Genius is all it is
Genius is not discovered.
Genius is rarely a gift of birth.
Genius is proven in every single child,
aside from the rare few with horrific issues.
Parents spending little time with them see no genius.
3 million seconds per year in hallways yields no genius.
Genius comes out in 100% of children who are empowered.
Studying, and practicing, not hours of stupidity, develops genius.
That's just a big, fancy word for encouraged, even though it is shorter.
Sadly, about nine of every ten children have parents who forgot excellence,
never made the decision to repeatedly bring out the best within themselves.
Some children are hungry enough to look for people who believe in genius.
When practice is not a habit of childhood, see undeveloped adulthood.
That the reverse is also richly true calls for repeated review of this.
After 12 repeats, you may already be a better parent.
Genius is rarely just a gift of great genetics.
Genius is the greatest of hungers.
Thus, genius is also intentional.
The childhood missing practice will be an adulthood without mastery.
How many adults are strong enough to begin practicing as an adult?
Who steals a child's future by denying that child excellent training?
Not a dime need be spent to focus a child on what they most enjoy.
Excellence cannot happen accidentally, meaning you get to choose.
Anything you do is worth doing one percent better, with every repeat.
Beyond argument, EVERYONE is capable of investing 1% more effort?
What you know is always lesser than what you DO with what you know.
This alone places you into world class in as little as a handful of months.
Unless you are performing at world-class, stop pretending you know better.
Whoever performs best, repeatedly, should be the only ones who are talking.
By imitating whoever you most admire, you instantly move towards excellence.
Doing it your way has to wait until you prove that you understand the basic recipe.
Once you get the recipe down, as it is for every successful recipe, you might innovate.
YOUR personality and experience, what wisdom you have been able to develop thus far,
all add up to those innovations, which have little value until after you repeat a top recipe.
That's all that genius is, for so many who deliver again and again with all of their energy and hunger,
Genius is the choice to bring out the best within, for the coming minutes, hours, and days... repeated.
A childhood without practice assures an adulthood without excellence, among the greatest of thefts
Genius is genius, and we can now see and say that genius is a choice, selected each unique day.
An adulthood without practice assures a regret too profound for even the most well-lettered.
Repeat these nearly five hundred words just twenty-one times and deny you got smarter.
By your tenth, twelfth, thirteenth analysis, your measurable IQ will observably rise.
Genius is all you would.
Genius is not coincidental.
Genius is rarely overt at birth.
Genius proves alive in almost every child,
aside from those rare few with exceptional issues.
Genius is observed in every child who is self-empowered.
Sadly, some nine of every ten kids have parents who forgot excellence,
never made the decision to repeatedly bring out the best within themselves.
Some children are hungry enough to look for people who believe in genius.
Lack of great practice in childhood augurs an assured lack in adulthood.
That the reverse is also richly true calls for repeated review of this.
After 12 repeats, you may already be a better parent.
Genius is rarely just a gift of great genetics.
Genius is the greatest of hungers.
Thus, genius is also intentional.
A childhood without practice assures an adulthood without excellence.
A childhood without practice assures an adulthood without excellence.
Who takes a child's future, depriving the child of constant education?
The more we learn, the more we live & more so for young students.
You only get 25,000 days in a lifetime, why waste a few thousand?
Expense is not necessary for the expansion of children's skillsets.
Excellence does not happen accidentally, meaning it is a choice.
Whatever you do worth doing, is worth doing better with repetition.
This one secret accelerates your entry into the club of the world-class.
If it were not secret, far more of your contemporaries would act upon it.
Unless you perform at world-class, cease pretending that you know better.
Whoever does the best, repeatedly, should be the only ones who are talking.
Imitating whoever you most admire, you imitate results they repeatedly attain.
Doing it your way has to wait until you prove that you understand "basic recipe."
After learning the recipe well, it will be time for you to innovate your own approach.
Your experience, personality, and experience, wisdom you've developed over the years,
inform your best innovations, which enjoy little value until after you repeat a working recipe.
With the Shortcuts Way of Living already inside of you, engage more of your Shortcuts Way of Living.
The more you invoke the Shortcuts Way of Living, the more you see the Shortcuts Way of Living reciprocating.
Genius and excellence are, far more than anything else, the earned fruits of the greatest of most all human hungers.
That's all that genius is, for so many who deliver again and again with all of their energy and hunger,
Genius is the choice to bring out the best within, for the coming minutes, hours, and days... repeated.
A childhood without practice assures an adulthood without excellence, among the greatest of thefts
Genius is all it is, and genius is rarely ever anything less than a choice, one made each day apart.
Any adulthood without practice assures a regret too profound for even the most well-lettered.
Repeat these nearly five hundred words just twenty-one times and deny you got smarter.
Proof is always going to be the loudest voice in any room we happen to be in.
Genius is this
and genius is that,
if you're really a genius,
show us the matter of fact.
If not, the fact of matter, how inverted that may seem to be,
is but a mere reflection of genius, just what it seems to need.
Genius is not just genius, nor is it merely for the sake of genius,
far more a choice than circumstance, genius most often feeds us.
Run to the genius inside you, for genius answers laying there awake,
let it be the genius you trust - your own genius - yielding genius answers.
Genius-like shortcuts in all that we do, for the shortcuts of genius are passed on to you.
What you do with what you know, is how the most perfect truths of YOUR life are shown.
Genius is not only genius by birth, as MANY people who were idiots have become geniuses.
Your Shortcuts Way of Living, like all useful wisdom in life, prefers shortcuts that reduce strife.
If you can catch a basketball tossed in your direction, you are engaging in multiple forms of genius.
The calculations and estimations alone are in the realm of genius, so, stop underestimating YOUR genius.
The Shortcuts Way of Living encourages you to learn just one or two new words every day, maybe five or ten.
What is most critically, quite urgently central to true mastery is that every day you must get better and even better.
It is so much easier than it might sound or seem on paper, because one percent is achievable by all of us, most times.
Awaken the genius within you. Use your Shortcuts Way of Living to specifically elicit the genius within you.
Do more things with two hands that you now do with only one, such as cleaning things, brushing hair, and more.
There is genius in the details, genius in the simplest tasks, when you invest Shortcuts Way of Living focus level.
"Every day in every way," taught Dr. Emil Coue, I'm getting better and better."
In French,
"Tous les jours à tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux."
When we speak or otherwise refer to genius, this axiom of Coue is genius.
The Shortcuts Way of Living counts this as a true PowerGem, because it works.
Any shortcut that works approximately one hundred percent of the time, or near to it,
is a universal shortcut, easily used by most all humans, qualifies to be called "PowerGem."
Never stop running up each flight of stairs you traverse through life, when possible and feasible.
When you are not growing, you are, technically and medically, already in the death state. No, thank you.
Genius is as genius does, to anti-quote Forest Gump. Act like a genius and you will, reliably, become a genius.
Before you demonstrate your expertise in this area, your opinion is as useful and profitable as nipples on a snake.
Two of the more potent and important shortcuts, genius shortcuts, have been shared with you in these past moments.
The next ten and the next ten thousand minutes of your life will speak far louder than a thousand of your opinions.
Awaken the genius within you by living the Longevity Zen of Health , & embracing the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Oh, yes you CAN change the world with daily free clickthroughs.
How do you think you'll feel after 100 days of clicking once per day?
If you were to click all these buttons, what would accrue in 1,000 days?
If you think you grasp the basic powers of the universe, think of Newton.
When you save a hundred lives and a thousand, you cannot avoid the profit.
MisterShortcut invested more than 180,000,000 of life's most precious possessions into you.
These potent secrets and shortcuts - PowerGems - are extended so you can help the helpless.
Do not take lightly the fantastic powers of the universe that open up to you when you save lives.
Whether you save pets or chimps, rainforest acreage or starving children, every click counts.
Ask everyone you know to clickthrough once a day, we will save the planet with free clicks.
That is the effective price for the Shortcuts Way of Living - free clickthroughs each day.
Wealth, such as in dreams, assured by the most record-shattering human of all time.
Click through every day. Exhort others to click daily. Wealth is an assured result.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is free for who helps the helpless, the hopeless.
Each time someone else saves a life with a free click that you solicited,
you both get one full credit for saving a life, tree, etc. Count that.
If you think you understand wealth, and how to attract money,
try this potent Shortcuts Way of Living secret of success.
What you do is so loud we cannot hear your words.
Saving many lives assures the money coming.
Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row,
the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY,
that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way.
You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.
Beneath all the hoopla and eyecandy, shapetalk and shortcuts self-empower.
It's all designed to help you to help yourself. Perhaps you'll help the helpless.