Wanting More Is A Good Facet Of Cybernetics
Shortcuts Way of Living of Masters and Champions...
Those who do better know better. These are our role models

So, you want to have more ______ or learn to ________ or get that __________.

There's at least one thing we can accept as immutable: The chances of it happening accidentally are not as good as when there is specific and direct effort toward achieving it. Pretty straightforward, isn't it?

"But if I've never done it before, how am I supposed to know how?"

I had my own ideas about it, but I figured it would be a good idea to ask people in a position to know. In three years I was able to study about 5,200 of the most successful people in history (mostly modern history) I was able to study tapes, books, research, experimentation reports, videos, and more.... full time. In my case, that's characteristically 100 to 130 hrs per week.

Throughout this period, I tried to list every common word and action among these people. Whittling my collected notes to about 4000 pages, and 200 tape cassettes and several hundred biographies-autobiographies, & everything I could find about these people
. At the same time, I experimented with some of the commonalities, which are reasonably called "shortcuts" in my own life. It seemed to me that nooooooobody knows better about how to do something..... than people who have done it. Not talked about it, advised about it, suggested/demanded/offerred; no, no, no, we're talking about PEOPLE WHO WENT OUT AND DID IT.

They are the horse's mouth. Everyone else, from my coign of vantage, can be found at the other end of the horse.

Thanks primarily to the incredible shortcuts of masters and millionaires, three years grew into four years, five, and beyond, studying, interviewing, breaking bread with role models.

 NOTE: Write a short note to ten people who are already world-class at whatever YOU would like to be world-class at. Acknowledge with civility that they are among the best in the world, that you're inviting them to lunch or dinner in hope that they'll be a one-time 30-minute mentor to someone who wants to grow up just like them.

You will be shocked to see how many of them will respond with a yes.

Talk about shortcuts! What you learn in any one of those half-hours will help you to alter and accelerate your results in ways you're now barely aware of.

It is specifically because of this one high-powered shortcut that I most likely play guitar and piano better than you; paint; compose songs; created the largest, and possibly prettiest personal web site in existence, connecting over 127,000 pages on 940+ connected websites.... all by my own hand, and more.

I'm no smarter than you. I yearn more to excel... to shut up and find people who are doing it better than I am.

All because of The Shortcuts Way of Living use of one high-powered shortcut:   going directly to people who are known to be world-class in their fields and gleaning their shortcuts.

Let you in on a secret:   I did not break 177 records at seven large NY companies.     We broke all those records>Contrary to popular belief, Steve Rubin wasn't really that talented, he was hungry.   Without a doubt, those records were broken and shattered EXCLUSIVELY through The Shortcuts Way of Living : repeated daily use of the IDENTICAL words, sentences, questions and actions I was able to glean from world-class masters: commonalties of those who are doing it.

Making use of this shortcut is absolutely, utterly, and one-conditionally guaranteed to provide you with a rich yield of better, faster results in every human effort.   The one condition of course, is that you shut up and put it to use. Everything else is useless chatter.
The commonality that first leaped into view with each Olympic champion and Fortune 100 CEO; with the fellow in New England who offers over a thousand types of pancakes, or the gentleman who combined Macy's with Federated Department Stores and then went on to quickly and completely reverse the ailing state of Zayle's Diamonds (Mr. Anthony DiNicola), is the common trait of wanting something specific, something that could be stated out loud in 10 words or less.

I specifically sought people who'd accomplished a great feat or skill not merely once, but numerous times in order to weed out any possibilities of coincidence or so-called luck.

I set an arbitrary figure of five separate accomplishments of the same thing as my base minimum, later emending that to three.

Was I ever in for surprises! Should you have the intelligence to actually use some of what you'll be reading (90% of you, no matter what your education levels are, are so stupid that you will never read most of this book, let alone use the magic found in these pages. Never mind "why," it's just a fact that less than 20% of all books picked up get read cover to cover.

For those of you who DO actually make the decision to prove that you are better than we now believe you to be; for those of you who definitively understand WHY we don't have a higher opinion of you, you're going to get pretty excited about whichever techniques make the most sense to you, because every one of them accelerates the quality AND quantity of your results.

About five percent of you are going to get astounded and excited, and will be smart enough to consistently use those methods that make the most sense to you.

In every examined walk of life, from concentration camp survivors, Olympic gold medalists, successful entertainers, artists, politicians, baseball players... literally every examined walk of life... it turns out that roughly 5% of every group on earth rises up to the top of their field. Are these people in the five percent smarter? Better educated? Better connected w/ people in high places? Wealthier?

The answer in each category is a flat, distinct, "NO!" It's been proven so many times over that I'm not even going to waste your time establishing the basis for the statement. I'll simply ask you to accept it as a given.

So, what is it about these five of every hundred who rise to the top? Do they have commonalities? Do they do or possess something special that we "regular joes and janes" can tap into?

I give you an unconditional guaranteed "YES!" Yes, they have commonalities. Yes, they possess something special that you and I can tap into. Wait until you hear the best part: you can tap into the same resources that they are, and begin effecting big changes in your life --- in a matter of minutes! MINUTES!!!

Is there a catch? You bet there is. More than one, in fact. I'd say that the toughest catch/obstacle to you making radical improvements in your life is nothing more, or less, than making a decision that this is what you want. I kid you not. The decision to figure out a way to get ___________ or to be __________; this is where your biggest challenge can be found. Figuring out "HOW" is a piece of cake compared to making the decision itself that you'll go to work on it. Get through this first step, and you will come to understand over the coming days and weeks that you really ARE making big, big changes in your life.

Actually use pen and paper in the next 10 minutes, I promise you'll see changes within 72 hours. Most importantly from your own short-term point of view, you WILL see a daily or weekly progression that's faster than it's ever been for you before, and that's the whole point, hm?

You are now visiting the Ultimate Self-Empowerment Website. with
127,000 web pages - for you!
© EasyStreet, USA - all rights reserved for those who feed the hungriest people. More action, less talk!

Erase Starvation With The Shortcuts Way of Living         Shortcuts Way of Living Help TheHungerSite Button

Dedicated to the life-changing Bernie Kellogg, obm, and the world-changing Oprah.

May someone be born today determined to give away as much food as Paul Newman

Taking control of your health with useful shortcuts

Our Medical Destiny   -  As with everything   it's your choice  

Doctors   Asclepius VS Hygea           

Doctors II   literally urgent matter of  life or death

Health       GREAT Shortcuts     Better  health   

Psoriasis     Fastest Relief   HUGE relief!

Common Cold Cure   Works  EVERY time

Health II     -           Vital     Facts About Medicine II    
    Great Shortcuts.. FREE                        Taste of EyeCandy                           Scandalous!!                  100 add'l 911day photos         
  Remember 911day.         Keep our heroes alive by fulfilling the dreams we shared  

ayurvedic Medicine       Bodyscan2010       qxci       Mineral Infrared Therapy       Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory
        Infratonic - Natural Pain Management         Rife Technology         ayurvedic Medicine         Breath of Life         nutri-Spec
Acoustic Cardiograph       Oxygen Therapy         Curing Colds         Doctors         Doctors II       E.M.I.
Health       Health2

Herbal Medicine       Herbal Medicine II
Index       Pain Relief       Masters and Millionaires

Bodyscan Article II      BodyScan Article I
YOUR Medical Dollars      Newspaper Article         Flower Essence Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine             Naturopathy II         Oregano       Alternative to Chiropractic
Dr. Richard Gerber Testimonial
Endorsements   (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)

Bodyscan Info

The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life of Masters and millionaires

Welcome to the Shortcuts Way of Living, from Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts
With one hundred thousand-plus unique web pages on 1,089± websites, t'would be hard to challenge the claim:
Largest Self-Empowerment Website Online
... and it's all for you
This is YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living, Masters and Millionaires
It is here for you to help yourself, which empowers you to better help the helpless.
It is the only perfect commonality to all twelve of the world's most-claimed religions.

How You Treat Your Sub-Elite You know it as well as anyone else. Let's boild it down.

Your very last minute on earth finishes with a single question from the Universe,
however you choose to label your Creator, which no one has been known to escape.
"Who did you feed today?"

Assist the Shortcuts Way of Living in helping TheHungerSite feed starving children AND adults - NO CHARGE

Nice to know you can make a difference
Sweet, praiseworthy sponsors buy cups of staple food for starving people with free clicks at TheHungerSite (no relation).
Clicking this food button and the one that appears, a dying life is saved... no charge to you.
Can there be a sweeter function or sweeter shortcut for the Shortcuts Way of Living ?

we know it is not possible to do something without engaging an equal and opposite effect, right?

Let's use Newton's Third Law of Physics for a most wonderful application: saving lives of people who are dying horribly from lack of food.

MisterShortcut and Your Shortcuts Way of Living Invite YOU To Help Save The World MisterShortcut and Your Shortcuts Way of Living Invite YOU To Help Save The WorldMisterShortcut and Your Shortcuts Way of Living Invite YOU To Help Save The World The Shortcuts Way of Living Asks You To Save Children - NO CHARGE TO YOU
Rain Forest Oceans Big Cats Primates Children Pets

Poem Alone

And when it came down
to one lone voice,
one who just might save,
t'was easy to see the knave from the brave,
it was easy to see who would win the game.

You are the one, that one lone voice,
your freedom is nothing more than a choice.
Stand and speak up, raise your dollar-filled arms,
Heed the laws now, and use all your charms.

One hundred days and one hundred plays,
each trick refined in your productive ways.
Do it now and do it again,
you are sure to triumph long before the end.
This is your time, to carry that noise,
save your world,
it's just
a matter of choice.

The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life and Path Another MisterShortcut creation for the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health