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Share the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health with YOUR world, for the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health can be used by all. The more we give away in life, the more that life is sure to repay our kindness. Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help. The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land, all cry out to you to reverse the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest. Share the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health today. Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend the minutes is also how you are spending the life. You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you like. Each master of success can tell you these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you. Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct? Act the way you want to be to become the way you act. These are several master secrets of your universe. They come from the masters of your universe.
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours. Share the Shortcuts Way of Living. Let us even the playing field.
Both the Shortcuts Way of Living AND the Longevity Zen of Health , along with more than a thousand other MisterShortcut websites, exist to help you to help yourself, empowering you to empower yourself.
You are now beginning the single greatest winning streak of your entire life. Welcome to the Shortcuts Capital of the Universe, from your chief cheerleader.
Learn more and you're likely to live more, especially with PowerGems from the Shortcuts Way of Living, brought to you in the pursuit of bringing out the best in you.
Develop more of your potential with the Shortcuts Way of Living, and go for yours, quickly! Created with love by MisterShortcut, for You
The Shortcuts Way of Living and our favorite subject
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Click up to the top of this Shortcuts Way of Living page
Click up to the top of this Shortcuts Way of Living page
Shortcuts to the left of him, and shortcuts to her right,
shortcuts tend to illuminate, the darkest of your nights.
Shortcuts lead the way to all the things you always sought
shortcuts answer all the prayers that pioneers first bought.
There are shortcuts in your present, in your future sure as rain,
shortcuts are the sunshine that dissolve that wrenching pain.
Knowing that you've done your best,
with shortcuts at your full behest,
all the shortcuts you invest
the rest of all you've yet to gain.
Shortcuts are the mantra, the zeitgest of the day,
shortcuts have transparent wings, to heights along the way.
Now let us reach for shortcuts, may we rank so high for night,
unto the moment shortcuts fail, when the sun won't rise in the sky
Shortcuts may be wandering, in search of the better way,
in the motions of those notions that produce a bit more hay.
You may not like them, every one, but shortcuts sure beat walking home,
when all the rains bring mudded trails,
it's shortcuts that fill the holes in your pails.
Reach for your shortcuts when the weather gets rough,
for shortcuts have a way of making sure you have enough.
Look beyond the shortcuts, past the lies that you've been told,
you need to make it a better place, before your soul grows cold.
You've left without your shortcuts, all the wisdom that you've earned,
by forgetting to use your shortcuts, all those times that you got burned
Yes, let's get to the shortcuts, and what they've meant to you,
can we leave a brighter time behind, within that shortcut view?
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in hope of creating
a better way.
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If you think you understand wealth, and how to attract money,
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What you do is so loud we cannot hear your words.
Saving many lives assures the money coming.
Shapetalk - Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Semi-Index - Just a taste of Shapetalk\
Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row, the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY, that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way. You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.