Welcome to the largest personal website in the world, with Mr Shortcuts hosted by Dr. David Cohen, ND, PhD, MH, CNC The Longevity Zen of Health is so vast that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another healthy wealthy page for you USE YOUR F11 keyboard button - Big difference, ey? You're quite welcome.
It is hoped, and therefore promulgated, that you'll both enjoy and benefit from visiting and absorbing here at what may be the largest website you'll ever visit.The Longevity Zen of Health is about you; about you living naturally, living stronger for longer, and, when necessary, healing yourself naturally. The great thing about doctors is that they have to absorb such huge amounts of information that they can be a fantastic source of assistance and counsel, which is what the doctor's supposed to do.
"Treatment?" "Cure?"
Those are words best left to the individual, not to someone else doing it for us. Sewing up a wound is one thing; approach to a major health challenge from within is another thing. Performing any type of trauma treatment is the sole arena of medical doctors, as they are the only ones in America who are trained to do so. Until individuals participate more in the Information Age by learning more, treatment of traumatic injury will continue to be the nearly-sole province of allopaths. When instant life-saving decisions and actions have to be made, those with the best training are those any human would and should turn to. The rest of health matters have been inexplicably wound together with treatment of traumatic injury in the world of allopathic, or drug-based and surgery-based, approaches. These are separate issues, and with the acceleration of information dissemination continuing to rise, everyday people are gaining more and more skills of higher levels than might be expected of them.
Carpenters going on the internet to learn more sophisticated or sturdier techniques and materials.
Housewives learning to treat injuries that save a forty-mile trip to a hospital for injuries that are serious without being instantly life-threatening.
Teenagers learning more about the ultimate truth that how I feel, how much energy I have, the quality of the energy that I have, the way I go to the bathroom, the way my body feels in any given situation, is determined more by diet than any other factor including genetic predispositions. COUNTLESS people who have what is now known as the "heart-attack gene" have NOT developed heart disease. Not coincidentally, their dietary habits are different from their siblings and relatives who have uniformly succumbed to this insidiously misformed gene.
In the larger sense, as a bird's eye view of a floor-plan, there are two factors and predictors of both quality and length of life that outweigh all other factors added together. That's a large mathematical statement, and by its very nature it is a rarity. Whenever and every time a human encounters a rare pattern that holds true more than five or ten percent of the time, then all rational humans agree that it is a statistical anomaly that becomes a pattern each time it is succesfully duplicated on purpose.
As complicated as that might seem to some, it's basic and simple, and like every other profoundly great and immediately useful truth, is quickly broken into its smaller components. One proviso and admonition is submitted for you to personaly absorb and weight carefully: understanding the why of anything is critically subordinate -- which means "far, far beneath in importance, even unto sustaining the function. We get stuck wanting to know why and how something works until we see it work. When we haven't seen it in action, we do not want to believe or accept it until we know how and/or why it's going to supposedly work. This creates conflict between the cerebral and artistic or between the left and right sides of the brain and there is a marked lack of time in which to separate wheat from chaff thanks to the addiction to Iron Age thinking versus Information Age thinking.
The largest part of this is a direct function of what is termed our "comfort zones," accurately likened to a wall thermostat, which turns off and on when needed, automatically, based on a range of accepted or desired activity, turning off and alternately turning back on when either extreme of high or low is reached. A great example of this is the difficulty that most people have with soberly imagining more than double of what they have or what they earn. The businesses that tend to multiply one's initial investment repeatedly, most often found in "residual income" opportunities. When America Online (AOL) sold internet access by a repeat monthly bill, their primary mountain of income came from setting up the monthly repeat income of about $20 for each of ten million subscribers. Whatever else AOL was doing to earn money, that two hundred million dollars per month was a parallel to the 1960's decision of American Express to charge a monthly or annual fee just to possess a credit card whether or not the card was actually used: with fifty million people paying every month just to have the card, their cash flow went geometric.
Behind each of the thousands and actually tens of thousands of businesses just in the past few years that have gone from tiny investments to high-income producing interests, you find someone who was able to see beyond the comfort zone of what is already possessed. In other words, to match your current income with a similar amount is not too difficult to imagine, because you have a unit of one (the actual amount of income you currently enjoy) with which to compare a newer and better income with. Because in your own personal life you do not have more than the unit of one, your brain function demands the logic of saying, "you cannot have more than 100 percent' therefore it is illogical to discuss more than matching what I have now." We have no problem saying, "Okay, we doubled it once in _________ days, let's do it again... and then again; just don't think we can triple it the first time."
In hope that the previous two paragraphs will be marked and read by you -- repeatedly -- let's connect the health factors and attitudes referred to in earlier paragraphs and marry it to the two that precede this.
For the eons, men, women and children lived and thrived without doctors. Once doctors arrived on the scene, basic health functions of hygiene along with better understanding of disease dissemination between animals, humans, and insects quickly increased typical life expectancy. Because they were so good at it, doctors earned both respect and assured incomes, attracting bright people. Although research continues to this day to outstrip useful and effective practice, the increase in the efficacy of practice is naturally due to the advances in research.
Things continued this way until the 1970's, when the concern and desire for personal wealth outstripped, by a measure not incomparable to the differences between research and effective medical practice, the desire to serve and help people to heal. Today, with perhaps a thousand or two thousand dedicated doctors, it is mathematically rare to find those who seek to serve, and statistically empirical or present to find those whose focus on money is obvious by their lifestyles. Quick example, although there are many others: a doctor who earns four hundred thousand dollars per year, and gives twenty or thirty thousand to charity is considered to be in the top layer of doctors who serve and give. To gether so many hundreds of thousands of dollars on the misery, pain, grief, sorrow and bankruptcy of other humans is too similar to the actions of the leech, which lives by drinking human blood, not to be compared; too close to the parasitical style of the tiniest of creatures not to be illumined and repeated.
We can already hear those who decry such "unfaithful" thoughts about their beloved doctor and will write in with harsh denunciations, pointing to their knowledge of one, two, three, possibly even more, of those bearing the "Dr." label. Meanwhile, the other ninety-plus percent of all doctors are making or seeking to make a killing; tragic pun intended.
No one disputes the lowest numbers offered to date, which from the U.S. Gov't and JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, which assures us that no less than 210,000 people in America are killed every year by medical error or neglect. Not one in three hundred of these so-called errors are benign or innocent errors; because not one of these errors is benign to the patient; excuse me, the late patient who is now enriching no one but the obscenely-paid funeral home owner who buried them at huge burden to the family of the victim of these errors.
Two hundred and ten thousand is the lowest estimate offered that does not experience dispute. If indeed the estimates of four hundred thousand and more deaths per year is accurate, it does not make less tragic the loss of even one of the two hundred and ten thousand who have died in the past twelve months as a result of medical neglect or error.
What about the five hundred thousand additional victims who don't die, are merely sickened or worsened by neglect and error? Do they not count?
The medical definition of insanity can be fairly stated as:
"Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result."
Not one death is prevented, not one exacerbation of a condition is eased by pointing fingers of blame or trying to separate those of our doctors who are gifts from Heaven and those of our doctors who are just greedy or incompetent people (too often possessing both of these latter traits) doing a job.
Wise and helpful people continue to teach us that we have a choice: fix the blame or fix the problem.
It would crest the acme of futility (or would that be nadir> to think you can attract higher quanities of "higher quality" people into the medical proffession. That leaves us with the other most commonly used function of the brilliant minds that have come before us: Work backwards and live it forwards. Which is to say, find people who are doing it the best and then duplicate their actions in order to duplicate their results. In order to do that, the comfort zone requires alteration.
First, the idea that "Doctor knows best" needs to be exhumed only for the purpose of burying it in a deeper place, where it cannot offer up its deceptive face from whence it now rears into foreground prominence with such deadly regularity. Doctors clearly and provably do NOT know best in any area outside of treating traumatic injuries. The proof is foudn of course in the coffins of those who continue to die of cancer and heart disease, liver and stomach and... well, you get the picture: numbers don't lie; only people do.
Not one patient in five hundred thousand seeing a psychiatrist can claim to have been cured by the psychoanalyst. The fact that, in the past half-century psychoanalysts and psychiatrists have been able to double their fees perhaps more than any other group of people on earth says much about the power of salesmanship and the vaguest of promises about what the customer is actually buying. It's quite true: not even one patient in a half million is declared "cured" or "healed" no matter how many years they attend sessions, no matter how many different psychiatrists they see. If doctors knew better, they would do their jobs better. For those of you dedicated nurses tempted to write or declare that your boss is the most dedicated doctor in history, your claim is completely credible, as credible and creditable as the clear statement that ninety percent of all doctors do not fit into that category, and ninety percent is a luxuriously generous paean to the community of doctor-adorers.
When you are prepared to accept that doctor does NOT know best, that leaves only two choices: trial and error is the first choice, a time-consuming and in the case of health care a dangerous choice; and there is the Longevity Zen of Health method. This of course entails working backwards and living forwards, by finding people who live stronger longer naturally and duplicating what they do.
With all of the different studies with such divergent findings, the only benefit that you or I can gain in the instant is to deal with those commonalities that are perfect or close to perfect in uniformity of application and result.
Here are just a few. The evidence is too strong to deny them, so they're not presented for debate, nor are the reasons, causes and proofs in this forum offered. They are perfectly or near-perfectly common to individual humans who live stronger or longer:
-- little or no red meat in the diet. If you enjoy red meat, then you SHOULD eat it once in awhile; because you enjoy it, not because there is any benefit in it. There is no benefit in taking body parts of animals inside of your body.
-- they tend to drink more water.
-- they manage their stress rather than be managed by it.
-- Contrary to those who poke fun at yoghurt commercials, it's interesting to note that, in five communities within the former Soviet Union and in Japan, dozens and dozens of people living beyond the mark of one hundred years.
When you are mentally prepared to take the leap and accept that doctors do NOT know best in several dozens areas of health care and life care and balance, you're reminded of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's attributing to Sherlock Holmes the brilliant statement that "Whenever the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Well, if it's not the doctor who you're going to rely upon, who will you rely upon? One choice is to find the rare doctor who realy and sincerely cares about you and yours. Another option is to turn to yourself, with the help of, that's right, your doctor! As well, any and all other gatherable resources pertinent to your task. The Information age is here, and it means you can learn very specific information at fantastically accelerated rates. This leaves you more time to carefully consider the decisions you make as a result of your having newer and better information than you did before.
The Longevity Zen of Health , rich with wealth shortcuts and more, and the Longevity Zen of Health , focusing on living stronger for longer, are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity
are hosted by Dr. David Cohen ND PhD MH CNC, and created for you in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential, in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically. You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all. the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Longevity Zen of Health is free for your life, perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure, are the innovations and promotions of your biggest fan and coach.