The Shortcuts Way of Living is wealthy with EyeCandy variety, re-aiming to PowerGems: most utile shortcuts of all time.
The Shortcuts Way of Living helps empower you to empower yourself, seeking to elicit the best from you, with Mr_Shortcut

Much of the Shortcuts Way of Living is reminder.
Today is your opportunity to look under your hood.
Only when we recognize our tools do we use them well.
The Shortcuts Way of Living has great expectations of you.
Asking more from yourself in any effort promotes higher expectations.
Higher expectation persistently leads to higher personal gain.   Yes, for you, too.
    If you can bounce a ball, you're engaged in many simultaneous computations: It's no less than amazing.
That you can do that proves you can use any PowerGem of the Shortcuts Way of Living, which are easy.
Look for a life worth living. Slow down on cooked food. You have but 25,000 full dosages of HCL in you.
You genuinely need to learn that death begins in the colon. When you eat well, you eat so much less.
This frees up hours per week that you're frittering neither your time, nor even so much money.
This yields up years that you otherwise can be sure will be filled with health challenges.
So, if you know that committing to live today as a day worth living with fullest energy,
use the Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGem of investing that one more percent,
gaining even a one percent improvement in anything worth YOUR doing,
achieving more in the next 100 days than in all your life combined.
Just form fewer opinions until after you have done it 100x or more.
The Shortcuts Way of Living will not work well for real phonies.
Phonies are folks who form opinions before their experience.
It is known that the better the heart, the more it will yield.
Enter into your own contracted Shortcuts Way of Living,
where 1,440 minutes per day are your opportunities,
where you get to break more world records than i,
1,440 opportunities to get one percent more,
where high-speed mastery becomes yours,
empowering you to empower yourself,
succeeding more than ever before,
so you can help the helpless.
I'll help you, repeatedly,
you help him/her, too.
Is that fair enough?
Let's rock this.

Rock the house.
Help the helpless.
You profit the most,
and in most ways, too.
In certain ways and times,
i is you, and until that happens,
how can you hope to become a full I?
It tranforms a critical element of a full we.
One semi-bright fellow, with an IQ of over 200,
posited that communication ceases past 25 points,
that too great a gap in IQ makes it only impossible.
Do not be such a child of anger. Believe, instead.
It's why the Shortcuts Way of Living produces,
for approximately 100 percent who use it.

Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Intermission

This Shapetalk bit of wisdom is brought to you by the Shortcuts Way of Living,
the only university in the world rejecting all concepts of money and commerce,
at least within the confines of YOU learning how to master tools you already have.
No need for all those books and tapes, videos, cd's, dvd's, ad nauseum and inifinitum.
As the first human to review thousands of such books, tapes, programs, and so much more,
MisterShortcut assures you that the Shortcuts Way of Living incorporates the best of all time.
Only those humans who seek to give freely are likely to hit their ultimate marks of acquisition.
The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health aim at such high points of humanity.
Make sure you use more eye contact whenever you are either resolving, or pursuing a point.
If you now think you understand the power of smiling, try teaching yourself to learn anew.
Direct eye contact, and smiling, are two of your most magical and instant shortcuts.
If you are not getting more than half of all that you ask for from other people,
then you do not yet merit an opinion worth the attentions of the rest of us.
Direct eye contact, with more smiling, smiling right into people's eyes.
The Shortcuts Way of Living helps you to open your own doors.