Make it happen. After all, it's your life.
The Shortcuts Way of Living
Are we having fun yet? Designing and creating all these Shapelinks and the EyeCandy has wonderful,
if only because of the possibility of associating the pleasures of the Shortcuts Way of Living with education.
At the end of it all, the value of the Shortcuts Way of Living is determined less by how much food we raise,
and even less by how much you like the Shapelinks and EyeCandy, than how much you "get" the PowerGems.
The first order of business is understanding that what you do today affects tomorrow hugely.
Empowering effect or disempowering, there are no neutrals, it is now and always on you.
What you do speaks so loudly we cannot hear a word you say. Knowledge is NOT power;
it is nothing more, and nothing less, than potential power, until it is employed.
It is the USE of knowledge that is defined in our dictionary as power.
Do more with what you know. You are assured of benefiting enormously,
and yes, money is one of many fringe benefits of repeat daily actions.
When we add the acceleration factor of any and all PowerGems,
every single human is assured of measurably better results,
with LESS effort, less time, and fewer expenses.
The Shortcuts Way of Living works purely,
and cannot distinguish between races,
nor religions or sexes or nations.
The Shortcuts Way of Living.
Created for you, friend,
because you're worth it.