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Three Hopeless CasesSurely you can imagine the burdens of a particular woman... to give birth to a child afflicted at birth with what we now know as autism. Even after learning that several doctors agreed that she had to institutionalize the child, she said, "No way." Disruptive and self-destructive, he couldn't even be hugged or kissed. Doctors and specialists repeatedly told her she had to institutionalize her son. She refused. His unruly behavior at school was so egregiously disruptive he wasn't merely suspended, he was thrown out of his school. Permanently. Then another school expelled him... and another. His speech defect, and the flat feet which excluded him from athletic pursuits, and the mocking of the other kids, all added up to a ton of pain. That pain was expressed as disruptive behavior. He was eventually kicked out of seventeen schools. Can you imagine what it must have been like? How understandable to make the decision to give up on him? How much can a parent take? What hope for a productive future can such a child's parents expect? They felt as if they were running out of schools. At his 18th school he discovered a fascination with, and love of, art. He became more manageable, and began asking himself better questions. Every human who asks better questions ends up with better answers. One repeated effort of a specific task: asking a better question about anything we urgently wish we had.
Back in the States, with a family of his own to feed, he struggled and struggled. One of the better answers he came up with was that, however rough things were in his life, he had to spend at least a couple of hours per week trying to express his artistic side. In those minutes reserved just for his creative side, he wrote a screenplay that attracted interest. Broke as can be, he actually turned down a whopping $250,000 for the script, because the buyers wanted the script outright. He refused to let go of the script unless he could also direct the movie!! Wait, it gets better: He wanted to star in it, too! Know for sure that you've got to have a dream if you're going to make a dream come true. Put a date on it, and it's not a dream anymore. It's now called a goal. At 20 million dollars per movie, the guy who refused to sell that script won his battle, developing fame as "Rocky." Is he smarter than you? Better connected? When do you start asking better questions? With better questions, he got better answers. He asked himself what he had to do to make it happen, writing out answers, creating what is called a map, and resolving to stick to his map. Take a desire; put a deadline on it. Now it's a goal. This is the most concise explanation of how computers work; how the human brain and body work together: with goals. The fancy word is 'cybernetics.' A dream with a deadline is a goal. Please remember that. Sylvester Stallone presented us with every reason to think that his better questions helped him to become a sensitive, sensible, philanthropic, happy and wealthy individual, rather than what he was headed for. He was not born that way, and he did not get that way by accident. He asked himself a whole series of better questions, and, y'know, he got better answers. If you look back at the past 24 hours, I'm willing to wager that Christopher Reeves, breathing only by grace of God a breathing apparatus, and enormous personal desire, moved closer to the attainment of his lifetime goals than you have. Now just stop & think about this a moment. Here's a man who has every 'reason' or excuse to just stop trying. Exactly what have you done TODAY towards your long-term dreams? Do you even have a dream? If you don't know precisely where you're going, the Shortcuts Way of Living knows that you are most likely to end up somewhere else.
__________________________ ___________________________ We started with three hopeless cases here, referring to three people who just about everyone else had or has given up on: Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Reeves... ... and you. For every action in this universe, Well worth capital letters. Scientists will routinely tell you that there are very few absolutes in life. We use capital letters for Newton's Laws because they are unchanging. That's good news for you because knowing something in advance is a fantastic resource for you to tap into 365 days per year. When you look at the people who have broken records at the Olympics and in other venues, you find again and again that the people who do it the best are more often than not people who overcame crippling diseases or losses that stun the life out of more than 9 of every 10 people who experience such losses. In each and every case, each Olympic gold medalist and corporate or institutional leader personally interviewed, you find that they all tapped into Newton's Third Law. After all, he hit the dang thing a couple of hundred times, not a chip, crack, or even much of a deep scratch. What POSSIBLE reason could he have for continuing to strike away at the slab of stone? Isn't it obvious to a duck that nothing's happening? Please get this clear in your mind: that sculptor knows for an absolute fact that every action has an equal andopposite reaction. Anything we do enough times with a focus on doing it well will produce world-class results. There are no known exceptions, none whatsoever, and that includes you. Sylvester Stallone and Chris Reeves, successful men, describe exactly what they want. Whether it's a fun wedding or a better job or directing a movie or increasing your income a modest 50% within 8 weeks: it doesn't matter WHAT it is you want. If you know exactly WHY you want it, and candescribe in detail what it is you want, you have already accomplished at least 1 or 2 percent of the job. Now you only have 98 steps left! You can actually change your life in the next 5 minutes. I repeat, This is the most powerful day of your life, a day to put a date on your dream, listing who can help you, and breaking it into 10, 20, or even fifty or a hundred smaller steps. Why wait? |
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