Today is the most powerful day of your life.
Since you cannot "re-do" any of your yesterdays,
why not compensate by making more of your today?
No one on this planet is likely to care as much as about you,
about how often and how well you succeed, than the face in your mirror.
If you brush your teeth three times a day, you've just found several extra minutes.
WHILE you're brushing your teeth, you can be mentally reciting affirmations or reminders,
you can be producing new ideas on how you're going to fulfill TODAY'S tasks just a bit better,
you can create entire new ideas and foundations for turning those ideas into reality.
Whatever it is that you do today, for those who wish to become masters,
for those with money on their minds, determined to become millionaires,
let it begin, if you haven't already done so, with this simple discipline.
Every time you go to the bathroom, there's another minute or more.
Stop using your mind to consider petty issues and desires!
Start thinking bigger and you will obtain bigger results.
What you know has remarkably little value, right up until the moment you use it.
We hear your claims that you're "going to" use your wisdom at some point in time.
"Sometime" is the name of an island located in the oceans named "Nowhere."
In the next twenty-four hours, we get a clear picture of your life.
Either you will perform much as you did yesterday, (probable),
which assures you of not getting much better results,
or you will embrace THIS day with your excellence.
Please do not burden us with what you can do.
As Henry Ford taught so many decades ago,
you cannot build a reputation
based on what you are going to do.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. Do more with what you know.
The Longevity Zen of Health is already inside of you.
Unlike any other person or organization in your life,
the Longevity Zen of Health believes you HAVE wisdom.
Our challenge is only in getting you to use what you know,
to make more use of physical and non-physical resources at your disposal..