Talk about love!
Over a million unique, interactive pages,
in pursuit of your success,
from the Master of Shortcuts,
with love of your potential.
Just for the fun of it, you can now save a life.
are the result of more than 5,200 interviews conducted with masters and millionaires, leaders and repeat winners,
all for YOU to succeed faster with the great shortcuts of our champions and Winners. developed personally just for you by The Godfather of Internet EyeCandy...
Are we having fun yet? It's been delightful creating it for you Remember, what you know means little to any of us. Make more of your today, because today is the only today you get.
you DO with what you know fascinates us.
Do more
with what you know.
Rapid improvement is the inevitable result.
Even better, it improvement occurs as often as you wish.
You already know the math: try it ten times, and succeed once or twice..
Try it one hundred times, and your skill level multiplies repeatedly.
In fact, it's about the only thing that IS impoosible.
Jump-start your life, with invigorating, electrifying joy.
Identify and state what it is that you most want from life.
That's your first, most important step to achieving success.
Once you see what you most want, list everyone who might help.
Then break your goal into two smaller pieces and then do it again.
As soon as you get to a step that you're capable of handling, that's it.
This is your map; beyond asking everyone on the list for help, repeatedly,
success is not much more or less than putting one foot in front of the other.
Even if you invest just ten minutes per day into any one pre-defined set of goals,
those minutes, extended to a thousand days and more, add up to your investment.
Whether you invest ten minutes per day or one thousand each day, ala MisterShortcut,
you are absolutely guaranteed to go further than you are now, by sticking to your plan.
If you see that you can't learn less about anything, use more of what you already know.
The Shortcuts Way of Living has complete faith in your ability to speak less and do more.
Like so many great ideas, PowerLinks were truly an accident.
Listing thousands of links on a single page became cumbersome.
The desire to trim the lists in a manner at least partially neat,
and a naturally mischievous nature; these led to PowerLinks .
Conceptually, PowerLinks are like the blinking yellow lights,
the runway beacons, the lighthouse lanterns multiplied,
all to draw you into the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Help yourself, you'll end up with much more.
Then, you'll be in a better position to help.
That's it. Receive, benefit, pass on.
It's a working equation for you.
The payoffs are huge.
Click your PowerLinks.
Yes, yes, we know that you THINK you understand that, explaining this invitation,
inviting you to look again into the wisdom of those repeatedly doing best of all.
Who shows the best must surely know the best when they do the best,
earning them our fullest attention, particularly relating to their shortcuts.