Empower yourself at the largest and hopefully prettiest and most informative website on the internet. A one million pages plus, built | altered | edited | refined | uploaded | promoted by one pair of hands. Taking off for four years to build the Masters and Millionaire empire was a pleasure. My one thousand websites produce many thousands of clicks to feed (no cost to you) the starving people of the world. Owning a great piece of art can never compare to investing thousands of your own minutes trying to paint beautiful art. I could never understand how people can be fascinated by watching OTHER people earning fifty thousand dollars per day. The so-called loyalty of fans is very funny, because it is predicated exclusively upon the dollar enrichment of companies and their employees, called athletes. You settle for watching OTHER people earning stupendous sums to sing or to dance, and you pay your baseball players far more than your teachers You personally fail to retain up to ninety percent of your discretionary expenditures, and much of your non-discretionary funds. When you purchase a nationally-advertised item, two-thirds of every dollar, off the top,(!) goes to executives and advertising. How foolish is it to spend seven to seventy times what an item can be sold at profit for? Do you realize that a dollar doughnut cost a penny to make? You pay 100x the cost of something? Consider the same in diamonds. Speak a bit less. Think more. Then act. You are the purpose of the Shortcuts Way of Living, and of the Longevity Zen of Health What you do... ... speaks so loudly . . . . . . we can hardly hear a word you say. Today is assured of becoming more exciting, more adventurous, more event-filled, more opportunities present... when you choose to stop embracing your recent efforts and results so mediocre, to become more excited first. As simple as the child's dare, "You go first!," the Shortcuts Way of Living is about as useful, and active... ... as you are Shhh. Stop forming opinions, using that poorly-invested energy into learning as much information as you possibly can. Form your opinions when you have, not one or two or three, instead, when you have M A N Y facts. Masters and Millionaires Eye Candy Tour 100grand 2 cents 32000 911day2 Acoustic Cardiograph After Age14success All-Quit-Smoking-Hotlinks Altlink Asking AskRight Attitude Ayn ayurvedic-Medicine Ballerina Bartender Beat the masters Beverly Billionaires Billions Biosyntony-Overview Body1 Bodyscan Bodyscan2010 Boost Boss Braintuner Brain-Tuner Breathe II Catabolic Censored Chelation Chelation2 Chiropractic Clearing Closing Common Cold Compmastery Computer shortcuts1 Computer shortcuts2 Computer shortcuts3 Computer shortcuts4 Corrupt1 Critics Criticss Crossbenjamin Culture Current Cybernetic Dampen Datewith Deanne Decide Deepika Desire Diabetes Diane Direction Directors Doctors Doctors II Dreamdare Dunncrossspringer Economy Emi Endorsements Enter Failure Flower-Essence-Therapy Focus For Keeps Free Power Shortcuts To Success Fulcrum Wealth Goals Goalsheet Habit Habits Happens Harmony Health Healthier Health Index Herbal-Medicine Herbal-Medicine2 Hopeless Horses www.shortcuts.ws/hugsHugs Hundreds Hunger Iceberg Iceburgaa Imagination Important Impossibilities Index Eye Candy 10 Eye Candy 11 Eye Candy 12 Eye Candy 13 Eye Candy 14 Eye Candy 15
Eye Candy 16 Eye Candy 17 Eye Candy 18 Eye Candy 19 Eye Candy 2 Eye Candy 20 Eye Candy 20aa Eye Candy 21 Eye Candy 22 Eye Candy 22aaaa Eye Candy 23 Eye Candy 24 Eye Candy 25 Eye Candy 26 Eye Candy 27 Eye Candy 28 Eye Candy 29 Eye Candy 3 Eye Candy 30 Eye Candy 31 Eye Candy 32 Shortcuts 33 Shortcuts 34 Shortcuts 35 Shortcuts 36 Shortcuts 37 Shortcuts 38 Shortcuts 39 Shortcuts 4 Shortcuts 40 Shortcuts 41 Shortcuts 42 Shortcuts 43 Shortcuts 44 Shortcuts 45 Shortcuts 45a Eye Candy 46 Eye Candy 47 Eye Candy 48 Eye Candy 49 Eye Candy 5 Eye Candy 50 Eye Candy 51 Eye Candy 52 Eye Candy 53 Eye Candy 54 Eye Candy 55 Eye Candy 56 Eye Candy 57 Eye Candy 58 Eye Candy 59 Eye Candy 6 Eye Candy 60 Eye Candy 601 Eye Candy 61 Eye Candy 62 Eye Candy 7 Eye Candy 8 Eye Candy bd1 Indexbodyscan splash Index-Doctor-David-Cohen Indexlist Indexnewyorkbodyscandotcom Indexoll Infants Info Infratonic Intro Intro-Quit-Smoking Keyboard shortcuts Last Ruby Lawyers Open Letter to US Congress Links List Literacy Lovely Masterlinks Masterlinks 2 Masterlinks 3 Masterlinks 4 Masters Meddestiny Medical Dollars Megalinks Millionaires Millionaires2 Millionaires2000 Millionaires3 Millionaires4 Mineral-Infrared-Therapy Mineral-Infrared-Therapy-Theory Minute Mission Mood Mousetoy Moving Naturopathic-Medicine Naturopathy2 Naysayers Newspaper Nutrispec Nutrition Onday - Quit Smoking Oregano Oregano2 Oxygen-Therapy Page2 Page23 Page3 Pain-Relief Pain-Relief2 Parasite Parasite2 Parents Pareto Patty Paychecks Payoffs Pay Yourself Piano Plant seeds to offer them water. Seeds of instant use, instant benefit..
PoliticsPlanting seeds induces physical well-being in you and your wish. With so many seeds in each hand, your watering will flower at wonderful and accelerated speeds with your brain ON. You must ask one hundred people, and again, true? What is there in life you don't have to ask for? Any role model or champion, and high achiever, without fail we see that they ask 100 times. If need be, they ask another 100 times. Prepare responses beforehand. When you know what the questions are likely to be, you are prepared and smooth. Truth presented proactively has immutable power. Work with truth to support your positions, it is cheaper and happier. Every single thing has a price as Newton taught in his 3rd law. Since you definitely do have to pay a price for everything, doesn't it make sense to get the best price you can? Because truth repeated swings huge weight, its return trip is easily controlled, by those who repeat again. Please. You talk too much. Less talking, more doing, less of your verbality, more of your brains, more of your best. What you do, pal, is so, so loud, we cannot hear a word you say Sssshhhhhhhhh. I understand Do more. Speak less.. Poof Popcorn Power Power2 Prepare to Quit Psoriasis Quit-Smoking1 Quit-Smoking2 Quit-Smoking3 Quit-Smoking4 Reach Religion Rife-Technology Rolemodels Ruby_2 Ruby_3 Sales Sales2 Satisfaction Science Scoring Shorcuts Shortcuts Simcha Sock Sputnik1 Wantmore Ways Weddings HyperReader Who Will Blythe Windowsbutt Write Xenoestrogens1 |
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The Shortcuts Way of Living is YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living, your own place to examine the best thoughts of the best achievers among us, where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun, EyeCandy, to promote your success. Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do. Do you understand that you've only achieved the tiniest fraction of why you are here at all? With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building The Shortcuts Way of Living here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts. When is it your turn to enjoy a better life? Using any one or more PowerGems within the Shortcuts Way of Living, repeatedly, is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you. Let's do it, hm? The Shortcuts Way of Living is a part of the mother of all websites, the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires. Free for your life, Mr Shortcuts hopes you find at least some of the thousands of hidden treats spread throughout hundreds of thousands of unique web pages created for YOU by the Godfather of Shortcuts, the Godfather of EyeCandy, Mr Shortcuts |