Read the greed, then feed your seeds.
Important shortcuts, important shortcuts,
for all that you do that's important to you.
Important shortcuts for all your life's deeds,
find that important shortcuts can fill your needs.
Important shortcuts are ALWAYS your important shortcuts,
comport yourself with your best ethics, and not as a whore does.
A whore in business is the worst of all, it's important to note this,
because it is THEY who build walls,
walls to divide the mean and the snide,
the methods that indicate the lack of pride.
See how quickly important shortcuts ease this.
Let your important shortcuts, clear up that mess,
if it's important you know you can get by with less.
Important shortcuts, they surround us around the world,
Important shortcuts work for all the boys and all the girls.
Is it not an important shortcut when you ask for assistance?
Is it a less important shortcut for you to cut across the lawn?
Is it an important shortcut when you eat food made by others?
You employ many shortcuts without asking if they are important.
When you use them on purpose, shortcuts become more important.
Live your Shortcuts Way of Living with fullest intention and attention.
In return, the Shortcuts Way of Living helps you to be more important.
Half your wealth is fairly earned by the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Invest that half into helping more of the helpless you find.
Where you see excessive wealth, you will see poverty.
Help the helpless for you to be rich and important.
Feed your shortcuts, as your shortcuts feed you.
Seed the deed, not the needs of greed!
Important shortcuts, important shortcuts,
for all you wish to do so important to you.
Important shortcuts for each of your deeds,
your important shortcuts will water your needs.
Do not listen to humans who list reasons it cannot be done.
not as long as you are determined to be "an important one."
Technology alone has delivered and shown important benefits,
not least of which are some of your great, most important shortcuts.
If these naysayers know better, why are they not doing so much better?
Without even meeting any of these naysayers, how delicious that we know!
We know the naysaying human is never the one living on top of their dreams.
How can the Shortcuts Way of Living state such a negative with such certitude?
That's simple: the Shortcuts Way of Living is the sum of masters and millionaires.
Thousands and thousands of champions and billionaires, masters and millionaires.
None of them, personally or professionally encountered, was a naysayer; Not one!
The most important people running the world are using many important shortcuts.
You want to become more important within the drawn world that you are living
The most important people in the world tend to know better than most of us.
That so many of them demonstrate their belief in the import of shortcuts?
Those who show the best prove to know the best, teaching all the rest.
Until you are master or billionaire, champion, or maybe millionaire,
let us rely most on the most important opinions aloft in the room:
the opinions of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Mostly, we tend to be about as important as our shortcuts.
Feed the seed before the need of greed!
Important shortcuts, important shortcuts,
in all you seem to think is important to you,
important shortcuts reduce need for each deed,
all your most important shortcuts can nourish seeds.
The Shortcuts Way of Living aims to avoid the weeds.
Ignore losing humans who list reasons it cannot be done.
not when your vocation just happens to be how you find fun.
Our new age matures us, teaching us many important shortcuts,
not least of which are some of your most vitally important shortcuts.
If these naysayers know better, why are they not showing much better?
Without needing to see them face-to-face, they are revealed nonetheless.
You should know that naysayers prove not to be living important lives, true?
How can the Shortcuts Way of Living aver this so negatively with such surety?
Without a hesitation: The Shortcuts Way of Living is of masters and millionaires.
More than five thousand masters and millionaires and champions and billionaires.
Not even one of these role models is a naysayer, each filled with encouragement.
Our important humans, managing the world, use quite a few important shortcuts.
You wish to become more important within the known world that you are living
The most important people in the world show they know better than the rest.
That so many of them iterate their beliefs in the value power of shortcuts?
Those who know the best are those who show best, teaching all the rest.
The Shortcuts Way of Living invites you into your own winner's circle.
Until you are champion or billionaire, master or "just" a millionaire,
we benefit most if we heed the most important opinions in town:
the opinions of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
As a rule, our shortcuts are about as important as we are.
The Shortcuts Way of Living multiplies what you invest
The Shortcuts Way of Living remains the shortcut capital of the world,
for the most important person in the world.