The best feature of being the most knowledgeable human of all time,
of having more information stored in one mind than in any other in history;
the tastiest part of having read a book or more per day for fifteen thousand days,
surprising to most people, is not the ability to gather dollars, celebrity, or honors unto oneself.
The most exciting feature of having the greatest mind of all time is the power to transfer it to you.
It is the perfectly irrefutable certitude that all my insight and intelligence can be transferred to you.
As MisterShortcut, I do not merely think this. I have proven it with each of my dedicated students,
those with the brilliant ability to shut up in the presence of those who do it better, and repeatedly.
Atittude is indeed a part of succeeding at any human task. In fact, attitude supersedes aptitude.
The first and most critical factor of genius or brillance or world-class masters never changes.
As soon as you learn to embrace opposing points of view, you are channeled to mastery.
These are among the most toxic and hopeless words that we can ever utter.
If no change is tolerable, no improvement is possible. The door is locked.
Regarding religion or mathematics, generating money or health,
flexibility is the single most cirtical hallmark of brilliance.
Unless and until you have broken many world records,
mastery commences when you mimic those who do.
Each record I've broken, shattered, or established,
reading, writing, composing, feeding, and more,
is certainly thanks to those who did it better.
First following on in their steps, repeatedly,
then adding your own personality traits,
your own experiences and knowledge,
you assuredly duplicate their results.
If you knew better, you'd do better.
Today augurs the rest of your life,
in the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Great wisdom is revealed here,
endowed with instant utility.
Take the great big plunge,
into your own potential.
Your mastery is born.
Power is flexible,
Feed someone today hungrier than you
With much love, from the heart of the Shortcuts Way of Living.
PLEASE STEAL THIS PIECE OF THE Shortcuts Way of Living. Copy this to place on your site. Let's build a better world, one page, one click at a time.
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiplex levels of usefulness.
If you know how to listen, here is very powerful information, new to you.
These next few minutes of your life are likely to change you forever. Focus.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, it is silly to limit yourself.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Do not limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you've ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
A PowerGem is a deliciously universal secret of your own Shortcuts Way of Living.
PowerGems are hidden in plain sight throughout millions of MisterShortcut pages.
A closing thought about a matter of real import to the Shortcuts Way of Living :
You already know that what goes around comes around, ala "What goes up..."
Click through at thehungersite, one time every day that you live and breathe.
When you save dozens, then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
Watch how quickly a real variety of facets of your life begin improving.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Click through to TheHungerSite and related HELPING websites.
RainForest, ChildHealth, and
As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
You will, as we all do, experience many of your life's greatest feelings.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.
Join the Shortcuts Way of Living, solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts,
universal shortcuts sweetly called "PowerGems."
You're looking for an explanation of ShapeTalk perhaps?
Keep Looking.
ShapeTalk. You may think that ShapeTalk is merely an expression of art, or distraction.
We each quickly benefit by learning to see ShapeTalk for what is actually is, hm?
You see, we have become sound-byte people, we like to get it short and sweet.
ShapeTalk is a way of expressing many separate pieces of wisdom in short.
There are over a thousand ShapeTalk pieces in thousands of versions,
spread all thoughout the Shortcuts Way of Living for you to find.
ShapeTalk also, critically, separates thoughts line by line.
Have you noticed that? One line, one thought, mostly.
This way we can look at ShapeTalk and count!
Count the pieces of wisdom you take away.
Look in the ShapeTalk for PowerGems.
You do not need to click every HELP button every day, although the Shortcuts Way of Living endorses doing so.
Clicking at least one every day of your life means your impact on the world continues to grow and grow.
That you can do so at no charge makes it all the sweeter. Lives saved are lived saved, right?
Whoever thought we'd develop such passion for saving lives? Will you join the daily crew?
Save someone or something every day of your life, and find many payoffs coming back.
Newton's Third Law is a perfect law of life, and pays you very generously.
That's why it is a PowerGem of the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Give more, friend, and you surely get back much more.
Help the Shortcuts Way of Living to help TheHungerSite feed starving folks - NO CHARGE
Share the Shortcuts Way of Living With Global Generosity!
Share the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health with YOUR intimates,
the people you most wish to assist, and to empower in their own pursuit of success,
for the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life repays our repeat generosity.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, whether creature or human, within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to remediate the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.
Share the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend your minutes shows how you're spending your life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you wish.
All masters of success can confirm these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
When you imitate the great masters of this universe,
you imitate the results of these great role models.
PowerGems are of the masters of this universe.
You know more than those who still do more?
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Let us even the playing field.
Oh, yes you CAN change the world with daily free clickthroughs.
How do you think you'll feel after 100 days of clicking once per day?
If you were to click all these buttons, what would accrue in 1,000 days?
If you think you grasp the basic powers of the universe, think of Newton.
When you save a hundred lives and a thousand, you cannot avoid the profit.
MisterShortcut invested more than 180,000,000 of life's most precious possessions into you.
These potent secrets and shortcuts - PowerGems - are extended so you can help the helpless.
Do not take lightly the fantastic powers of the universe that open up to you when you save lives.
Whether you save pets or chimps, rainforest acreage or starving children, every click counts.
Ask everyone you know to clickthrough once a day, we will save the planet with free clicks.
That is the effective price for the Shortcuts Way of Living - free clickthroughs each day.
Wealth, such as in dreams, assured by the most record-shattering human of all time.
Click through every day. Exhort others to click daily. Wealth is an assured result.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is free for who helps the helpless, the hopeless.
Each time someone else saves a life with a free click that you solicited,
you both get one full credit for saving a life, tree, etc. Count that.
If you think you understand wealth, and how to attract money,
try this potent Shortcuts Way of Living secret of success.
What you do is so loud we cannot hear your words.
Saving many lives assures the money coming.
Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row,
the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY,
that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way.
You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.