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This site is so huge that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another MrShortcut website of empowerment, joy, and, of course, EyeCandy

F11 toggles full-screen off and on  

Mr-Shortcut: "Today's actions determine tomorrow's repute...
including yours


Take control of your health effectively and quickly

Doctors   Asclepius VS Hygea           

Doctors II   a matter of  life or death

Your Medical Destiny   -  As with everything   it's your choice  

Health   GREAT Shortcuts
  Better    health   

Psoriasis     Fastest Relief   Free Home Cure works GREAT!

Common Cold   guaranteed to work  EVERY time
      Great Shortcuts.. FREE                      Shapelinks                      Scandalous!!                     

Take complete control your health with the best methods and shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires methods
the best and healthiest shortcuts of those who have already done it and are doing it now!!
PowerGems from Masters and Millionaires on how to succeed with shortcuts. All of these healthier websites, from the Longevity Zen of Health onwards,
are hosted by Dr. David Cohen ND PhD MH CNC, developed personally just for you by the Godfather of Shortcuts...

Mr Shortcut I     Mr Shortcut II       Mr-Shortcut III       Mr Shortcut IV       Mr-Shortcut V       Mr-Shortcut VI

Mr-Shortcut VII       Mr-Shortcut VIII     Mr-Shortcut IX       Mr-Shortcut X       Mr-Shortcut XI

Mr-Shortcut XII         Mr-Shortcut XIII         Mr-Shortcut XIV         Mr-Shortcut XV

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Many hundreds of thousands of pages in the Psychology of Shortcut
have been built for YOU to succeed faster with shortcuts,
built with love by Mr-Shortcut, for You 

More Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health

MisterShortcut is asking YOU
to feed someone hungrier,
t o d a y.

The Shortcuts Way of Living Asks You To Save Children - NO CHARGE TO YOU The Shortcuts Way of Living Loves Pets!
Rain Forest Oceans Big Cats Primates Children Pets

Another MisterShortcut creation for the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health

Quantum Reflex Analysis

Shortcuts, "Q's" and Quantum Reflex Analysis       QRA.Me

* By the way...*
You will note that the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living is primarily presented in bold lettering.
The freedom to participate that this gives to many tens of millions with visual challenges merits note and action.
Unlike ALL-CAPS, which is sometimes taken to mean that the person typing is experiencing personal rage,
the bold lettering is often the difference between having to wear glasses to read... or not having to.
So, if you think that the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living are screaming,
please remember many tens of millions of visually challenged folks.   Enough said?

If you do not squeeze just a bit more out of today, why should tomorrow differ?
Your current physical and financial results are not a total, only a subtotal.
Although they are the total of all your yesterdays combined together,
the gift of today is that your total is no more than your life subtotal.
All your yesterdays PLUS today is what will equal your tomorrow.
Quantum reflex analysis is adding several percent more of you.
Add just one percent more into something that you do today,
and you are promised a tomorrow even sweeter than today.
How sweet today is generally is a reflection of your attitude.
When we expect a lousy day, or a great day, we generally have one.
Quantum reflex analysis opens your mind as very few things have done.
When you engage the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living,
when you try the power of the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health ,
you will rapidly find the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living engaging you.
From quantum reflex analysis, the simple test you get to use for the rest of your life for food, etc.
to the simple and undeniably powerful shortcuts and secrets of success, the choice to learn more is yours.
In return for your agreement to help more of the world's helpless, you will learn here the great secrets of life.
Start now with more air (deeper breathing at least once per hour), clean water (a few ounces every waking hour),
if only because your kidneys, which pump more than a liter of blood every minute of your life, are so heavily taxed;
never less than a teaspoon or two of real salt per day, which is AIR-DRIED sea salt, the third most critical nutrient of life,
knowing that a staggering eighty-plus percent of all humans seen to live beyond 100 eat/drink unheated olive oil most days.
and plenty of green vegetables, all of which is helped by maintaining good intestinal bacteria, by not eating so much garbage.
You will find more often than not that the greatest secrets of Longevity, as of those relating to wealth, are indisputably simple.
Less talking on your part, more listening to those doing it better than you, followed by your own imitation and innovation.
That is how you win at the game of life ... the most serious and exciting game of all.
quantum reflex just to say, that analysis of how your body reacts to any particular stressor, substance, food, etc.
Quantum reflex analysis is the medicine of the 21st century. It is a permanent tool you get to use for everything.
You are accessing many of the most fantastic and wonderful secrets of human history, best of the very best.
There are no shopping carts, because you are unlikely to have the price of admission to these hallways.
Thousands and thousands of the finest minds in history, not only joined into the mind of one human,
as well, into the mind of with an IQ still rising with just practice, supplements, and a Brain Tuner.
Quantum Reflex Analysis rises to such high levels of meritable tools, among the best of all time.
Get this: Once you learn how to use quantum reflex analysis, it is free for the rest of your life.