Miss Jenna's Page
  Gourmet Interior Design  

Your home can be visually musical

Click to Contact   -     Jenna       

Please push F11 button on your keyboard

Quiet elegance of strength

      Combining the best of the Rubin and Seskin Dynasties

            Enhance your status with decorating

        Relax and enjoy our personal service and attention

       Opulent, understated magnificence; aesthetic excess

To send fan mail to MrShortcut, click the dove
For questions or comments about this website,
click the dove  


This website Designed By MrShortcut, specifically for Miss Jenna.  Credit and appreciation to Ms Mary Hyland
Background graphics mostly by Cabin Grapics

All grapics artists credited when info is available.
graphics w/out attribution were downloaded from a public domain graphics archive

This IS the most powerful day of your life

You see,

Yesterday is history;
Tomorrow is a mystery:
Today is a gift....
which we know because we call it...

the present

No coincidence there; it was intended.

Each day, made of up of 1,440 separate opportunities for excellence,
which we do call 'minutes,'
is a one-time gift from the Architect of The Universe.

How many of these marvelous gifts do we fritter away,
majoring in minors?

How urgently do I hope that SOMETHING will grab your passion
something worth pursuing that brings mutual,
or better yet, universal benefit.

So, whaddya think?   S'okay?   When ready, you can adv't all over the world, right?

Jenna, if you go to just about any of the top 200 search engines and type,
"Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts " or even just "masters millionaires,"
you'll find that most of my 700+ websites are fairly well-ranked,

Masters and Millionaires - Websites ARE the top fifty, although Excite.com and others go even further.   Why not use this valuable resource?

Perhaps you'll participate in building a great website for your future business, and your decrepit old uncle can put your site on top for YOUR category, ey?

Wishing you, as always, a finger-snapping, toe-tapping, star-spangled day.

P.S. Your website contains approximately 14,000 printable pages, so I expect a detailed report on each page by next Friday, okay?
Yes, Smiley is a hotlink.

  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   
   Remember 911day.    

 Shortcuts Way of Living Erasing Starvation With Longevity Zen of Health Via TheHungerSite       Shortcuts Way of Living Help TheHungerSite Button
   Remember 911day.    
  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!