortcuts Way of Living is different from anything else you have ever studied. Here's why:

1) You are surely not paying for this version of the Shortcuts Way of Living, of which there are thousands of versions.

2) The fact that thousands of chapters could be uniquified to the tune of a thousand and more versions of each, says enough.

3) Until you break and shatter world records, how can your observations or opinions be of any value whatsoever to your audience?

4) Where Jefferson read some 4,193 books in his 80 years, MisterShortcut exceeded that by hundreds of book each decade or so, often less.

5) Neither soliciting nor accepting your money, Shortcuts Way of Living credibility automatically lifts to whatever degree YOU find appropriate.

6) There is no possibility of your finding more than individual tidbits or PowerGems of information elsewhere, yielding the best information on earth.

7) Written by the hands of the first human to shatter hundreds of world records, each of them based on powers indisputably proven to be transferrable to you.

8) Every opinion from EVERY human near you who has not commanded leadership in that field is 100 percent garbage, toxic to your goals. Use eyes twice as much as one mouth

We are rarely limited by the things we

Buying domains is not only a function of the Shortcuts Way of Living, it is a reciprocation of the Shortcuts Way of Living.