all by Mr Shortcut.... for you.
This is the Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Millionaires, leaders and repeat winners.
There is no better day for you to begin making improvements.
Should everything in your life be running quite smoothly, make no changes.
If your life is NOT running perfectly, only change in effort can produce change in results.
Everyone seems to know just what to do; so few take the actions they know will produce benefit.
Well, now we shall see if you're full of baloney, or full of excellence.
Ee next few hours will tell us clearly who and what you are.
Decide what you what and state it out loud in 10 words or less.
Invest enough minutes in YOUR future to create the magic list:
the list of 100 people, organizations and/or agencies
that YOU PERSONALLY will ask for help in your goal.
Begin asking those on the list in this very day.
I promise you massive, MASSIVE results,
quicker than ever before,
because there is no better shortcut in the world than asking for what you want.
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