The Shortcuts Way of Living
You cannot learn less, so learn more with the Longevity Zen of Health and the Shortcuts Way of Living, by orders of magnitude the largest empowerment websites and network anywhere in the world.
Since you already own The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health , having mastered many of these techniques as a child, and then abandoning most of your shortcuts by adolescence, you are more than somewhat likely to be pleasingly shocked by how simple it is to pick up your best shortcuts again.
Since you already have access to more than eighty percent of all the resources that we need to succeed,
The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health are fired up and ready to go. These magnificently effective shortcuts are free for your life... they're ALREADY yours. Jump right in, to the Shortcuts Way of Living or Longevity Zen of Health , because the best in you has not yet been seen. Let's bring it out.
With love from the Godfather of Shortcuts .
If you presumed that shortcuts are what The Shortcuts Way of Living is about, you'd be taking a shortcut right there, since, until this sentence, it's all been supposition.
When we jump to a conclusion prior to the facts being considered fairly, it's prejudicial. This specifically injures your "problem resolution" muscles, something you and I can fix.
If you DID presume we'll be using the word shortcuts, then using shortcuts to present them, then we'd agree that shortcuts are good to engage in the promotion of using more shortcuts. You see, you made a judgement prior to having all the facts. Never mind that you're correct, focus for the moment on effectively using shortcuts such as pre-judgment or pre-assessment, regarding more important things within and without your life. Just one muscle to develop.
The objective is to see if we can use the word "shortcuts" seven percent of the time.
Disjointed idea, isn't it? Provided you maintain both relevancy AND seven percent ratio, you can choose any word you like in your language and place it atop the search engines.
That does include "shortcuts" and "secrets," as in shortcuts and secrets of winners. Employing shortcuts to do this means first finding those who it best and repeatedly, and then adopting their methods, which you and I can fairly term "good shortcuts." Follow the rules; simply use your shortcuts far more than anyone around you does. You'll find yourself zooming up the listings. Shortcuts like this are really great. specifically because they are the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions. They save us time to find even more shortcuts, and if we can't find them, well, freedom of choice means freedom to create new shortcuts, right?
The Godfather of Shortcuts invites you into your shortcuts site, the Shortcuts Way of Living, free for your life.
The concept of shortcuts is by no means new, not by aeons. Shortcuts for this and shortcuts for that: good shortcuts, from the dawn of time to the present, good shortcuts, in every type of environment, have been pursued. Shortcuts for this, shortcuts for that, we've got oodles of shortcuts for you, here at, as most of you have probably guessed correctly, the empowering Shortcuts Way of Living.
The Shortcuts Way of Living means END OF LAME EXCUSES. As Artie Marzig unerringly posed, "There are thousands of excuses for failure; only one reason"
The techniques and methods, the secrets and shortcuts to success at the Shortcuts Way of Living and far beyond,
are a blend of the perfect laws of life. You will find the Shortcuts Way of Living to be the true path to Life.
Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
just waiting to be brought out in the best possible light. Now, it's your turn. That's not rah-rah; it's recognition of the enormity of resources available to you. It's your turn.
You cannot learn less, so learn more with the Longevity Zen of Health and the Shortcuts Way of Living. Whether this huge body of work is the internet's healthiest website, or the largest empowerment website, is secondary, because the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health creations, all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire built by your Godfather of Eye Candy, are the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.
more to YOUR credit than to MisterShortcut's, frankly.
Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to,
it is YOUR PARTICIPATION that caused Mister-Shortcut to become "The Richest Man In The World." because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others. YOU and your clicks empower huge resources. You deserve the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advange. Get wealthy by giving.
You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the Shortcuts Way of Living tastes delicious.
Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people. Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips, and the greatest success shortcuts of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead.
That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility, from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many hundreds of thousands of unique creations. from the man with your plan, Mr Shortcuts , for You
Presents The Longevity Zen of Health built by the most prolific author and artist in history
With the self-empowering the Shortcuts Way of Living, also find the Longevity Zen of Health , the world's largest naturopathic website, seeking to be among your healthiest. That's your call. Filled with the best health tips of people who live stronger for longer, The Longevity Zen of Health is designed for your life, with the understanding that you will make use of its wisdom,
that you'll enjoy the fruits of its successful experience,
and then have the decency to pass it to those who need it.
There is always someone worse off than us, individually and otherwise.
Without exception, each time you considerately think of them, or act for them,
the universe and all of its laws gives you the positively sumptious guarantee of return.
You already know that anything we do has equal and opposite reaction.
What might distract you into thinking that this fact is immune?
The rules of life that hold true most of all, all PowerGems,
apply to all we survey. Faith and science combined.
Created by your Godfather of EyeCandy, The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health are big! IE users: Tap any keyboard letter, number or character (even upper-case!) for another Mr-Shortcut website of EyeCandy and self-empowerment
The Longevity Zen of Health , filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally Always remember that no vitamin or human or surgery can cure or heal us; they can only help us to heal ourselves! T