You are visiting the healthiest website in cyberspace The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health a i n s
t a k i n
g l y,
in order for you to live stronger for longer, wealthiest, healthier, and happier ..
As with all 1,000,000 pages built into the self-empowering Shortcuts Way of Living,
this has been another production of Mr Shortcuts , the Godfather of EyeCandy
The Longevity Zen of Health Suggests:
Better to learn to be your own naturopath.
It is getting simpler and simpler to learn how.
Stop buying nationally advertised products immediately.
They are full of toxins, not one in 10,000 is nutritious.
You are paying for advertising and excessive executive pay.
Wise up. Greens and reds, foods from the ground, will save you.
Become your own naturopath. Study just the subjects concerning YOU.
Whatever your challenges are, learn one or two new facts on them each day.
You will rapidly develop the skills of a naturopath, with a most important patient.
The Longevity Zen of Health is about relying upon yourself, not people chasing your money.