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The right to speak freely is, according to our Constitution, inviolable. That means any act, law, statute, or other restriction inveighed against freedom of speech is, by definition, illegal. It is formally illicit, Constitutionally and constitutionally intolerable. Lawfully, the chain of command must be invoked and used.
You go up the ladder to appointed and then elected officials, demanding redress. When you are certain that not one person in the chain of command is taking action in this twenty-four hour period, you are constitutionally and Constitutionally entitled and obligated by every accepted norm of democracy to enforce the Consitution's imperatives.
Be certain you note and accept the differences between permission and obligation; being allowed to do something and being obliged by moral standards and legal requirements to take action. There are differences, and the more we appreciate them for what they are, the sooner each of us will accept the burden of responsibility. That is the price of possessing the attendant privileges.
When you're given permission, you're allowed to do it. When you are invested with responsibility, you're encouraged to do it as and when you deem it appropriate to do so. When obligation is set forth, only exceptions do not apply. Obligation means that only compelling reason for an exception is acceptable. Action becomes the immediate and consistent norm.
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The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health is about bringing out what we know to exist.
This alone may register the Shortcuts Way of Living among your healthiest websites.
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