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The Shortcuts Way of Living is HUGE -- tap any keyboard character to fly off to another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment, joy, and EyeCandy

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All of these healthier websites, from the Longevity Zen of Health onwards,
are based upon millions of minutes of good study and research.
As a multi-tasker, Mr Shortcuts invested his life in YOU.
There is no doubt that you can and ought to do better,
so you're presented with the healthiest and wealthiest,
most effective and powerful techniques and shortcuts of winners.
Those who are doing things better than you know better than you.
Is that not sufficient reason to allow leaders to guide you towards success?
Is that not a compelling reason for you to speak less and listen just a bit more?

If you have the brains to understand that your current methods are NOT producing your best,
then swallow your ego long enough to acknowledge those around us who excel repeatedly.
Like a broken record, you're reminded that those who do it know it better.
From riding horses or seducing the great love of your life,
baking perfect cookies or playing piano, guitar, etc.,
there are indeed recipes in this life; good recipes,
and if that's not sufficent reason to listen,
then you're visiting here erroneously.
This is not about EyeCandy shapelinks.
It's about enjoying the learning process.
It's about a determinatino to make TODAY better.
Even if you only improve today by a mere one percent,
then you're guaranteed to double your results every 100 days.
Go for yours. Let's develop more of your untapped inner potential.

Mr Shortcuts

Welcome to the largest naturopathic website we have seen today,
and all because you are well worth every one of these millions of focused minutes!

It has been a pleasure building this, for it joins the largest self-empowerment site that shall ever be built,
The Shortcuts Way of Living Of Highly Accomplished Humans Champions and Billionaires | with MisterShortcut

 Copyright © by Mr Shortcuts
All rights reserved for those who feed those who cannot feed themselves

Let's feed those who are hungrier than you by giving, at no cost to you.
Easy Way To Become A Hero Of The Longevity Zen of Health!
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
When you click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no cost to you.

The desire to feed starving people, to eliminate global hunger...
that was the water that fed the seedling of the Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires.

Learn more to earn more; learn more to live more and give more.

Please help Mr Shortcuts erase worldwide starvation by clicking on the food buttons.
Fair trade for a multi-million-dollar service for you, hm? Let us keep in mind that excellence does not occur by accident.

Enjoy and benefit from the internet's largest naturopathic website
It has been a pleasure building this, for it joins the largest self-empowerment site that shall ever be built,
The Shortcuts Way of Living Of Highly Accomplished Humans Champions and Billionaires | with MisterShortcut