Wealth Facts

Wealth facts and shortcuts empower those who empower,
and who deserve to know that the tiniest progress in your understanding,
that you can learn to bring big things in your individual minutes, by how you see them.
Every PowerGem you encounter within the Shortcuts Way of Living is long-proven, time-proven.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is an inhalation of the secrets and shortcuts of people who repeatedly excel.
There is nothing complicated in understanding that you get better cookies if you first copy Grandma.
It is the recipe system. People who break and shatter world records show and know much more.
You can do it your way   A F T E R   you duplicate the recipes of champions.
Whoever you are, and wherever you are,
you certainly have built up some knowledge, experience, and wisdom from living.
You add your innovations and experience and wisdom when you are skilled.
You get the skill by finding ten or a thousand people doing it repeatedly.
The previous sentence has multiple meanings, and each is profitable.
For those who may be challenged, just write the minutes of your life.
Write down what you do, nothing left out. Account for your life.
One hundred hours will find for you many of your most precious possessions.
You will rapidly see how many thousands of minutes we fritter away on minors.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is your personal invitation to wake you up to mastery.
MisterShortcut invested more than 180,000,000 precious possessions into your mastery.
It is founded on the proposition, now proven, that every human can develop their best skills.
Get more excited about your minutes so you rapidly find your minutes getting excited about you.
Ask more people more times each, and you will know the single fastest shortcut to expanding wealth.
Do not pretend to know more viable, useful facts about wealth until you live the fact of your great wealth.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is a compendium of facts from masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Who develops wealth lives wealth fact. Who shares the facts of wealth becomes evermore richer and richer.
Wealth FACT: 80 percent of all the "yesses" you get to hear from birth to death come after asking 7x or more.
Stop pretending to know more than those who do more. Ask more people more times each, you move up.

Wealth Facts Gleaned Through Great Shortcuts And Even Greater Shortcuts Domains
Until sold, the Shortcuts Way of Living presents thousands of domains for your self-empowerment
Millions of unique pages, packed with the greatest shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions billionaires

One-Shortcut.US - One-Shortcut Into YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living
OneShortcut.com -   OneShortcut Is A Shortcuts Way of Living Keyword
One-Shortcut.com -   One-Shortcut To Boost Almost Everything You Do
DoctorShortcut.com -   DoctorShortcut Secrets Of Masters And Millionaires
Doctor-Shortcut.com -   Doctor-Shortcut Brings You The Shortcuts Way of Living
Doctor-Shortcut.info -   Doctor-Shortcut Helps You Help Yourself - Shortcuts Way of Living AND Longevity Zen of Health
DoctorShortcut.info -  DoctorShortcut Edifies Us So YOU Can Help Yourself More Effectively... and then the helpless, too
Mister-Shortcut.com -   Mister-Shortcut - Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts With The Best in Self-Empowerment.
More-Shortcuts.info -   More Shortcuts From Your Shortcuts Way of Living - Develop Your Wealth, then help the helpless.
MoreShortcuts.info -   MoreShortcuts Translates To More Shortcuts Way of Living - Accomplish More Goals With Fewer Steps
Mr-Shortcuts.info -  Mr-Shortcuts Inveigles and Invites You To Engage Your Own Shortcuts Way of Living Of Masters and Millionaires
MrShortcut.info -   The prolific Godfather of Shortcuts, on your many thousands of human skills. It is time to empower you to empower yourself

MrShortcut.net -   MrShortcut - Another Delicious MrShortcut Self-Empowerment Site
MrShortcut.org -   MrShortcut Shares Shortcuts Way of Living-Level of Great Shortcuts
1-Shortcut.com -   Learn that 1 Shortcut Can Electrify Your Shortcuts Way of Living, Quickly
1-Shortcut.info -   1-Shortcut - Because 1 Shortcut Can Surely Be Enough To Make That Difference
1Shortcut.com -   Fact Is Fact - 1 Shortcut Always Works - ergo, a Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGem
Shortcut.ws -   Shortcut after shortcut in your own perception of the Shortcuts Way of Living
Shortcuts.Me -   Shortcuts At And From The Shortcuts Way of Living Are Me... with sharing
Dr-Shortcut.com -   Dr-Shortcut Prescribes More Shortcuts Way of Living for YOU, too

Dr-Shortcut.info -   Dr-Shortcut Wants You To Help And Heal Yourself Rapidly With The Longevity Zen of Health
Mr-Shortcut.com -   Mr-Shortcut - Shortcuts Way of Living Self-Empowerment Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.net -   Mr-Shortcut EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom

MrShortcut.US -   MrShortcut On Self-Empowerment With The Best Shortcuts Known To Or Shared With Humankind
Shortcut.name -   The aims of these interconnected networks are PowerGems - shortcuts to every name
Shortcuts.ws -   Shortcuts Is Such A Delicious One Word Domain - for true lovers of true shortcuts!
MisterShortcuts.com -   MisterShortcuts Urges You To Get One Percent Better Each Day
MisterShortcuts.info -   MisterShortcuts Advises More Shortcuts Way of Living
Great-Shortcuts.com -   Great-Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionares
GreatShortcuts.com -   GreatShortcuts of Champions and Billionaires
BestShortcuts.com -   BestShortcuts of all time - Shortcuts Way of Living
Best-Shortcuts.com -   Best-Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires And Winners
Mister-Shortcut.US -   Mister-Shortcut Wants You To Succeed Faster Using PowerGems
MisterShortcut.Me -   MisterShortcut - Take Me Into The Shortcuts Way of Living
MisterShortcut.org -   MisterShortcut Rich EyeCandy BrainCandy Invitations
MisterShortcut.US -   MisterShortcut Has Your Self-Empowering Secrets
MisterShortcut.biz -   MisterShortcut In The Biz Of Giving Free Shortcuts
Mister-Shortcut.biz -   Mister-Shortcut Still In The Biz Of Giving Free Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.US -   Mr-Shortcut - Gorgeous Shortcuts Way of Living Entry Point
rtcuts.com     - - After all, rtcuts lead to sho-rtcuts

Sho.rtcuts.com -   Shortcuts From Rtcuts via the Shortcuts Way of Living
Sho.rtcuts.info -   Another Shortcuts Way of Living SweetDomain - PRE-TLD for shortcuts from rtcuts
Shortcuts Way of Living delicious PRE-TLD SweetDomain for Domainists and Shortcuts, sho.rtcuts.net

Shorcuts.US -   SHORcuts Are Shorter and Sure Shortcuts That Deliver Delightful Results

hortcuts.US     - As with all the other "hortcuts" domains, it all devolves and develops into the shortcuts
S.hortcuts.US -   - Because these PowerGems were brought from the US, while existing across lands and cultures
hortcuts.com     - At the Shortcuts Way of Living, hortcuts transmogrify into shortcuts, achieved as if by some kind of magic
S.hortcuts.com -   quite conceivably the most delicious PRE-TLD of all time, where hortcuts developed into www.S.hortcuts.com
hortcuts.net     - - because it starts off with great hortcuts, and, with perspiration, can then mature into full-blown Shortcuts!
S.hortcuts.net -   How could no one take hortcuts.com or hortcuts.net? Get YOUR S.hortcuts at the Shortcuts Way of Living
MisterShortcut.net -   The Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts, MisterShortcut brings you the greatest shortcuts

MisterShortcut.ws -   Another wonderful self-empowerment website from MisterShortcut
Shortcuts.Me.Uk -   Shortcuts Are Me In The Uk Too, and for YOU, when you wish it so
Shortcuts.name -   Shortcuts ARE My Name Thanks To The Shortcuts Way of Living
Success-Shortcuts.net -   Success Shortcuts Network Of Masters And Millionaires
Success-Shortcuts.com -   Shortcuts Way of Living Delivers Success Shortcuts
Success-Shortcuts.US -   Shortcuts Way of Living Presents The Best Success Shortcuts

MisterShortcut.com - MisterShortcut EyeCandy WebSite - (EyeCandy Requires IE, et alia) 
1xx0.com -   What can you say about 1xx0? Sweet little domain - most likely for sale
Regulata.com -  Regulata Is The Rule - so buy THIS brandable sweetdomain
Shapetalk.com - - Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Capital 
TheUltimate.Me -   Become TheUltimate Me
OneWordDomaining.com -  

The Shortcuts Way of Living is your top-notch source for self-empowerment shortcuts, with The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These prove to be the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and certainly YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Shortcuts Way of Living is here for your life.
Shortcuts unlock most every venue on earth, when you train, and use the PowerGems most of all.

Dr-Shorcut.com -   Dr-Shorcut.info -   Alternative-Remedies.US

The Shortcuts Way of Living employs the use of Shapelinks to help entice you into your own excellence.
Shapelinks are also an artistic expression of the Shortcuts Way of Living, because they are simple, and fun.
Sadly, only IE browsers appear to render all the delicious EyeCandy effects, all in simple CSS, javascript, html.
Thus, this reminder that Shapelinks, and all the other EyeCandy treats of the Shortcuts Way of Living, are for fun.
It is the PowerGems that foundationalize everything, the incredible shortcuts that work just about every time we use them.
Always double and triple-check all sources, it is silly to believe one person for big parts of life. Learn more so you can live more.
At the bottom of every page of life is the reminder that, in all religions, we get judged by how many helpless humans we get to help up.
Engage the Shortcuts Way of Living to learn more and live more, so that together we can give more. That is why we share your new wealth.

Nice to know you can make a difference
Sponsors who understand wealth buy cups of staple food for starving creatures with each of our free clicks.
Thus, when we click one of these food buttons and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you.
If you can think of a more noble effort for the Shortcuts Way of Living, let us know.     What goes around....

Three wealth facts here, and seven wealth facts there,
look to find your own wealth facts, they exist everywhere.

The Shortcuts Way of Living And What You Know

Merely knowing it is insufficient:
Delay is sucking the minutes of your life away by the thousands.
Do you even realize, from someone whose IQ is about double yours,
that you waste thousands of seconds every day that you get to live and breathe?
What is wrong with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day? You do not have to be purist.
Do not cite obvious and unhelpful extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, add up.
Chopping ten seconds from every petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to appreciate as the tunnel gets a bit longer.
How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your whole life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.

Shortcuts Way of Living And What You Know

Simply Knowing It Does Not Cut The Mustard:
The Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to your urgency!
Delay is erasing so many minutes of your life away forever.
You must recognize the value of time to taste all of its fruits.
Why do you waste thousands of seconds every day that you get to live and breathe?
What is wrong with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day? You do not have to be purist.
Do not cite obvious and unhelpful extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, add up.
Chopping ten seconds from every petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to appreciate as the tunnel gets a bit longer.
How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your whole life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.
When you get this straight, the Shortcuts Way of Living centers.
Otherwise, expect your results to be askew to the left or right.
The facts of wealth have not changed in many generations.
Grasp your facts, use your facts, and wealth is yours.
With the Shortcuts Way of Living wealth is nearby.

Shortcuts Way of Living - What You Do With What You Know

Knowing How Is Not Enough!
USE your Shortcuts Way of Living.
You know what, you know how, so why do you not act more?
Delay is expiring the minutes of your life most every day you live.
Do you even recognize how quickly life is flashing past each of us?
MisterShortcut wants you to tune your brain for the benefit of us all,
that you waste thousands of seconds every day that you get to live and breathe?
What is right with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day can be regained for your life.
Do not cite unhelpful, opposing extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, add up.
Snipping ten seconds from each petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to be grateful for as your tunnel gets longer.
How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your whole life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.
When you know this fully, the Shortcuts Way of Living centers.
Otherwise, expect your results to skew to the right or left.

Shortcuts Way of Living - What You Do With What You Know

Knowing How Is Not Enough!
This is the time, this is the day to use your wealth facts.
Delay is among your greatest enemies. Defeat delay with action!
Do you now recognize how rapidly life is flashing past for all of us?
MisterShortcut wants you to tune your brain for the benefit of us all,
that you waste thousands of seconds every day that you get to live and breathe?
What is right with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day can be regained for your life.
Do not cite unhelpful, opposing extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, add up.
Snipping ten seconds from each petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to be grateful for as your tunnel gets longer.
How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your entire life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.
When this is known to you, the Shortcuts Way of Living centers.
Otherwise, we expect your results to skew to the right or left.
Try Shortcuts Way of Living-style balance at least once.
As with all features and functions of life with balance,
The Shortcuts Way of Living proves in real-time.


The Facts Of Wealth Already Exist In You. Stop Ignoring Them!
Wealth Facts - Succeeding Faster With The Shortcuts Way of Living

Wealth Facts - Shortcuts Way of Living
When you make two consecutive profits, reinvest profits.
This is an extra boost to doubling faster, each time you do.
This is a fact of wealth used by millions of rich people today,
and has been used this way for at least dozens of generations.
The Shortcuts Way of Living urges use of your best wealth facts.
Wealth fact here, another wealth fact there, and before you know it,
you are fully adopting the wealth facts used by the wealthiest among us.
Get better by using more of the assets you already have repeated access to,
assets that your Shortcuts Way of Living insists are already within or near to you.
Any & every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Invest the time to halt every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
Who lives the Shortcuts Way of Living may reliably opine about the Shortcuts Way of Living
The Shortcuts Way of Living is your ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
shortcuts that have worked effectively for scores of generations of masters, millionaires, and champions,
certainly YOUR best shortcuts for success. That is why the Shortcuts Way of Living is here for your life.
A wealth fact here, a wealth fact there; soon you have MANY wealth facts in your toolbox to employ.
The Shortcuts Way of Living cannot be fulfilled by accident: Your participation is the best answer.
True wealth facts, from asking, to repeating, are one way to "be" your Shortcuts Way of Living

Domaining and Domainizing - Shortcuts Way of Living Domaining Domains For Sale

If you wish to engage in domaining with the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health ,
choose the domains you wish to sponsor or purchase, and let's do domainizing together.
Call 1 - 347 - 242 - 1111 or Email The Psychology of Shortcuts

Darkestchocolate.html_2     Domain-domains-2nd-     Domaining-11
Domaining-12     Domaining-13     Domaining-14     Domaining-15     Domaining-16
Domaining-17     Domaining-18     Domaining-19

Domaining-1a     Domaining-2     Domaining-20
Domaining-5     Domaining-6     Domaining-7     Domaining-8     Domaining-9     Domaining-domains
Domainizing-14     Domainizing-15     Domainizing-16     Domainizing-17     Domainizing-18
Domainizing-19     Domainizing-2     Domainizing-20     Domainizing-21     Domainizing-3     Domainizing-4     Domainizing-5     Domainizing-6
Domainizing-7     Domainizing-8     Domainizing-9     Domains     Domains-domains     Domains-for-sale-1     Domains-for-sale-10     Domains-for-sale-11
Domains-for-sale-12     Domains-for-sale-13     Domains-for-sale-14    


Domaining or domainizing, or even domaineering, can be a lucrative, albeit unstable way to make money.
The market goes up, the market goes down, thus, the domains market goes up, and then cycles down.
Domainizing profitably means, first and foremost, adopting Shortcuts Way of Living shortcuts.
First, look for those who are domainizing profitably. No need to ask questions at first.
Just look, watch, poke where you legitmately can, learn, THEN ask your questions.
The Shortcuts Way of Living reminds you to ask better questions, by preparing.
For starters, better questions are usually the fastest way to better answers.
Secondly, when you prepare, you inevitably bring out better thoughts.

Each time you encounter a Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk EyeCandy,
invest enough into your success by giving that Shapetalk multiple reviews.
When you read a Shapetalk, containing powerful, instantly-useful wisdom,
you have a responsibility to your many better outcomes to read it yet again.
That's because Shapetalk, like all good vehicles of wisdom, are multi-layered.
The Shortcuts Way of Living itself designs most everything to multi-task and more.
So, for those who have interest in sweet domains, the Shortcuts Way of Living serves.
Domains for sale, sweet domains for sale, the Shortcuts Way of Living wants you to know,
that these domains for sale will be domains for sale... only until you buy these SweetDomains.
Domains-for-sale-16     Domains-for-sale-17     Domains-for-sale-18     Domains-for-sale-19
Domains-for-sale-2     Domains-for-sale-20     Domains-for-sale-21     Domains-for-sale-22

Domains-for-sale-23     Domains-for-sale-24     Domains-for-sale-25     Domains-for-sale-3
Domains-for-sale-4     Domains-for-sale-5     Domains-for-sale-6     Domains-for-sale-7     Domains-fof-sale-8
Domains-for-sale-9     Domains-for-sale-b-10     Domains-for-sale-b-11
Domains-for-sale-b-12     Domains-for-sale-b-13     Domains-for-sale-b-14     Domains-for-sale-b-15
Domains-for-sale-b-16     Domains-for-sale-b-17     Domains-for-sale-b-18

Four-character-domains-     Great-domains-for-sale-23
HealthDomains     Health Natural Domains For Sale-4     HyperChocolate
Kosher-Domains-draft     Numbered-Domains     Numbered-Domains2
One-Word-Domains-2     One-Word-Domains-dot-coms     One-Word-Domains-generic-dot-coms
QVials-Domains-websites     Shapelink_sweetdomains_3b
Sweet-Domains for sale     SweetDomains for sale 18     SweetDomains Ganza Torahs     SweetDomainsinfo     SweetDomains-one-word-redone-
SweetDomains-redone-basic     SweetDomains-redone     SweeterDomains-untouched-index
SweetestDomains     SweetestDomains_page_2     SweetestDomains_page_3     SweetestDomains_page_4    

Selling Domains - Shortcuts Way of Living Selling Set

Selling this and selling that, it seems that EVERYONE is selling something,
preparing to sell something, thinking about preparing to be selling something, etcetera.
The Shortcuts Way of Living invites all of you interested in selling domains to learn FIRST.
You know that the Shortcuts Way of Living is perfectly correct in stating that you cannot learn less about anything.
Aside from the instant subject of domaining and auctions and Shortcuts Way of Living domains, etc., there is learning.
If you accept in advance that you cannot learn less about anything, it means that EVERY time you ingest new information,
you have the direct and immediate opportunity to expand both your internal knowledge base AND your critical analysis function.
When you have more information available to you, you by definition are better equipped to make more informed decisions.
Better-informed decisions prove far more often to be the best decisions you have made, and will continue to make.
This is your life, and it is whizzing past at the fantastic rate of 86,400 irretrievable seconds per day, relentlessly.
The Shortcuts Way of Living implores you to learn more about SOMETHING every day that you live and breathe.
The Longevity Zen of Health exists to help you to help yourself live stronger for longer, naturally, mind intact.
The Shortcuts Way of Living empowers you to multiply your results in most anything and everything you do.
Auctions are good, auctions are great, domaining is relaxing, domaining can be very profitable, yes, yes.

Learning, however, far outstrips the import of domain sales from the Shortcuts Way of Living coign of vantage.
Reach for more and you will achieve more. Do not face people eye-to-eye, because opposite eyes are meeting.
Better to line up your right eye with the other person's right eye, so that you will find MUCH more common ground.

If you have not lived, breathed, and relentlessly practiced Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGems and techniques,
how can you pretend to have a licit, a helpful, a useful opinion, BEFORE you possess knowledge and experience?

Those who do the best know the best, and are the best for teaching all the rest of us. Learn from masters and champions!
When you imitate the actions of masters and champions, you tend to imitate the results of masters and champions, repeatedly.

Welcome to the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health , where the putatively impossible has been repeatedly attained.

Buying and selling domains is not rocket science, ESPECIALLY when you take notes.
Each day, just a few notes from the best-listed sites you find in re buying and selling domains.

In ten days, you have dozens of facts. In ten weeks, you have hundreds of facts on selling domains.
All to say, the Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to learn more so you can earn more, selling domains.
Domains that are not TLD's, top-level domains, likely need development before the domain is worth selling.

Selling Domains - Shortcuts Way of Living Selling Set

Purveying this and pushing that, who is NOT selling some type of service or good,
preparing to sell something, thinking about preparing to be selling something, etcetera.
The Shortcuts Way of Living invites all of you interested in selling domains to learn FIRST.

Every day, you can glean just three or four useful pieces of information about selling domains.
In ten days, you have dozens of facts. In ten weeks, you have hundreds of facts on selling domains.
All to say, the Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to learn more so you can earn more, selling domains.
Domains that are not TLD's, top-level domains, likely need development before the domain is worth selling.

Shortcuts Way of Living
Domains For Sale

Have we wealth facts for domaining?
Domains for sale, while domainizing,
as Domainists or Domaineers might want,
domainists & domaineers elevate the pace of life.
Domains for sale, offering domains for sale,
domains aging nicely throughout the years,
so, buy these domains, domainizers,
and may it be profits you realize.
More domains for sale, better domains for sale,
from healthiest chocolates and healthiest beverages,
Shortcuts Way of Living domains are mostly up for sale.
To start, go to search engines and type your first ten words.
Ten words YOU associate with domains for sale or other area.
Domains for sale is only one of thousands of your opportunities.
What you would excel at, identify the best, imitate, then innovate.
Visit the top five and top ten websites. You will see commonalities.
When we imitate this primary thread, we can find more shortcuts.
Those who excel first are in the best position to teach the rest of us.
Few of your powers yield such rapid benefit as suspending opinion.
Domainists, Domains for sale at and by the Shortcuts Way of Living,
awaiting all domainizers, all domaineers, the domainists to slaver.
Make your offer and perhaps enter a happier realm of the domainist.
Your power yields this rapid, observable boost by abeying all opinions.
As a wise fellow was kind enough to teach us all, "Speak less, do more."
If you are going to buy domains that are for sale, buy better domains for sale.
The way to know WHICH are the better domains for sale is to look at many sites.
The Shortcuts Way of Living offers these domains for sale as better domains for sale.

Every day you get 86,400 separate opportunities to be a hero or a zero in terms of your efforts.
You can do with mediocrity (again), or you can choose to deliver the excellence you have in you.
The Shortcuts Way of Living proves with certainty that you have performed with excellence before.
Usually, it is when you have sufficient reason to go all out, or to make an important deadline.
The ultimate deadline, the day after you are gone, which is guaranteed to happen,
the ultimate deadline you do not seem to want to concern yourself with too much.
that deadline is still approaching at 86,400 seconds, or opportunities, per day.

Whether you choose to buy domains from the Shortcuts Way of Living, et alia...
whether the Longevity Zen of Health domains get your engines revved or not,
these millions of unique pages contain a great deal of YOUR best info.
Learn from the horse's mouth, or get caught at the wrong end...
Do YOU know your horse's anatomy well enough?
The Shortcuts Way of Living, success secrets.
The Longevity Zen of Health , health wealth,
because health is the greatest wealth.
Domaining at its best, in Shapetalk.




WealthFact Shapetalk - Shortcuts Way of Living

Wealth facts to the left of me, wealth facts all around thee,
one generation after another, the wealth facts ARE history.
Wealth facts lead to wealth facts for the wealthy at heart,
knowing that hunger is the foundation of every great start.
Wealth facts can conceal you from the truths of poverty,
when it's you who does not go hungry tonight,
with a population of one in YOUR community.
Wealth facts bring us more wealth facts,
where the birth of wealth is secure,
awaiting the wealth of birth again,
and can wealth ever prove pure?
Gather up your wealth facts,
to share them all about,
let the truthful wealth facts,
be screamed and shouted all about.
Allow the haves and have-nots to have, a somewhat more levelled playing field,
the wealth facts beneath the wealth facts, will somehow even things too keen.
Gather your Shortcuts Way of Living, marshall up all your wealth facts now,
because a strong enough why shall produce, inevitably produce the how.

The Shortcuts Way of Living delivers wealth facts with this proviso:
Half your new wealth is earned by the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Rather than sending money, invest it locally into the worst,
the most helpless of the helpless who are near you now.
As long as greed still exists, so, too, will deprivation.
Since there are greedy people near you, even now,
you are certain to find numbers of the helpless.
The Shortcuts Way of Living now urges you,
pushes, encourages, and exhorts, Y O U,
to learn more, thus likely living more,
in a hope you will be giving more.
The Shortcuts Way of Living,
helping you help yourself,
so you can help others.
Fair-enough trade?



Shapetalk is a way to say, that Life can be serious, and still leave time for play.
The shapetalk carries messages beyond the pale of your ken,
which is why shapetalk can seem to mean more,
when you read that Shapetalk again.
Shortcuts Way of Living.
Shapetalk Capital.
Your Success!
Ask more.





Wealth facts of wealth facts, sitting in a row,
the wealth facts of the wealthiest few,
does not change, it is just a show.
A show of fact with no mean stealth,
a shower of facts about mean wealth.
Much harder to find than an angel's tears,
is goodness found in wealth of many years.
The facts are facts, wealth changes nought,
the wealth fact for you is what you sought.

Live and be YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living.



Stop allowing other people to decide your outcomes and your destiny.
Destiny means "destination," and you have the choice to determine your own.
Use your Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health to find YOUR destiny.

While the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health are pleased to offer domains for sale,
it is of fantastically greater import to the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health to help you.
Helping you to help yourself is a great way to equip you more handsomely to help more of the world's helpless.
Newton's Third Law of Physics assures you that helping the helpless will turn you many profits, and in so many ways.
The more you embrace the Shortcuts Way of Living, the more the Shortcuts Way of Living tends to embrace you, reciprocally.
So, too, with the Longevity Zen of Health , for the secrets of the Longevity Zen of Health are the secrets of those living stronger longer.

Learn more, earn more, live more, and give more, with the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health.


When you allow others to identify your destination and final results,
you alter the plan that was presumably set in place for you to live your life.
Destiny is no more and no less than "destination," which you must determine for yourself.
Employ your own Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health to identify your destiny.
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