Unimportant?   You Tell Us - Masters and Millionaires - Already know!
Most humans at some point or another question how important their "mission" may be, how important they themselves are. Thus, the Shortcuts Way of Living invites you to consider the mathematical reality of how important you must be to the world. Each of your parents has two parents, so in the generation just prior to that of your mother & father, You're the product of 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents,
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Aiming to build you the healthiest website, learn more to live more, with 1,000,000 unique web pages © EasyStreet, USA by Mr-Shortcuts All rights reserved for people who feed other starving humans, fair enough? For now, you can feed people with a free click ![]() With loving and grateful memories of Monsignor Bernard Francis Kellogg, of blessed memory, and his most focused student, Mister-Shortcut Uncountable merit and appreciation to a world-class master of shortcuts himself, Mr. Paul Newman, who went out and earned hundreds of millions of dollars in his years... and used it all to feed people. Mister-Shortcut.com Mr-Shortcut.com 1Shortcut.com OneShortcut.com Welcome to the world of Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts ; they are free for YOUR life with love from Mr Shortcuts |
What you know is quite assuredly less important than what you DO with what you know.
If you wish to be important, which may only mean having others see you as being important,
or if you need to DO important things, serving more than gathering, which tends to yield better results,
you must think importantly, and act upon important subjects with repeated, focused and described actions.
What is truly most important is that, whatever time you have on earth, you need to feel comfortable with that time.
Otherwise, you, like too many of us, the overweaning majority, live a life that is not important, nor be remembered as such.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is an entire set of opportunities for you to determine what is most important to your life,
what wishes are worth turning into goals by attaching deadlines and figuring who can help, and what you need.
When you clearly know what is most important to you, the Shortcuts Way of Living triples in value to you.
These shortcuts, described as Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGems, are universal, useful everywhere.
So, when you know precisely where you are going, powerful shortcuts that work across the board,
shortcuts that work almost regardless of your situation or circumstances, help you be important.
You talk a good game, so you are asked how you used the Shortcuts Way of Living to do something important.
Excellence cannot happen by some stretch of coincidence or happenstance, because excellence is what you can repeat.
Awaken your internal Shortcuts Way of Living, apply your own perception of the Shortcuts Way of Living to what you deem important.
The Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to begin by identifying, in writing, the five or ten most important things you must accomplish in this lifetime.
You may note that the Shortcuts Way of Living has more unique pages than you could read within the span of a single lifetime.
Each page is part of the larger chapters of the Shortcuts Way of Living, and rendered unique by MisterShortcut, individually.
Each page contains one to twenty-one of the most powerful and decidedly useful shortcuts you have ever encountered.
Each page of the Shortcuts Way of Living is crafted in belief that you are now better-equipped to truly rise and shine.
Millions and millions of unique pages, rich with EyeCandy, Shapelinks, Shapetalk, and more, dedicated to YOU.