Employ your Shortcuts Way of Living,  
because your doctor cares too much for money and too little for you.

Millions of healthy, enriching, empowering web pages, designed and built for YOU by Mr Shortcuts

It would appear that you've arrived at:
  • the largest free website in the world

  • the Largest Personal Website On The Internet,

  • the largest website in existence on the planet

  • the healthiest website on the internet,

  • with more hotlinks than any other website in existence,

  • designed, created, uploaded and promoted by the most prolific web designer who will ever live,

  • the amazing Mr-Shortcut

Health Tower I          Health Tower III

You cannot learn less, so learn more with the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health ,
amounting to what may be the internet's healthiest websites, certainly the largest empowerment websites.

Even better, the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health creations,
all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire built by the hands of Mister-Shortcut,
represent the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.

Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to thehungersite.net,
it's fair to describe Mr Shortcuts as the "World's Richest Man" or "The Richest Man on Earth,"
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others.

Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advange.   Get wealthy by giving.
You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the Shortcuts Way of Living tastes delicious.
Natural health shortcuts of people who have a habit of living stronger longer. Aside from plenty of fresh water and more deep breaths, more relaxation, you'll find that most older healthy folks eat more vegetables than they do meat. THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY NEVER EAT MEAT; only that they treat meat as an occasional treat to indulge in rather than as a staple of their diet.

Teach yourself even a tiny bit at a time. Learn more, because the world is filled with great health tips.   Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips,

and the greatest success shortcuts of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead.
That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many hundreds of thousands of unique creations.

created for your success by Mr Shortcuts , for You

MisterShortcut Presents, For You, the Shortcuts Way of Living

The efforts to make the Longevity Zen of Health the largest naturopathic website online is for you.
The more benefit you get from the Longevity Zen of Health , the more likely you will reciprocate.

Using the best health tips of people who live stronger for longer is wise.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is designed for your life,
with the understanding that you will make use of its wisdom,
that you'll enjoy the fruits of its successful experience,
and then have the decency to pass it to those who need it.
There is always someone worse off than us, individually and otherwise.
Without exception, each time you considerately think of them, or act for them,
the universe and all of its laws gives you the positively sumptious guarantee of return.
You already know that anything we do has equal and opposite reaction.
What might distract you into thinking that this fact is immune?
The rules of life that hold true most of all, all PowerGems,
apply to all we survey. Faith and science combined.
Created by your Godfather of EyeCandy,

The Shortcuts Way of Living is fantastically vast
IE users: Tap any keyboard letter, number or character (even upper-case!) for another Mr-Shortcut website of EyeCandy and self-empowerment

The Godfather of Shortcuts created hundreds of huge, gorgeous sites for you,
not least to help you to help others. Each is unique, just for you, including the Longevity Zen of Health ,
filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally
It is indeed a wise person who understands and appreciates
that no vitamins or human or even surgery can cure or heal us:
they can only help us to help ourselves; help us to heal ourselves.
The sooner you take control of the decisions affecting your health,
both how long you live and how well you live, the sooner you win.
You win the game of life by living well. Keep things simple.
With hundreds of thousands of dead patients every year,
the only person willing to claim that medicine works,
is the individual who has an interest in saying so.
That's tough for you to accept. We understand.
Your IQ is what, 80, 90, 100 or thereabouts?
The Shortcuts Way of Living is different.
Based on the findings of smart folks,
people with IQ's above 150 - 180.
Stop feeling insulted by this;
call it a quirk of birth.
Fact is, those who do better
are the people who know better.
By tapping into what THEY know better,
you multiply the chances of YOU living better,
living stronger for longer with more robust health.
You think you know more than Paul Newman, saintly human?
Forget the thousands of charities this amazing man has given to.
Just consider his announcement just after his eightieth happy birthday:
"As of next year, I will no longer compete in professional car racing anymore."
Whew! Do you even understand the physical requirements of professional car racing?
Never mind the mental demands; the physical demands alone are beyond what you do daily.
So, when one like Paul Newman speaks about being so active after several consecutive decades,
does it not make sense for the rest of us to hush up and listen to the wisdom coming from a wise man?

Do more with what you know now.
You’ll notice yourself getting happier.
Happiness is that highest state, so guarantees of happiness are unreasonable. "Guaranteed to be happier" is more easily fulfilled.
There are so many shortcuts available for you to make use of.

When did you last realize, just for one example of many instant resources to power,
that you have the ability to ask a question not merely from a bright librarian or a Harvard professor.
No, you get to ask tens of millions of computers your question,
because that is precisely what you do when you go to a search engine.
You're asking millions and more millions of computers in hundreds of languages, covering every known subject.

Experts.     They're an excellent source, provided they are actually doing it at world-class.
We generally recognize them as masters or millionaires, champions or billionaires.
Everyone else is full of crapulous invective,   technobabble,   or the blatherskite of excuses.

Embrace your Shortcuts Way of Living || Masters and Millionaires Secrets to Success

The Longevity Zen of Health Asserts QRA Practitioners Heroes Of This Century
The Longevity Zen of Health hosts many QRA websites so that every human can learn QRA
The Longevity Zen of Health avers that YOU, doing QRA at home, can save COUNTLESS MD appointments

    Each website has a slightly different coign of vantage. Millions of unique, relevant, content-rich pages for YOU.  
The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health share millions of pages, more than you will read throughout your lifetime
If you are trained and inclined to respect the findings and opinions of world-class masters, you will surely want to learn about QRA.
Nothing in the experience of people with astronomical IQ's can compare to the accuracy and utility, day-to-day usefulness, of QRA.
If you get nothing else from these millions of pages from the Longevity Zen of Health and beyond, at least learn QRA for yourself.

Q-R-A.com - Acronymically, QRA stands for Quantum Reflex Analysis, in the Longevity Zen of Health list of Top 12 Innovations of the Century
Q-R-A.info - Longevity Zen of Health on QRA, to help you to help yourself ENORMOUSLY, and rapidly, by teaching YOURSELF how to use Q-R-A
QRA.me - Who practices QRA says, "QRA me," to QRA practitioners, to identify exactly what's weak, and what nutrition will remediate the weakness
QRA.name - With respect to nutrition, the name of the Longevity Zen of Health favorite approach is QRA, also to be named nutrition of the 21st century
Q-R-A.US - More potent, useful information on Q-R-A, tools enhanced by Marshall, Forbes, Cohen, from the foundation of Dr. Yoshikio Omura's BDORT
QRA-AUSTIN.info - While QRA appointments are now available globally via Dr. Cohen's office, QRA hails from Austin, Texas. Longevity Zen of Health nod to Austin
QRA-Experts.info - Counting several hundred trained QRA practitioners, more QRA practitioners will be learning Dr. Cohen's QRA, with instant growth as QRA experts
qraNY.info - Practitioners of QRA in New York, NY and environs - The Longevity Zen of Health way is Quantum Reflex Analysis. Learn all about QRA at www.QRANY.info
QRAPractitioner.info - Book QRA appointments with an expert QRA practitioner now. Learn what the Longevity Zen of Health calls "body knowledge"-- QRA Practitioner
QRA-Practitioner.info - Most all but the last health challenge has proven, safer answers. The Longevity Zen of Health recommends QRA practitioners. Save your own life
QRA-Practitioners.com - The best doctors in the world surely are QRA Practitioners, if not QTA1 practitioners - Safer, natural, healthier, QRA is the hands-down winner
QRA-Appointment.info - With advanced technologies, QRA appointments are now available anywhere in the world. Expert QRA practitioners use Bodyscan AND QRA.
QRA-Appointments.info - New Jersey or New York, NY, Austin, Texas, or Maryland, NH, California, or even nationally, 1- 888-600-4888 for your QRA Appointment
QRA-Appointments.com - 718-627-7272 For QRA Appointments In Brooklyn, Manhattan, NY, New Jersey, NJ, and across the nation, the best QRA appointments

www.top-doctors.us/qra-quantum-reflex-analysis.html - From the Longevity Zen of Health , an opinion: Top doctors are those doctors trained as QRA practitioners
www.health-tower.com/qra-quantum-reflex-analysis.html - If QRA is to change the world forever, the Longevity Zen of Health promulgates QRA around the world
qra-practitioners.doctordavidcohen.org - Since Dr. Cohen is a QRA practitioner, it made sense to add QRA Practitioners information to his naturopathic websites
www.qra.newyorkbodyscan.com - QRA in New York via David Cohen, Longevity Zen of Health naturopath, Level III QRA practitioner, helping thousands of people
quantum-reflex-analysis.biosyntony.com - Can you learn too much about quantum reflex analysis? QRA proves to be the most accurate test

QRAAppointment.info - New York   New Jersey, Austin, Texas, Georgia - QRA appointments - 1-888-600-4888 - QRA appointments suggested by the Longevity Zen of Health.
QRA-Practitioners.info - You can call 1-888-6004-888 from anywhere in the U.S.A. to talk with the nation's greatest, most advanced of QRA practitioners, trained in Texas
QRAPractitioners.info - Credit to all QRA practitioners who remain focused on kai-sen - unceasing improvement, David Cohen proved the best of all QRA practitioners
QRATesting.net - Of all the tests you take in your life, it is likely that QRA Testing is more important than any other, because QRA is the single most accurate of tests
QRA-QRA.info - Further Longevity Zen of Health observations of QRA. This website is so important, Longevity Zen of Health named it QRA-QRA, twice for emphasis
QRA-TEXAS.info - As noted with relation to QRA-Austin.info, and the birth of QRA, as well, QRA-Texas.info is an homage to the Texas wizards who gave us QRA
TEXAS-QRA.info - The Longevity Zen of Health cites Texas for hosting & fostering Marshall & Forbes, innovators of QRA - spreading from Texas to New England
QRA-Referrals.info - Longevity Zen of Health On QRA-Referrals - Natural Health Benefited Most By Your Own Application Of QRA - Begin with QRA Referrals
QuantumReflex.info - Of all that you may learn in the way of health and wealth, Quantum Reflex is surely among the most brilliantly useful to your health and longevity
Quantum-Reflex-Analysis.com - The game-changer of game-changers because you can use Quantum Reflex Analysis to measure the strength of food and plenty much more
QuantumReflexAnalysis.com - A thousand medical devices cannot reveal more personal information about you and your state than one skilled quantum reflex analysis expert
Quantum-Reflex-Analysis.info - Information on the subject of quantum reflex analysis, the one set of thoughts and tools that every human being needs to have and to employ
QuantumReflexAnalysis.info - Even further information on the near-magical skillset you RAPDILY build when using quantum reflex analysis techniques of measurement
Quantum-Reflex.info - Every organ and gland in your body has a specific, identified electrical point. You can assay the strength of each with quantum reflex
Reflex-Analysis.com - Online or offline, the Longevity Zen of Health URGES you to learn how to perform reflex analysis on your loved ones, food, etc
QRATraining.info - You can also learn how to do QRA remotely, with exquisite accuracy, with QRA training and a QVial of supercharged minera ls
QRA-Practitioners-QRA.info - From your first QRA testing, QRA practitioners give double the satisfaction and double the satisfaction.
QRA-Training.info - Best of self-health techniques. QRA training helps you in training yourself to extend your own longevity

So, why does the Longevity Zen of Health give such inordinate respect to expert QRA practitioners?
Of all the Longevity Zen of Health subjects you may choose to purview, always prioritize QRA.
There is nothing like it for instantly testing weakness and strength, in yourself, and far more.
Whether you join the ranks of America's premier expert QRA practitioners, Level III, etc.,
(you should know that not all expert QRA practitioners are Texas-trained, learning solo),
or just simply learn to use the one-second bigidital test brilliantly taught by Dr. Omura,
be sure you understand that QRA is among the five most powerful tools of your life.
The Longevity Zen of Health urges you to try at least one expert QRA practitioner.
Your life will never be the same, with benefits that will delight and please you.
This is not about the QRA practitioners, however expert each may prove to be.
The Longevity Zen of Health urges you past consults with QRA practitioners,
by learning to be at least a home-spun version of expert QRA practitioners.

This health index for the Longevity Zen of Health , and Shapetalk, EyeCandy, etc.,
and all the thousands of MisterShortcut health and wealth websites and shortcuts,
is brought to you by the Longevity Zen of Health and the Shortcuts Way of Living

Shortcuts Way of Living Shapelinks And Shortcuts Shapetalk

Shortcuts, after all, are why we are here,
and shortcuts prove to be what we keep most dear.
With shortcuts in your pocket, or tucked inside a locket,
you will lauch your greatest efforts and fly higher than a rocket.
Shortcuts strive for you, shortcuts will guide you, shortcuts will never disappoint or decry you.
Shortcuts cannot judge, discerning good from bad, & probably wouldn't if it could or it had.
Shortcuts are here to help make you strong, with shortcuts we know you will rarely go wrong.
For shortcuts come down from all of those masters,
who first lived your issues, with the self-same disasters.

The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health strive to be YOUR Shapelinks and Shortcuts EyeCandy Capital