Each of the millions of careful selections
on each of more than a million helpful pages
all by MisterShortcut
all for you
with love
Feed a starving, hurting kid today, NO CHARGE to you.
Is this delicious, or what? It was a blast building it
all for you. In truth, what you know means little to any of us.
you DO with what you know fascinates us.
Do more with what you know.
You’ll find that you are succeeding faster, measurably.
With your mind in mind,
Mr Shortcuts
beginning with The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health ,
filled with YOUR healthiest shortcuts to Longevity
were designed and produced for you in belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Shortcuts Way of Living is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and PowerLinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are innovations and creations of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach
Success Tips I
Mr Shortcut II
Mr Shortcuts III
Mr Shortcuts IV IIIIpoint9
Mr Shortcuts V
Success Tips VI
Mr Shortcuts VII
Mr Shortcuts VIII Success Tips VIIII
Mr Shortcuts X
Mr Shortcuts XI
Mr Shortcuts XII
Success Tips XIII
Every child dreams of having special powers.
These thoughts on not based on mere idle wishes.
If you like pertinent quotations, here's one to look up:
"Everything that the mind of man can conceive, and believe, he will achieve."
When do you allow those who know better to teach you?
When do you comprehensively grasp the power of shortcuts?
When you do see that great shortcuts turn your wishes into reality?
The wishes of a child seeking special powers empowers a new reality.
Every human is given several special powers, powers that are rarely used.
Emergencies and those things more desired are when you engage these powers.
Crisis situations and what you desire the most are inevitably subject to these powers.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is an effort to help you develop the special powers within you.
The Shortcuts Way of Living does not - cannot - use these powers for you: they are volitional.
Start with any page of the Shortcuts Way of Living, any PowerGem at the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Any and every page contains useful information to help you to help yourself, empower you to empower yourself.
Begin to repay the Shortcuts Way of Living by feeding those around you who cannot feed themselves.
Feed those who are starving. This the first and last step of the Shortcuts Way of Living.