The Longevity Zen of Health on high health.
Acoustic Cardiograph
Age 14
Quit Smoking Pages
Biosyntony 3
Bodyscan Stop buying into stupid belief systems. If you wish or determine to live in high health, you must learn less or learn more, confused as you are by so much garbage in the way of information on high health being bandied about. Think clearly by learning clearly. High health is a choice, more than anything else.
Healthy Shapetalk - Investing yourself, to help yourself. As with any and all acts of anonymous kindness from you, YOU win.
The Longevity Zen of Health on high health. With the Longevity Zen of Health , high health becomes easier, for high health is natural in the Longevity Zen of Health
High health is high health, however you score,
people who live stronger also tend to live more.
High health means more, when it is gilded with love,
high health is what the better life proves to be made of.
High health, give me high health, for high health tells it all,
high health remains optimistic even encountering that dark pall,
how we feel and how we have lived, when we each hit the final wall.
High health is good and high health is exciting, because health is wealth,
and when all the counting of true gold is achieved, we see that wealth is health.
The Longevity Zen of Health , aiming to be YOUR high health shortcuts capital.
No need to believe the Longevity Zen of Health , when you do your research.
The Longevity Zen of Health urges you to imitate those doing it best of all.
Who does the best knows the best, including those living stronger longer.
They are the role models for anyone living the Longevity Zen of Health.
High health is an earned fruit, high health is the gift of honest laboring.
High health is a result of better decisions, high health has no wagering.
Live your Longevity Zen of Health , happier, as a result of your high health.
No form of human excellence is possible to achieve or to repeat by accident.
So, too, with your own, internalized and too-dormant Longevity Zen of Health.
Pursue high health with more water, oil, air-dried sea salt, fiber, and probiotics.
These are master secrets of the universe, working for many generations, unto today.
Keep reminding yourself of each Longevity Zen of Health HealthGem, feature and function,
as every piece of useful wisdom that you ever learn in life has multiple meanings and benefits.
High health, or higher health, or even the highest health, are inevitably achieved on purpose, true?
That means you can no longer excuse the mediocrity of your dietary and nutritional decisions, not credibly.
Since high health is excellence, and excellence cannot happen accidently, YOUR high health is a result of decisions.
Each waking minute of your life contains at least sixty separate opportunitites for you to make Longevity Zen of Health decisions.
Brain tuner
Brain tuner II
Breath Of Life
Bodyscan Endorsements
Chelation 2
Med Destiny
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine
Magic Elixir
Oxygen Therapy
page 23
Wow Page
Natural Pain Relief
Quit Smoking 4
911day Tribute
Health 2
Health Index
High Health Is Achievable Naturally Because High Health Is A Natural Function
High health is in fact achievable with natural approaches simply because high health is a natural function of life. The foolish belief that one must rely upon a health professional to enjoy high health is perfectly stupid, because it's been disproven by many millions of people who have died as a direct result of following the instructions of a health professional, usually an M.D.
So tiresome are the assaults from those who continue to defend M.D.'s, despte the fact that there is no longer any argument about hundreds of thousands of deaths every year, just in America alone, being caused by doctors and hospitals. It's called "iatrogenia," or "iatrogenic death," which translates, literally, to "given to the patient by the doctor." With respect to injuring our natural quality of high health, there is only argument about HOW MANY hundreds of thousands of patients are killed each year by doctors and hospitals, with the bulk of it resting on the shoulders of doctors, not that the deaths due to hospital greed, neglect, and/or stupidity should be thought of as minor, because it's not.
High health is what more than ninety percent of all humans enjoy at birth. It's AFTER birth that high health is threatened, not anywhere near as much by genetics or even environment as by dietary choice and stress management. These two factors alone are the single largest and most influential determining factors of who enjoys high health for a few years, who enjoys high health for many years... and those who enjoy little high health at all in one lifetime.
The Longevity Zen of Health promotes your sustaining high health, even regaining the high health you possessed at birth. With so many natural approaches available to you, high health today
The Longevity Zen of Health urges you to learn more so you can live more, and better.
With so many hundreds and hundreds of great health tricks and tips and secrets available to you
including healthier foods and natural medicines to promote your own high health,
with so many thousands of sources of great information on sustaining high health
or even recovering the high health you presumably enjoyed at some point,
what is your excuse?
High health is a choice, high health is an attitude,
high health is little more than a good diet and effective stress management.
The Longevity Zen of Health is based in part on reading tens of thousands of books.
You read that correctly: tens of thousands of books. I believe I'm the first person to do so.
To grant you full disclosure in the interest of securing your credultity regarding high health techniques,
it should be said that, strictly speaking, I did not read tens of thousands of books... not in one shot, at any rate.
I simply read, as I still do, a book or three per day. High health has allowed me to do so for nearly 15,000 days now.
The Longevity Zen of Health , as stated, is based on part upon all the wisdom gleaned from these tens of thousands of books.
It is also based, hugely, on enjoy high health personally, for many decades, even after such repeated abuse of that high health.
Finally, the Longevity Zen of Health is based on the participation of others in the ideas of MisterShortcut pertaining to high health.
People living well beyond their 90th and 100th birthdays know more than you, and more than all the scientists in the world combined.
Taken together and added up, these factors have created what amounts to the "High Health Capital of the Internet," the Longevity Zen of HealthShapetalk For Winning
Longevity Zen of Health
We can improve our world, one click, one page at a time.
If you agree to share, you will learn great wealth & wealth.
Your Shortcuts Way of Living Is Wisdom You Already Possess.
Your Longevity Zen of Health , wisdom proven by the long-lived.
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiplex levels of usefulness.
If you know to listen, comprehend powerful information, new to you.
Do you see two ears to one mouth meaning using ears twice as much?
These next few minutes of your life are likely to alter you forever. Focus.
When we obtain benefit from new facts, we get to our first level of wisdom.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, let’s remove your limits.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Don’t limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you’ve ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
Each PowerGem is an omnipotent, universal secret of your own Shortcuts Way of Living.
PowerGems stay hidden in plain sight, through all the millions of MisterShortcut pages.
We do not quit, at anything, because we failed. We fail as soon as we choose to quit.
One closing thought about a matter of great import to the Shortcuts Way of Living:
You already know that what goes around comes around, as in “What goes up…”
Click through to TheHungerSite, once for each day you get to live and breathe.
When you save dozens & then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
Delight in how profoundly and in many ways your life is quickly enriched.
You need not believe the Shortcuts Way of Living or any one human.
The best way to confirm or deny a fact is to replicate it, repeatedly.
Click through to TheHungerSite and related HELPING websites.
AnimalRescue and RainForest, ChildHealth, or LiteracySite.
Enjoy for yourself the sweet fruits of imitating champions.
As we all do, you will experience some of your life’s greatest feelings.
For applause, you can sign up at & tally your clickthroughs.
It's quite a feeling when you realize you have saved hundreds of lives.
You are smart enough to know that Newton's Law works consistently.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.
Join with the Shortcuts Way of Living, solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts,
universal shortcuts sweetly called “PowerGems.”
Use it, and enjoy. The Longevity Zen of Health was created for you by theGodfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and without a doubt YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding. Enjoy. It's all free for your life.
Healthy Shapetalk
High Health Shapetalk
Longevity Zen of Health
High health is high health, whatever you score,
humans living stronger usually tend to live more.
High health gives more, when it is wrapped in love,
high health is what good living will prove to be made of.
High health, grant us high health, for high health shows it all,
high health can stay optimistic even when processing that dark pall,
how we have lived and how we feel, when each us encounters the final wall.
High health is helpful, and high health sustains us, because health is our wealth,
and when all the assaying of true gold is done, we will see that wealth is health.
The Longevity Zen of Health is seeking to be your high health methods corner.
No need to accept the Longevity Zen of Health , help by doing your research.
The Longevity Zen of Health impels you to ape those who are doing better.
Who does the best knows the best, including folks living stronger longer.
These are role models for who embraces the Longevity Zen of Health.
High health is an earned fruit, high health is a payback for honest work.
High health is engendered by better decisions, high health has no wager.
Live your Longevity Zen of Health , happily, in promoting your high health.
No example of human mastery is found to have been attained, by accident.
This applies to the Longevity Zen of Health within you, dormant for too long.
Regain high health: Water, never-heated oil, bulk, air-dried sea salt, and probiotics.
These items are master secrets of the universe, working for many generations, unto today.
Study each of your Longevity Zen of Health HealthGems and their features, until memorized,
since every piece of useful wisdom you ever learn in a lifetime has multiple layers and meanings.
High health, higher health, and certainly the highest health, are provably attained intentionally, right?
Thus, you have no valid reason to excuse the mediocrity of your nutritional decisions that age us too quickly.
Since high health does require mastery, and mastery is intentional, YOUR high health comes from your decisions.
Invest into those opportunities for better decisions, living your own Longevity Zen of Health , intentionally, naturally.
Kindly remember to feed those who are hungrier than you by giving, at no cost to you.
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Shapetalk - Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Semi-Index - Just a taste of Shapetalk\
Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row,
the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY,
that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way.
You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.