Successful shortcuts are those steps that allow us to remove or trim the lesser steps in your ladder of success. Some rungs are necessary, and you better leave them in place. For the young at heart, this mental ladder has rungs that rise up an extra foot or two each time you step on the rung. The more rungs you automate this way, the fewer the steps to the top of your ladder.
First one, then dozens, and hundreds of people personally interacted with have made staggering improvements in their lives, attaining better and faster results by using these PowerGems. Only you know if you're just a blob, listening to your arteries harden from the fast food garbage you eat NOT a few times per year as a treat, rather as a regular part of your diet, adding pounds and pounds and pounds of undigested fecal matter and more into your lower intestines... or someone who simply and potently understands that yesterday and tomorrow are just so much b.s. Today is the only day you can break records or make one percent progress towards breaking your records.
You have nearly uncountable shortcuts, good and useful and safe and profitable shortcuts that are successful in every single area of human life. At the Shortcuts Way of Living, you're encouraged and exhorted to make it your business to grab a shortcut at least once every couple of days you're on the planet. Double your reading speed in ten seconds. Stop reading all the words with one or two or three letters in them. With 107,000,000 highly sophisticated lenses in each eyeball, your brain is not going to miss those words. I promise you it will always connect them back automatically when you mentally review whatever you're reading. Do not let your eyes stop on those tiny words. Every page you read just got automatically reduced by at least ten percent if not more. Guess what? By the time you've read a dozen articles, you'll notice you're getting so good at it you can now skip past all four-letter words. That's right. Your brain is not capable of missing words that are linear to and in between other words that you ARE stopping at in order to recognize. Each and every single time you practice this, with never an exception, your speed continues to go up. Much and far more importantly than the time you're saving is the fact that your brain is processing fewer shoved words and therefore comprehends the remaining words to a significantly and even measurably greater degree. What a magnificent double-whammy benefit from a shortcut that only takes ten seconds to learn, and ten minutes to moderately master.
Look around you. There are any number of shortcuts. Observe the ones that work most often before you experiment. That's a great way to learn from idiots or honest experimenters who made bad decisions along the way. Eliminate the riskiness of stupid shortcuts by restricting yourself to those shortcuts that work as closely to one hundred percent of the time as we humans can hope or look for or reasonably anticipate finding. Added to the bonus of those you get to create, you end up with more than a double or a triple: learning to sift powerfully successful shortcuts brings multiple streams of profit from more directions than you ever expected.
911day Photos - Who Disappeared In A Flash
Health Info At Your Longevity Zen of Health
Wealth index Into the Shortcuts Way of Living
Here's a taste of your most successful shortcuts.
IF you click for a lifetime,
you'll never get to the final Shapelinks or Masterlinks, WingRaves or RaveWings or TowerLinks...
or, perhaps, even one bit of the Mr-Shortcut EyeCandy Empire.
It's all for you to enjoy and empower yourself with.
Then, feed other people who need a hand up.
#1 On Earth
Cold Cure
For Sure
Free Power
Health II
Health Index
Psoriasis Minute
Power Mouse toy
Moving Naysayers
Page23 Page3
Pareto Paychecks
Payoffs Piano
Reach Respond
Ruby 2 Ruby 3
Sales Satisfaction
Science Scoring
Shorcuts Shortcuts
Viola Waldo
Want More Weddings
Well-Read Who
W Blythe IV Windows buttons
The Shortcuts Way of Living is packed with successful shortcuts. NO MATTER WHAT IT IS YOU WISH TO BUY, you can always find a better deal. One of the most successful shortcuts of wealth is buying at a better price. That doesn't mean driving yourself crazy over petty purchases, it means staying alert; alert to opportunities all around us to generate money or to save money, especially in stores. Printed price tags in stores are hardly incscribed in stone. Use your mental tools to get better prices. For example, the more time a salesman spends with you, the more likely you can get him to drop the price. No matter what he or she tells you, this is true more than eighty percent of the time. Use it to your advantage! If you can't think of three reasons for the seller to give you a discount, then try just one. Try it a few times, making certain that you don't just lay down and accept a "No!". Simply smile and give them another reason to give you a discount. The higher the cost of the item, the higher the savings. These are additional dollars staying in your pocket, to be used for better investments in your future. Stop accepting retail prices without question. It's ridiculous, and, so sorry, tends to... well, yes, it makes the buyer look silly. Ask for a better price. Then ask again. The means NOW. The Shortcuts Way of Living is now. The more you get "into" life, the more it gets into you. |
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Successful shortcuts are more of a choice than a circumstance or event.
Successful shortcuts are inevitably the result of trial and error, of pioneers.
Save yourself the errors, and try the successful shortcuts of masters.