Sees With the price of health care continuing to
escalate, amidst the growing dissatisfaction with medicines and medical
procedures that just don't produce the result we most want, more and more of us
are looking at the alternative options available to us. That's where we are
reminded that "cost of medical care" is more than just about money. The hours of sitting in the doctor's waiting room or
outside of a surgery; the lines and inconvenience of waiting for prescriptions
to be filled; the pain of a physical problem not responding to medical
treatment; and, obviously, the loss of "quality of life" when our
illness or ailment does not respond to medical treatment… all add up to a cost
that is worth even more than the high fees we pay for medical care in
America. Conventional health care is
all about money, and everyone knows it. This
is one of the forces behind the recent upsurge of interest in naturopathic
medicine, which is the accredited branch of health care that specifically
avoids, any slicing into the human flesh except in life-or-death situations;
and specifically avoids the use of prescription drugs. Why?
Well, the only reason a drug requires a doctor's prescription is that
the drug has dangerous or deadly side effects. No exceptions to this Whenever the drug companies are able to make
a drug safe enough not to harm the human body, it is removed from the
prescription list and sold "over the counter," which means anyone can
buy it. If our heavy prescription drugs were really working,
we'd be happier campers, wouldn't we?
Seems okay to accept the side effects because it's worth it to get rid
of the problem… if the drug was doing its job. That's where the problem lies:
the medicines don't always work, do they? With naturopathic medicine, the objective is NOT to
overrule the human system with man-made chemicals, using instead only natural
healing agents and nutrients to return your body back to its natural, healthy
balance. You can't get rich as a
naturopathic doctor because your patients don't need to come every other week
for two years and three years and five years and beyond. That's the bad part of
being a naturopath: people get better, and don't need your services
anymore. Studying
nine naturopaths who enjoy high reputations for helping people who had not been
responding to conventional treatment, it was clear that ee most thriving
practices are not generating significant financial wealth. It's clear that
word-of-mouth recommendations go far, and keep these unusual health practitioners
in business. Knowing in advance they'll never get rich, they tend to be as
noble as many of our schoolteachers are, because it is the love of helping
people, and not driving a Mercedes Benz, that drives and motivates the majority
of naturopathic practitioners. As with
everything in life, actions are louder than words. Combining ageless wisdom of natural approaches that
have proven consistently successful, the naturopathic doctor has a huge array
of modern biofeedback technology that is light-years ahead of where we were
just a few years ago. A wonderful
example of this is Phazx's biofeedback device called Bodyscan2010. Measuring over 16,000 substances in your body in 59
categories, it provides exquisitely accurate information on each substance,
toxin, and imbalance present in the person being examined. No needles, no drugs, no surgeries; in fact,
nothing invasive or unfriendly at all.
Imagine the healing love of a grandma combined with
state-of-art-technology, and you've got a fair picture of naturopathic medicine
in America. The very nature of naturopathic medicine is such
that there is no way to get wealthy. A
conventional medical doctor, known in fancy terms as an "allopathic"
practitioner, sends you out for very expensive tests that eat up too many
hours, only to find that the doctor is recommending surgery or prescription
drugs. From Wayne
Hill, ND, naturopathic practitioner in Auckland, New Zealand or Dr. Eileen Stretch, a
Seattle naturopath, or Boro Park's Dr. David Cohen, N.D., Ph.D.,
M.H., C.N.C., those who choose
the life of naturopathic doctors clearly do so for reasons more interesting and
useful than collecting money. When we
consider how the price of health care has escalated in America, it's nice to
hear actions speaking louder than words. |
The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health ,
because you are that important, and worth empowering.